Author Topic: Poème  (Read 618 times)

Ebony Zebedee

  • Guest
« on: October 27, 2016, 11:57:04 PM »
Victimizing victims for talking about abuse
Then telling them to seek cousel so the abuser can bask in what they do
Inciting violence against the defenceless in demonstrations of pure pain
Glorification of the horrific nature of men who are not sane
Sedating the sadist intentions with masks of illict drugs
That create a sendentary dependence but dont disable thugs
Mocking the good conscience of those who consciously seek good
Humiliating humility with boastings of burning wood
Carved what was perfection into an idol of pure sin
And apparently it's lame if you do not seek to fit in
Tired of the misleading advice meant to make you vulnerable
Exhausted of the investment in corrupted cultures calling upon
For the disenfranchised to excersize their will to live
Every faculty and facility facilitates the lies they give
As explanations for defamation and degradation of the few
Who choose to, with integrity, disengage from untruths
Polite retaliations such as objections and refusals
Are taken as if they were threats against the teachers and  the pupils
Declining to consent is punishable by law
And refusing to accept makes expectations so unsure
Deliberately dismissing their vanity and ego
To embark upon healthy pursuits rather than seek to be regal
Monetary obligations in an effort to accrue
A sense of safety and security that you rob of the abused.