Author Topic: A pic of me my mom and dad b4 he died  (Read 3361 times)


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Re: A pic of me my mom and dad b4 he died
« Reply #45 on: October 05, 2002, 10:49:04 AM »
And Phiasko...Don't try acting like u actually know me...I've seen u like twice in my whole life, and I've seen ure girlfriend only once...And really, right now, I wanna knock your fuckin head off, cuz you just admited you talk shit behind my back like a lil bitch...And I know for sure you talk shit behind peoples backs, cuz u talk shit on Roccy all the time...U always talk shit about roccy on AIM, so dont even try claiming u aint that type of person...PeACe
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


Re: A pic of me my mom and dad b4 he died
« Reply #46 on: October 05, 2002, 11:57:37 AM »
first of all, i didn't ask danielle to stand up for me, i can do that on my own, she just read what was going on and wanted to put in her two cents, that was her own idea, so i was like fine. Second of all, if you got advice for someone, you dont say it on a site where abunch of people are gonna read it, you dont put people on blast like that and make em feel bad. And about talking shit behind peoples backs, i dont. The people im cool with, i kick it with em all the time and we cool like that and we dont talk shit and i dont talk shit. If i dont like someone, im not gonna call them up and say lets kick it or whatever, but im not gonna talk shit to their face and act like an asshole, ima keep the peace, but i would just rather not be aorund that person, thers no need for intensity between me and someone else. I talk shit about peopl i dont like. But sorry, i didn't mean to say talk shit, becuz i dont have a whole lot against you. And i dont have anything against roccy, i think he's a nice guy, but everyone has character flaws... you, me, roccy, danielle, everyone! All i've ever talked with to you about roccy may be some character flaws, and you've agreed with me, and even have your own input, and it goes vice versa for when i've talked to roccy... so in a sense everyone is like that. Also, Rob doesn't even have a studio, so he was just saying that, like i said, to keep the peace and not be an asshole. The shit we talk behind your back isn't like, "oh i dont like sccit" and shit like that, its just funny shit about you. Why dont you take example from roccy tho, look, im sure he got pissed the fuck off at what danielle said right now, but he held it in (like a man) and dealt with it respectfully, cause he has that quality. You have no control of your emotions and thoughts, and one day your gonna suffer for that. And as for knocking me out? I'd like to see you try the next time you see me.... you'd be lucky to be alive in the hospital after that shit, even if i didn't kick your ass right then and there, so watch what you say.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
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Re: A pic of me my mom and dad b4 he died
« Reply #47 on: October 05, 2002, 12:12:33 PM »
+ link=board=anything;num=1033617757;start=40#46 date=10/05/02 at 16:57:37]first of all, i didn't ask danielle to stand up for me, i can do that on my own, she just read what was going on and wanted to put in her two cents, that was her own idea, so i was like fine. Second of all, if you got advice for someone, you dont say it on a site where abunch of people are gonna read it, you dont put people on blast like that and make em feel bad. And about talking shit behind peoples backs, i dont. The people im cool with, i kick it with em all the time and we cool like that and we dont talk shit and i dont talk shit. If i dont like someone, im not gonna call them up and say lets kick it or whatever, but im not gonna talk shit to their face and act like an asshole, ima keep the peace, but i would just rather not be aorund that person, thers no need for intensity between me and someone else. I talk shit about peopl i dont like. But sorry, i didn't mean to say talk shit, becuz i dont have a whole lot against you. And i dont have anything against roccy, i think he's a nice guy, but everyone has character flaws... you, me, roccy, danielle, everyone! All i've ever talked with to you about roccy may be some character flaws, and you've agreed with me, and even have your own input, and it goes vice versa for when i've talked to roccy... so in a sense everyone is like that. Also, Rob doesn't even have a studio, so he was just saying that, like i said, to keep the peace and not be an asshole. The shit we talk behind your back isn't like, "oh i dont like sccit" and shit like that, its just funny shit about you. Why dont you take example from roccy tho, look, im sure he got pissed the fuck off at what danielle said right now, but he held it in (like a man) and dealt with it respectfully, cause he has that quality. You have no control of your emotions and thoughts, and one day your gonna suffer for that. And as for knocking me out? I'd like to see you try the next time you see me.... you'd be lucky to be alive in the hospital after that shit, even if i didn't kick your ass right then and there, so watch what you say.

whatever dude...U know u talk shit all the time, so dont even try making excuses...I hope ure getting ure little adrenaline rush out of this shit ure doing, cuz I know I aint getting nothing out of it...As for Roccy, dont act like hes all cool now, cuz u talk so much damn shit about him man...and of course he's not gunna get mad at Danielle, she didnt even say anything bad to/about him...Plus Roccy never has my back, so It's nothing new to me...And I dont belive in hitting a man with glasses, but if u wanna throw it down, than lets do it, cuz I've knocked out people 10 times your size...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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Re: A pic of me my mom and dad b4 he died
« Reply #48 on: October 05, 2002, 12:17:34 PM »
and dawg...If u dont like me, all u gotta do is tell me...It's not like I'm forcing u to be cool with me...If u think Im immature or whatever, just tell me man...Thats all u gotta do, and we can keep it cool...I can easily tell u dont like me and Roccy, cuz we acted imature with u and shit...We was like clowns, but it aint like that anymore...I'm to laid back right now to clown on people like I used to...I've changed a whole lot since last time uve seen me...and like I said, if u dont like me, if u dont like chillin with me, if u dont like talking to me, all u gotta do is say so, and I wont bug you anymore...PeAce
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


Re: A pic of me my mom and dad b4 he died
« Reply #49 on: October 05, 2002, 12:28:43 PM »
aite whatever im done... i dont hate you, and i dont hate roccy... if you dont wanna talk to me or if you decide now that you hate me, then fine thats your choice, but now that i've gotten all that out, im done and im one that believes in forgiving and forgeting... you got character flaws, and i got character (and physical) flaws too, i aint denying that. The only point i wanted to get in your head in the first place was what i said to you in my first post on this thread, i didn't expect it to turn into all this. But whatever, this is over, ill just stay outa your way for a while and let you cool off from all this, and let myself forget about it. im not pussying out of this, its just stupid and it will never get anywhere. im out ... one.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
Please visit to download/listen to quality beats and remixes produced but Phiasko.[/glow]
Naz-T - Frontline LP (Coming Soon)
Produced by: Phiasko



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Re: A pic of me my mom and dad b4 he died
« Reply #50 on: October 05, 2002, 12:50:46 PM »
fuck all this hating shit..We all gotta keep it coo, but phiasko hes right, we acted like clowns, we aint like that no more, we was in 9th grade I mean come on lol..peace out
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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>:(Re: A pic of me my mom and dad b4 he died
« Reply #51 on: October 05, 2002, 01:21:01 PM »
you guys went a ruined a good thread... all of you that.. started beefing should be ashamed of yourself.....  >:(
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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Re:  >:(A pic of me my mom and dad b4 he died
« Reply #52 on: October 05, 2002, 03:11:36 PM »
you guys went a ruined a good thread... all of you that.. started beefing should be ashamed of yourself.....  >:(

i'll second that, you guys wanna argue you shud of at least respected tinman and made a new thread or settled this over AIM or whatever.  On the real's your all not really nice people.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


Re: A pic of me my mom and dad b4 he died
« Reply #53 on: October 05, 2002, 05:20:22 PM »
That's messed what happened to your dad man.

LOL @ the hair
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
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Re: A pic of me my mom and dad b4 he died
« Reply #54 on: October 05, 2002, 06:26:28 PM »
First of all i would like to thank everyone that gave me thier thoughts, it really means alot to me, and i mean that. its nice to see that ppl i dont even know care so much, means there is good in the world. but i have to second what pimp said, u all ruined a pretty good thread on stupid BS, seems to happen all the time
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


Re: A pic of me my mom and dad b4 he died
« Reply #55 on: October 05, 2002, 07:59:09 PM »
i apologize, its my fault... you know how it is though when you get caught up in stupid b.s... i'll try to make it up to ya'll tho in another post. Again, I'm sorry.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
Please visit to download/listen to quality beats and remixes produced but Phiasko.[/glow]
Naz-T - Frontline LP (Coming Soon)
Produced by: Phiasko



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Re: A pic of me my mom and dad b4 he died
« Reply #56 on: October 05, 2002, 08:06:37 PM »
its all good homie. i really appriciate ur comments, they meant alot to me. and when u were talkin shit to sccit u were jus tryin to back me up so i dont fault u dog, its all good
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »