Author Topic: India: A Country Ran By **** *****  (Read 2448 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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India: A Country Ran By **** *****
« on: November 19, 2016, 10:59:54 PM »
Besides how corrupt their government is, their inefficient political system of having hundreds of parties all different in each state. Hardly having a national language and most of their population being shady schemers. I don't know any foreigner that likes being here. The ones that do are typically the outcasts that couldn't socially assimilate at home. Since they're 'rare' foreigners, people here just want to be friends with them and because they have somewhat more money.

Its a pretty shitty country, not everyone is bad but most are. Similar to how most Mainland chinese have no manners, rude, and are extremely self-centered. Again not all but most.

They use their left hand to shit, everything is unsanitary, including food prep. They have no idea how to run a restaurant only to their cultural standards. Everything is fucking dirty as fuck.

And to assimilate to their country's taste, everything is basically indian food, doesn't matter if it says "italian, american, chinese," or what not. Its fucking ridiculous, and the people here think they're eating other ethnic foods but really they're just eating Indian food, which only encourages their ignorance.

They have no idea what a burger is but they're elite status way of thinking (ridiculous as some boast salary wages of a the lowest McDonalds employee and at the same time claiming their country is the best in the world).

Everything is made out of chicken, they don't eat beef & pork because of religious reasons while kids and adults go starving. Not to mention the cows, pigs, goats just eat garbage all day.

Smells like shit everywhere because of open sewers, god I just have to vent at least once every time I come here. The 'rich' or middle class or whatever are so pretentious and rude, they would NEVER be able to assimilate in the 1st World because of how privileged they feel because they're more wealthier and are in a higher caste/class that's been in place since the middle ages.

Like nah bitch, you live in india hoe, you dirty as fuck and everyone in the world views you that way. Stop thinking your privileged and treat all others with fucking respect you stupid bitch.

These guys are worst than the worst racist criminal groups in the boonies of US. All at the same time they live in their own little world thinking they're great but in reality, everyone looks at them in disgust for wiping their shit with their bare hands and taking shits in public at the beaches (DO NOT SWIM ON THE BEACHES IN INDIA, ITS A BIG TOILET)

Ah, I do feel better after getting all that shit out.

Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention what made me snap in the first place, the fucking idiot of a prime minister and his dumb fuck advisors just immediately abolished their main type of Currency Notes over night without ANY TYPE OF CLEAR PLAN, NOR PRINTING ENOUGH MONEY BEFORE abolishing their main denominations of MONEY?

Not to mention retarded superstition. Women can't go to work on certain days because if they're on their period they'll bring bad luck, women need some type of permit to work over night. Its fucking ridiculous, not to mention I have people telling me to stop eating chicken because its bad for my health?

Like aye dumb fuck, You really think those near rotten apples and fruits are good? You're fake malnutrition vegetarian diet? If you don't eat enough chickpeas for damn sure you're not getting enough proper protein here.

Its fucking ridiculous and people are uneducated, they have the tenacity to tell me what to do even though they're completely wrong. These are the same idiots that go spend their money on health scams rather than going to hospitals and get proven treatment.

I have one staff member asking to lend money to put oil in their fucking ear so that it can heal and she doesn't have to use a hearing aid anymore. A FUCKING OIL?

By the time this country gets on pair my corpse would be 500 years old or if ever. I mean essentially nothing has changed over 2000 years in most aspects.

I mean god, no wonder the fucking persians and mongols never conquered this place, they were like "fuck this dirty shit".  Not to mention They complain so much about British rule, shit the only reason they're somewhat modernized IS BECAUSE OF BRITISH RULE.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2016, 11:20:52 PM by LooN3y »

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


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Re: India: A Country Ran By **** *****
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2016, 07:17:17 AM »
^So much whining, so much ignorance.

India treated me great, but maybe that's because they have a reverence for the vertically challenged :)



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Re: India: A Country Ran By **** *****
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2016, 10:13:02 AM »
^So much whining, so much ignorance.

India treated me great, but maybe that's because they have a reverence for the vertically challenged :)


lol at ignorance, this place isn't an ideal place to live. I've been coming here for 7 years, people are just damn shady over here. How long have you been coming here and how often?

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


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Re: India: A Country Ran By **** *****
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2016, 10:13:41 AM »
not to mention you didn't even touch on any of the subjects I addressed, shows how much you know about the country.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


Re: India: A Country Ran By **** *****
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2016, 10:20:58 AM »
Do u at least get the laker channel over there?


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: India: A Country Ran By **** *****
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2016, 07:25:25 PM »
Do u at least get the laker channel over there?

via reddit via youtube live.

:*( but i can't watch it all t he time, I sleep at the office. (1. because sleeping at the hilton and/or sheraton isn't really affordable for 2 months on end 2. I have access to hi-speed internet here)

but man, I have to deal with office problems, This one family that the company had sponsored for a long time, the mom has always stolen (she's our cleaning lady), I told the office manager to deal with it appropriately, (The mom and the family always talk "I talk to boss, i talk to boss" the owner of the company, but I had a talk with him this shit aint gonna fly anymore).

The company always paid for they're rent and the kids school tuition, now we're going through hard times. We can't afford to expense money like that so the kids, since they are grown we had them work for us.

One kid we still pay his college tuition here, Just found out he hasn't took his last 6-7 exams, while we're still paying and having financial issues, not to mention we had him work part time and he didn't come in because he was "studying".

The other kid, she constantly tried to find jobs else where, but she has a hearing problem. In which our company bought her a hearing aid, she started working for us and refused to wear the hearing aid because of vanity. How the hell is she going to retain a job if she can't hear anything and takes a day off every week?

We deal with sensitive material for out clients and if she doesn't know what she's doing she can fuck shit up, and Indians have a real bad habit of saying yes even though its a no. So it'll be like "YES I UNDERSTAND" when in reality they don't at all.

Not to mention she took every friday off because she was "sick", and until I came she didn't even announce ahead of time or even call in after she decides to the day off.

I've been coming here for 7 years, they've been sponsored for much longer than that. They don't give a shit, all they care about is themselves. They don't appreciate shit, they just take advantage like money grows off trees because we're foreigners. It shows they don't have any type of broad aspect of things.

I fucking work my ass off, and we give these guys basically get free money, although because of the exchange rate it goes a much longer way but $200 dollars per month? Thats a pretty expensive expense, an expense because they're supposed to work or at least try to their best ability but I don't think thats the case.

They got too used to getting free money, which I would of never done because I know how people would take advantage of these things. They get free money and their mom still steals from the office? I got staff here now putting away their shit eveyrtime they leave the desk because money has gone missing.

This  type of shit is so common, I hate it here. The other day a restaurant tried to give me abolished money, like why the fuck would you do that to a foreign customer, you think I would come again?

Thinking that Oh, he's a foreigner he might not know. They recently abolished the $500, and $1000 rupee as i mentioned above which Heinz, probably couldn't evaluate at all or bother to read considering his response. So they try to get rid of it to a foreigner hoping that they won't know? What makes you think that traveller  would enjoy coming back to this country? This shit is everywhere here, yes its a developing country, but have some fucking decency.

They really can't complain when people talk shit about this place when they continue to do shit like that. Its improved since I first came here, but only a person that has been coming here consistently for 7 years can really see the change.

I wouldn't suggest coming here, If you do make sure you double check your prices online (even the tourists guides, they will rip you off and take you to their 'family' shops and have you ripped off there as well) and staying the hotels. Theres nothing really out there, beaches are toilets. Remember that, I had one guy swimming the beaches before I could say anything. Until he saw them pooping and having the waves wash away their poop.


Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


Re: India: A Country Ran By **** *****
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2016, 11:00:55 PM »
I hope u at least makin good money for all that


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Re: India: A Country Ran By **** *****
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2016, 10:01:10 AM »
not to mention you didn't even touch on any of the subjects I addressed, shows how much you know about the country.

It shows nothing but your assumptive ignorance of what I know or not.
Good luck with that attitude of yours, great way to view the world!

Go to the Kapaleeshwarar Temple in Chennai and ask about me!


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: India: A Country Ran By **** *****
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2017, 12:19:39 PM »
not to mention you didn't even touch on any of the subjects I addressed, shows how much you know about the country.

It shows nothing but your assumptive ignorance of what I know or not.
Good luck with that attitude of yours, great way to view the world!

Go to the Kapaleeshwarar Temple in Chennai and ask about me!

Its not assumptive, you can't speak on any of these things because i doubt you even went to India. But nice try with the temple. Yeah i've seen it but no one ever goes near that crap.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


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Re: India: A Country Ran By **** *****
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2017, 07:48:39 AM »
not to mention you didn't even touch on any of the subjects I addressed, shows how much you know about the country.

It shows nothing but your assumptive ignorance of what I know or not.
Good luck with that attitude of yours, great way to view the world!

Go to the Kapaleeshwarar Temple in Chennai and ask about me!

Its not assumptive, you can't speak on any of these things because i doubt you even went to India. But nice try with the temple. Yeah i've seen it but no one ever goes near that crap.

Again more assumptions and even more ignorance...
Try again my friend.

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: India: A Country Ran By **** *****
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2017, 02:58:35 AM »
Sounds like a crap hole. I remember you taking about this place a few years back.


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Re: India: A Country Ran By **** *****
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2017, 11:31:55 AM »
Sounds like a crap hole. I remember you taking about this place a few years back.

Of course it sounds like a crap hole from the perspective of an igorant person.