Author Topic: a poem of mine called glory glory to the Lord  (Read 1058 times)

queen 187killumcub

a poem of mine called glory glory to the Lord
« on: February 25, 2018, 11:41:37 PM »
Glory glory to the Lord
where He climbs inside
where His presence shall ever be
where I want to be
I seen a man get killed
but what they dont understand
is once he was gone
he became an angel not a man'
glory glory to the Lord
let his blessings flow
let the pain run free
let the tears go
and when he died God caught
him in his arms
well done child I will set you free
glory glory to the Lord
and when his body was laid
and all the preperations made
then he became an angel set free
glory glory set me free
suge when will accept
your angel wings
glory glory to Him above
all things
your boyz ran into me once
I was set free once
so when you decide to follow the Lord
you will be set free
Glory Glory to the Lord
Glory Glory to the Lord

Space RockStar SkyStalker Machine

Re: a poem of mine called glory glory to the Lord
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2018, 03:41:44 AM »
Sounds like the Holy Spirit

With a big ass head Jesus