Author Topic: Voices  (Read 2817 times)


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« on: August 21, 2019, 11:06:55 PM »
Voices tellin me I’m gunna be a slave
They gunna force me to do this sickest fuckin shit
Beyond depraved
Then other times they ask for help
A different voice this time
I’m paralyzed by fear, frustration and doubt as I sympathize
Sometimes they say they gunna hack my leg off while I’m alive
Then there’s threats of whoredom after they break me in countless times
Sometimes they just repeat my thoughts with malice, might and hate
Then there’s all the little reminders of why one would justify my fate
Sometimes they’re White Supremacists
Sometimes their friends from youth
Sometimes they sound like family
Others times they are aloof
They talk bout surgery with no pain relief
Plying out my teeth
That classic gangster move cutting toes off of my feet
I googled how to cope with abuse
One suggestion was to laugh
And I’ll admit I am deranged enough to get a Giggle out this farce
I’m pretty bloody certain one of you creeps reading this poem
Hopes all this shit happens to this weak lil cunt named BONeZ
Plenty people find joy in pain
Until it’s their ass up for grabs
Then all of sudden develop morals
That’s how I know you cunts been had
I just figure
I can’t stop it
So don't worry bout the shit
It’s hardly fuckin original when you’re all reading the same script