Lifestyle > Train of Thought

What NO ONE is Saying About The Lockdowns

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Skante Warrior Dale Gribble - NoFX:
Abdulla your black aas is too pale to get through her side door but she will meet up bruh.

Proc pka KP:

--- Quote from: Sikotic™ on December 06, 2020, 03:40:07 AM ---Infinite, my dude. How you holding up? I know we may not have seen eye-to-eye in the past over some dumb shit which I gotta apologize for. And honestly, I was much more immature and foolish at the time. You go through life and things change. You hit your 30s and shit just hits a lil more different.

I just wanna say it is nice to see another free thinker who doesn't just get spoon fed BS like a lot of the other sheep. Much respect.

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Pussy ass Puss you're so scared of Skitt. You ran from him and then called your lawyer. There's actually a video. You got no traction on trying to sue Skitt either. Pussy ass puss.

Proc pka KP:

--- Quote from: Skante Warrior Dale Gribble - NoFX on January 18, 2021, 11:33:02 AM ---Abdulla your black aas is too pale to get through her side door but she will meet up bruh.

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Calling Infinite Black or Abdullah is like calling the Miami Heat good. I wish someone would ban your retarded punk ass.


--- Quote from: Sccit on January 04, 2021, 10:24:44 AM ---

i coulda sworn u were still a regular poster here

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Hadn't logged in since 2016.

--- Quote from: Infinite Trapped in 1996 on January 03, 2021, 09:57:14 PM ---Left-handed compliment but hey, I'll take it.  Props!  And welcome back to the forum.

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Yeah, that wasn't very nice. Thing is, the line that has been drawn now is way beyond any petty stuff that might have happened in the past. It's even way beyond political affiliations, left, right, whatever.. People like you will be labeled white supremacist domestic terrorists for opposing the vaxx regime, no matter who you are, simple as that. You too Sik, lol, not kidding!

Get out of the cities folks, if the BLM insanity of last year was any indicator of how they can rile up the masses you want to be part of a delf-reliant rural community, nothing else.

Oh, and check for the absolute best commentary on the ways of world. Try not to get your feelings hurt though.

See you on the frontlines! 1

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96':

--- Quote from: Fraxxx on August 21, 2021, 08:20:13 AM ---Hadn't logged in since 2016.

Yeah, that wasn't very nice. Thing is, the line that has been drawn now is way beyond any petty stuff that might have happened in the past. It's even way beyond political affiliations, left, right, whatever.. People like you will be labeled white supremacist domestic terrorists for opposing the vaxx regime, no matter who you are, simple as that. You too Sik, lol, not kidding!

Get out of the cities folks, if the BLM insanity of last year was any indicator of how they can rile up the masses you want to be part of a delf-reliant rural community, nothing else.

Oh, and check for the absolute best commentary on the ways of world. Try not to get your feelings hurt though.

See you on the frontlines! 1

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yeah I'm kind of a city guy.. it's hard for me to make it in the town and rural life, and the people there don't really embrace me.  But that is the direction things are heading in.. you are lucky if you were already part of a nice rural community before all the Illuminati hit.. if you were in the right spot things would of pretty much stayed the same even though rest of world is on lock


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