Author Topic: When Does It End?  (Read 556 times)

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When Does It End?
« on: September 05, 2020, 03:59:31 AM »
When does it end? Or are we only just beginning to unleash a new "Final Solution"?
I'm getting the strongest instinctual vibes at this moment that we're all being mislead through constant distraction and we're all being desensitized through the incremental impositions on freedoms that we can't see the inevitable ever present reality that looms over us.
The ONLY thing Trump has achieved in his Presidency is make evident the support for White Supremacy in Western society. His Presidency has had a flow on effect in all Western cultures, countries, cities, towns and elsewhere in that we are now unable to shield our eyes from the danger and injustice.
I hear the words "We've been telling you for years!!!" running through my mind as I type this and I too am not immune to the apathy many whites have felt and practiced in terms of oppression and our dependence on it in order to live in our privileged bubbles of normality.
I want to know why, now, now that it is so evident, why doesn't the majority speak out?
Is it fear? Do you not care? Do you hate those who identify differently than you?
Are we all so selfish we can't see how we're condoning abuse through silence?
Are we seriously going to scapegoat those who challenge this pecking order by assassinating their character and demonizing their entire network?
Because we want to live comfortably, free from criticism? Free from guilt? Free from the responsibility we owe our fellow men? With no thought for their suffering?
I'm asking.
I'm asking because I honestly don't have all the answers. I want to appeal to peoples better nature and nurture or foster that part of us that has empathy. That embraces guilt in an attempt to amend. That selfless side. The side that sees suffering and demands change.
Shall I appeal to your ego? You do realise that if we as a majority allow this mentality to fester in society we too are at risk of the same dehumanizing effects of White Supremacy. Does that disturb you? Enough to speak out? Enough to challenge the authority that seeks to disinherit you of your basic rights?
It's coming.
None of this is coincidence. It has been specifically crafted for the benefit of the few and it effects us all. Some more so than others. It's real. It's happening. And here I sit, distracted

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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Re: When Does It End?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2020, 12:44:12 PM »
Yeah I don't think it's going to end anytime soon for most of the world.  This has a lot to do with "population control".  Which is a euphemism (more politically correct term) for eugenics.

I think there will be some more rural areas that might still be able to engage in normal life because they are already "depopulated".  Point is--our New World Lord and Sovereign Sir William (Bill) Gates is executing his vision for the future and he considers the old model for the way cities used to look, and the way humans (who are now his loyal subjects) behaved socially is outdated.  He wants most everything on a digital grid and digital platform in which he can control.

So King William (Bill) Gates is reshaping the future.  And by the way Lord Gates came from a wealthy and influential family that was historically involved in the eugenics movement.  Enjoy your enslavement and always remember to obey your government and health officials--wear your muzzles and socially distance.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2020, 12:47:44 PM by Infinite Trapped in 1996 »
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)

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Re: When Does It End?
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2020, 04:22:35 PM »
Yeah this has a lot to do with "population control".  Which is a euphemism (more politically correct term) for eugenics.

"depopulated".  Point is--our New World Lord and Sovereign Sir William (Bill) Gates is executing his vision for the future

So King William (Bill) Gates is reshaping the future.  And by the way Lord Gates came from a wealthy and influential family that was historically involved in the eugenics movement.  Enjoy your enslavement and always remember to obey your government and health officials--wear your muzzles and socially distance.

King William can kiss my Lilly White Snatch


Re: When Does It End?
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2020, 08:42:06 AM »
It ends when the people says it does. Civil disobedience achieves groundbreaking results per country, but on a wider global scale it can have a positive historical impact the likes of which we have never seen before.

I don't believe it's about population control directly, I just think that is a mere by-product of a lust for money, which in today's age has to come from a transformation into a new technocracy. The book titled The Age of Surveillance Capitalism gives good insight into how and why and I read this last year along and we've all heard of Industry 4.0 for nearly a decade now. Our data and our behaviours, what our interests are, our spending habits, our personalities, and having them tracked and measured 24/7 is highly profitable for large corporations. In order to maximise this profit however, surveillance is a large part of it as 'behavioural modification' is the next big step. It's why we see 'track and trace' systems being deployed in many countries, AI tech and 5G will help facilitate this. This "virus" enables a global shift into this new world. 

Unfortunately it's always a promised Utopia to help usher us into any new world, that turns out no better than the one before it. Bill Gates is just like any other shrewd business man, heavily invested in pharmaceutical companies, so his philanthropist lifestyle enables him to essentially 'buy' policies, which enable many European countries to hand over their citizens tax money to companies like P&G, AstraZeneca etc. for them to research and develop a vaccine for a viral infection no more deadlier than influenza / flu. But what it does, is it drives up the share price, so that all of those players that got the early leg up on where to stack their money, will see their portfolios rise significantly. Once they have a vaccine, the tax payer again gets charged to have a vaccine that 'they' helped develop. It is theft and shifting money to for-profit corporations. It happens and has happened for centuries. Nothing new, but make no mistake, this new world they want to create has many many players in different industries, and there will be a lot of in-fighting.

I'd try to remain positive and upbeat where you can. This situation probably only has a shelf life of about another year anyway
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