Author Topic: How do U put perfectly intact samples into FruityLoops?  (Read 111 times)


  • Lil Geezy
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How do U put perfectly intact samples into FruityLoops?
« on: April 29, 2003, 05:21:13 PM »
ok... today i put Nuttin but a g thang into Fruityloops, but it got cut into 64 beat samples. How do i slice the part of da song i want all together? How do i make it sound better...(i can't hear the flutes and snare dat well?) and if i can't download da whole section and i get 50 beat slices for all songs... how do i make the song sound synchronized? the slices pause in between each one.

Also, what are good programs that i can record my voice and freestyle on?... i heard of Cake Walk!... and can I put my audio freestyles into fruityloops and if not, how do I put them together?
Fuk haterz and keep downing em Heinekins