Author Topic: New Account. New Alias. Nearly A New Year.  (Read 755 times)


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New Account. New Alias. Nearly A New Year.
« on: December 24, 2015, 07:40:52 AM »
So its pretty obvious by my username that I'm the same deranged bitch who used to post here all the time and wether you like it or not, I'm back.
Basically I'm bored cos my toyboy stopped calling me so ive got some free time before I attempt to get a life.

I'm trying to make some goals for next year so I can actually have something to look forward to so ill run em by yas n if ya wanna suggest anything or add comments feel free.

1: Gym Membership - basically I wanna get laid, and I don't wanna fuck an unfit, overweight, middle aged freak, so I'm going to assume that when it comes to potential future partners that the feeling is mutual.
Plus ive got high cholestrol, so the more time I spend on diet n excersize is less time smoking and eating fatty foods whilst sitting on my ass infront of the TV.

Giving Up Weed For Real - I've got a plethora of reasons why this should be a goal. Psychologically I'm addicted to the instant gratification ive been getting from weed since I was 12 so its always gon be a big issue considering ive been smoking it for 21 years but its doable. I gave up for 7 months this year and wasn't tempted even though there was weed available, but as soon as I had a toke, bang! My cannabanoid receptors took over and basically all fear of pschotic relapse went out the window in a puff of smoke. So, aside from gathering additional information about the impact of weed, nentally and physically, ive just gotta accept that I'm one of them people who cant fucking smoke it. Done!

Attempt To Write A Novel - I love writing, as you can tell from my long winded posts, and being that ive lead such a "colourful" life, from so many different aspects, I'm thinking, and rather ambitiously, that I could put these experiences together in a creative way, with hella embellishments, fantasy shit mixed with reality.
I'm kinda thinking like an Australian Urban Fiction meets Go Ask Alice cross memoir.
Anyway, I think I need to set a few other goals first, like completing Year 10 English then doing a Creative Writing course and maybe reading up on the structure of writing a novel, or short stories, or whatever.

Cleansing My Life Of Negatives - I'm not gonna get all self righteous, but I am gonna come off as a hater here.
Basically, ive got two great strengths which can also be my downfall.
I am able to endure a lot of shit and that is cos I have knowledge and experience with negativity. Its also because I have, throughout my life been exposed to the concept of self empowerment, through positive thinking and action.
The problem is, I don't like sugar coated shit and I am one person, incapable of controlling those around me who seek to have a negative impact on my life and tend to become frustrated and stagnant with constant upheaval.
But I can continue to seek new paths of prosperity, which is not always msnifested materially, but rather can be measured by ones sense of self worth and ability to be constructive.
So, I'm only taking positives on board.
I'm not carrying a dead weight, so to speak.
Got rid of all material that I find has a negative impact on my esteem and started tk become altruistic which is really motivatjng. Its like realising, I cant change certain things, but rather than succumb I'm going down the opposite path and trying to find where I may be a positive influence, if not in my own life then maybe someone elses.
Its way better than being a malicious, vindictive, bitter, downtrodden bitch, I can tell ya.
So I donate $200 a month to the World Food Program and after trying to bring awareness to the cause on social media ive decided I'm going to write a flyer and do a letterbox drop, of which I think I can get 3 flyers out of an A4 sheet, 20cents a sheet, 100 sheets = 300 flyers, total = $20
I just need to learn to write short, concise, facts that make an impact. Facts, statistics etc.
By the way you can check them out yourself if you have any desire to contribute to humanity by visiting their website

Anyway, then only other goal I have is to have af least 2 affairs, preferably locally, but I wouldn't mind taking a holiday n picking up a cutey, so well see, but I wasted pretty much 10years veing celibate to try and have respect for myself and feel wholesome and was pretty much treated like a slut anyway, so I figure I mayswell get something out of it and actually fuck around. No bastard give a fuck bout my integrity but me, and if I achieve the goal of ridding myself of negatives that means I'm not going to feed into any potential negativity that may arise from me getting my slut on.

Nuff Said.


Re: New Account. New Alias. Nearly A New Year.
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2015, 10:42:06 AM »


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Re: New Account. New Alias. Nearly A New Year.
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2015, 12:22:03 PM »

Hey cutie!!!
Hows that 28yr old Israelite ass of yours doing?
Do me a favor n wrap it in tinsel, tie a ribbon round ya pickle n airmail it to me.
My last toyboy jumped ship n I need a replacement.


Re: New Account. New Alias. Nearly A New Year.
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2015, 04:28:16 PM »

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

« Last Edit: January 13, 2016, 09:15:27 PM by Sccit »

Space RockStar SkyStalker Machine

Re: New Account. New Alias. Nearly A New Year.
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2016, 08:12:11 PM »

Space RockStar SkyStalker Machine

Re: New Account. New Alias. Nearly A New Year.
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2016, 02:34:36 PM »
This guy his big ass nose ebony baby