Author Topic: Peyton Manning sexually assaulted a woman in college.  (Read 1829 times)


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Re: Peyton Manning sexually assaulted a woman in college.
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2016, 06:57:13 PM »
All I really took from all of this is...

Brady > Manning.

I'll take 100 lawsuits accusing me of sex assault before I let my first born son have someone else's last name. Marshall Manning may be a big time QB one day. And I really hope little Jet Monyhan ends up being an NFL QB too. In fact it'd be nice if little Jet ends up marrying Peyton's daughter so the kid can finally have a real father in his life.

Hack Wilson - real

Re: Peyton Manning sexually assaulted a woman in college.
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2016, 07:09:15 PM »
All I really took from all of this is...

Brady > Manning.
Not Eli


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Re: Peyton Manning sexually assaulted a woman in college.
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2016, 07:21:53 PM »
All I really took from all of this is...

Brady > Manning.
Not Eli

1-3 in Championship games against Peyton.

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Re: Peyton Manning sexually assaulted a woman in college.
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2016, 12:20:29 PM »
This just sounds like some college prick stuff. I'm sure he did it, I'm sure it was covered up, and in a court of law I'm sure nothing would have came out of it. College standards are different than legal standards for sexual assault. In a college setting, and this might be why she won, you don't have to prove without a reasonable doubt, but instead only prove that more than likely it's sexual assault. But in the court of law you have to prove without a reasonable doubt someone is guilty. So if a court saw this and said, hey, more than likely this happened in the university did nothing, then she would win the case. But the same evidence and everything can be put in front of a court of law, and the judge could find Peyton not guilty because there needs to be more evidence to punish Peyton so bad that they'd lock him up.

I just hate how garbage like this gets called assault. It's a slap in the face to all the weapon that are pinned down and physically hurt during real sex assaults. It's a 27 year old blonde woman with dozens worth of incidents according to her hanging around a guys locker room.

I don't know why it's simply not a rule in universities that no opposite sex trainers are allowed in athletes locker rooms. It's asking for trouble.

After reading more into it, it looks like they had a confidentiality agreement, which Peyton himself broke. So basically this is being brought up because Peyton mentioned it somewhere.

Overall, this would be assault. Like I said, in a court of law, to put someone in jail over it, you need hard proof, proof that doesn't always exist. Like Kobe in Colorado, who knows what happens in that room but if something illegal did happen you can't prove it because there was no rape kit, there was no video and there was no eye witnesses. In this case, genital on the head is assault. But there is no video, the eye witnesses have a conflict of interest and there was no rape. But all the evidence says more than likely this happened, and even Peyton took a settlement instead of going through the college process, which would have found more than likely he did something.

So looking at everything, lets just say this, if Peyton was anyone else, he might have caught a case. But instead it looks like his dad had this covered up. At the same time, he brought it back up, and he now going to have to suffer the backlash. In the 90's, this was boys being boys. Bringing this back up now, this is clearly assault and he'll get judged for it.

On top of that, the "Asking for trouble" thing doesn't cut it. If Peyton is an adult, even at 19, then he needs to act like one. "Asking for trouble" is not a defense. That's a strawman argument that does no one any good.

If he did and he was so brazen as to bring it up again in the book and lie, then yes he has every right to be publicly shamed and his legacy as a public figure should be tainted.

But I'm also a strong believer in "asking for it". If I walk into a Mosque and start byzantine prayers I'm asking to get yelled at and thrown out. If I piss on a Quran I'm asking to be attacked. Why? Because you know the nature of the world you are entering. Just like if you walk into a church in rural Mexico or rural Greece on Easter and put your exposed dick on the virgin Mary's face you're asking for a beat down. These are simply the people you are dealing with. If someone did that right in front of me in my church I'd gladly grab him and drag him out of the church. People less mature than me would gladly beat him down.

I think we need to stop holding this insanely high view of the world for the sake of equality, which in itself is bullshit, because we aren't all equal. We're stronger, and weaker, and taller, and shorter, and smarter and dumber. It's human nature. Putting opposite sex trainers in teenagers locker rooms is asking for trouble, just like hiring a pedophile in a day care is (I must clarify I don't mean molester, or ex con who was criminally charged for touching kids). If someone comes to a daycare and says his sexual preference is children you simply don't hire him. because if he acts on it, its as much your fault as his. In my high school the male gym teachers were not allowed in the girls change room, and neither were any of the male students. Even now in adult Gyms across the fucking world there is a male change room and and female change room, and going into the other results in penalty and is not allowed, so why would you nit only allow but pay for opposite sex trainers to treat teenage boys in College's. I would never allow my teenage daughter to have her thigh massaged by a 27 year old man just because he went to school for sports therapy, just as I would never give inner thigh massages to teenage girls.

And fuck the law. I know the law says assault. Spitting on someone is assault, legally speaking. But both diminish the word assault and water it down to the point where real assault starts to lose its value.

Now, if Peyton's side is the truth than its nothing. Just a 19 year old trying to moon his buddy and a woman incidentally lifting her head up at the wrong time. Then the book just makes mention of the already publicized incident without naming her and only did so as an apology for his immaturity.

I don't know what is the truth and I don't care. I don't look to athletes as heroes or role models. Especially ones barely older than me.

She was a professional doing her job in sports medicine, and had this happen. She wasn't asking for it. Looking more into this, damn, if what people said is true, Manning was a complete and utter ass in college. He lied about giving teammates rides, he lied about her swearing a lot when his teammates said she never swore, and let's remember, he's 19 which is legally an adult. Also, I don't know about you but at 19 I was not trying to moon anyone with a woman present. In college, even then because I started college in 1999, that could be seen as sexual harassment. The whole story reeks of entitlement and Manning being an ass.

And because of the book, she lost her next job and has not found work in this field again. She sued and won money because of that.

I guess it's only fitting you bring religion into this with the amount of hero-worshiping going on here. A dick on the head is assault, it looks like this did happen, and even some of his teammates agreed it happened. The Mannings were able to clean it up, then Peyton still talked about it in his book.

Most of this steams it looks like from someone in the athletic department thinking she's a lesbian, then giving her the nickname Bumper because of her breast. So it looks like she was dealing with a hostel environment and the Manning part was just a little piece. And instead of denying what happened, the UofT wanted to blame a black athlete. This was crazy. UofT was completely in the wrong and Manning made things worse by putting it in his book.

Forget asking for it, UofT and Manning were asking this to bring them down.


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Re: Peyton Manning sexually assaulted a woman in college.
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2016, 01:54:17 PM »
I'm not hero worshipping shit. Fuck Manning. This is about you and people like you that want to believe one side over the other. I refuse to believe this woman was fired from a University because of one paragraph in one book where she went unnamed. And I refuse to take a Plaintiff's allegation sheet as a judgment or ruling on the case. Maybe she is right because if someone accused me of sitting on her face with my balls and I didn't I'd be taking heads off in court.

But that doesn't mean he's guilty. Her complaint in 2001 was different than 96. None of her witnesses were cross examined by the defense. It's perfectly logical to think given the time in Manning's career it was better to avoid a public trial and settle. Whatever our guts tell us don't mean shit. The law is the law. You follow it or not. But you can't convict if you ignore it.

And as for asking for it. Yes Peyton was asking for it when he put anything about it in his book after the settlement. But now it's in the open. I'm not sure what he can do now legally but I'd take action against  King and the paper if I were innocent.

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Re: Peyton Manning sexually assaulted a woman in college.
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2016, 02:28:37 PM »


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Re: Peyton Manning sexually assaulted a woman in college.
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2016, 04:24:04 PM »

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Re: Peyton Manning sexually assaulted a woman in college.
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2016, 09:10:30 PM »
I'm not hero worshipping shit. Fuck Manning. This is about you and people like you that want to believe one side over the other. I refuse to believe this woman was fired from a University because of one paragraph in one book where she went unnamed. And I refuse to take a Plaintiff's allegation sheet as a judgment or ruling on the case. Maybe she is right because if someone accused me of sitting on her face with my balls and I didn't I'd be taking heads off in court.

But that doesn't mean he's guilty. Her complaint in 2001 was different than 96. None of her witnesses were cross examined by the defense. It's perfectly logical to think given the time in Manning's career it was better to avoid a public trial and settle. Whatever our guts tell us don't mean shit. The law is the law. You follow it or not. But you can't convict if you ignore it.

And as for asking for it. Yes Peyton was asking for it when he put anything about it in his book after the settlement. But now it's in the open. I'm not sure what he can do now legally but I'd take action against  King and the paper if I were innocent.

This explains why you don't read my post. I said, in a university setting, you don't have to prove as much as a criminal trail. All you have to prove is that it likely happened, which this likely happened. In a criminal case, you better have the video evidence before you lock someone away. That's your disconnect with what I'm saying. I'm admitting there is no 100% way of knowing what really happened. But everything I've read on this, and even stuff you post points to more than likely Manning really messed up and put his junk on her face. That's assault. Interviews with the witnesses looks like it could have had enough eye witnesses to bring him to trail, but his dad helped him settle out of court.

And her being fired, even if there's more, this was what put everything over the edge and now she lost her job. And that's wrong. She had every right to sue the UofT and get the money she got. It has nothing to do with gold digging and everything to do with Manning costing her her livelihood. Everything played out the way it should have based on the evidence. So why is it being brought up? Because Robert Silverman brought it up before Shaun King, and used this old case to prove Manning isn't an innocent person....

This will not put Manning in jail, you can't be charged twice for the same crime. But this will expose the real Manning to the people. You maybe one of these men who would think it's okay to assault women. I'm not  sure.


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Re: Peyton Manning sexually assaulted a woman in college.
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2016, 04:36:56 AM »
He wasnt charged the first time with assault. What charged two times? And I hope they do charge so that all these witnesses can testify and see if anyone actually says he touched with his ass and balls. I hope they put her on the stand and ask her why she signed a sworn testimony in 96 making no mention of any touching then changed the story in 03 yo include touching.

If he did it he should be criminally punished but he should be socially punished based on one sided advocacy.

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Re: Peyton Manning sexually assaulted a woman in college.
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2016, 06:13:15 AM »
He wasnt charged the first time with assault. What charged two times? And I hope they do charge so that all these witnesses can testify and see if anyone actually says he touched with his ass and balls. I hope they put her on the stand and ask her why she signed a sworn testimony in 96 making no mention of any touching then changed the story in 03 yo include touching.

If he did it he should be criminally punished but he should be socially punished based on one sided advocacy.

A lot it's sealed. We know what we know from what people have reported. Who knows what was reported in 1996. But the law is the law, and you can't go to trail twice for the same crime or allegation. Most of 1996 seems to focus on more than Manning, that's not changing the story. In 2003 the focus was on Manning because he broke the agreement with his book, therefore the focus of that case was more on the Manning incident. Big difference.


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Re: Peyton Manning sexually assaulted a woman in college.
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2016, 06:41:10 AM »
A lot is sealed but a lot was reported in 1996 and Manning was never criminally charged. The guy who wrote the letter to him never said he sat on her face. The woman never said anything about him sitting on her face in 1996 in her deposition. And it wasn't breaking the agreement in the book it was defamation she sued for. If Manning had signed an agreement to not discuss the case it would have been an easy win in 2002 for her. But it wasn't. You also have to wonder why she wouldn't press criminal charged in 02 when she took him to court for defamation and accused him of sitting on her face with bare ass and testicles.

All I'm saying is there is more than enough to doubt both sides of the story and to just jump on one side is bias and not logical.

You can look up at least a dozen articles about this case in 96 and 2003. You can also look up the DRES report from 1996. It's not hard to find counter claims to her lawyers advocacy report.

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Re: Peyton Manning sexually assaulted a woman in college.
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2016, 09:38:56 AM »
A lot is sealed but a lot was reported in 1996 and Manning was never criminally charged. The guy who wrote the letter to him never said he sat on her face. The woman never said anything about him sitting on her face in 1996 in her deposition. And it wasn't breaking the agreement in the book it was defamation she sued for. If Manning had signed an agreement to not discuss the case it would have been an easy win in 2002 for her. But it wasn't. You also have to wonder why she wouldn't press criminal charged in 02 when she took him to court for defamation and accused him of sitting on her face with bare ass and testicles.

All I'm saying is there is more than enough to doubt both sides of the story and to just jump on one side is bias and not logical.

You can look up at least a dozen articles about this case in 96 and 2003. You can also look up the DRES report from 1996. It's not hard to find counter claims to her lawyers advocacy report.

Like mentioned before, the 1996 case Manning was just one example of 22 of incidents that caused her a hostel work environment. The suit wasn't against Manning, it was against the University, which the University settled and everything was suppose to be sealed and a settlement was reached. The 2003 case was a result of Manning writing about it in his book, and then she sued Manning for breaking the agreement which cost her her job and harm, so the Manning incident was just drove into further.


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Re: Peyton Manning sexually assaulted a woman in college.
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2016, 06:36:52 PM »
A lot is sealed but a lot was reported in 1996 and Manning was never criminally charged. The guy who wrote the letter to him never said he sat on her face. The woman never said anything about him sitting on her face in 1996 in her deposition. And it wasn't breaking the agreement in the book it was defamation she sued for. If Manning had signed an agreement to not discuss the case it would have been an easy win in 2002 for her. But it wasn't. You also have to wonder why she wouldn't press criminal charged in 02 when she took him to court for defamation and accused him of sitting on her face with bare ass and testicles.

All I'm saying is there is more than enough to doubt both sides of the story and to just jump on one side is bias and not logical.

You can look up at least a dozen articles about this case in 96 and 2003. You can also look up the DRES report from 1996. It's not hard to find counter claims to her lawyers advocacy report.

Like mentioned before, the 1996 case Manning was just one example of 22 of incidents that caused her a hostel work environment. The suit wasn't against Manning, it was against the University, which the University settled and everything was suppose to be sealed and a settlement was reached. The 2003 case was a result of Manning writing about it in his book, and then she sued Manning for breaking the agreement which cost her her job and harm, so the Manning incident was just drove into further.

32 incidents. And balls on your head is a key fact that should not be left out of an affidavit you sign. I have seen no document that Manning signed any agreement in 1996/97. He signed an agreement in 03 and that was used to sue him again in 2005 for a news report she and her layers claim broke that agreement.

And what I said about it being criminal, is that if you take her 2003 account of it as factual then she had more than enough evidence to have filed a sex assault case against Manning in 03. It just doesn't all add up for me.

But what I am certain of is  that most people that are reporting it now are reporting it with the intent to go after Manning and not the intent to uncover the truth.


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