Author Topic: PropheticPhdDissertations - 2012  (Read 180 times)


PropheticPhdDissertations - 2012
« on: January 09, 2021, 07:55:05 PM »
Prophetic PHD Dissertations Featuring Sinclair

I sit and ponder the diagnosis of the professor emeritus
even though i'm sick my spit is rich in omega-3 and omega-6
some of my best work provides relief if your chest hurts
the leading lyrical expert, do you recollect my next verse?
my home remedies release Unknown memories
even though we have never met, you already remember me
Medicare Advantage Part C combines both Part A and Part B
some plans allow you to add prescription drug coverage in Part D
hospital coverage from Part A only covers you partly
added benefits can be found in Volume III called Part E
rhymes literally realign the neck and spine
usually instantly with no waiting periods or stress applied
a plasma that brings relief to the back
when my raps come in contact with the chest they counter act asthma attacks
when you listen the rhythm invigorates the immune system
this is due to medicinal sentences written with true wisdom
a acidic astringent administered with surgical syringes at emergency surgery centers
a antiseptic to the skeptic
that cured those who were dyslexic in patients tested

Alumni Federation
my voice box echos violet vibrations
no need for a combination of medications
sound waves soothe and induces sedation in my patients
I recite body restoration throughout the entire nation
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations

Alumni Federation
my voice box echos violet vibrations
no need for a combination of medications
sound waves soothe and induces sedation in my patients
I recite body restoration throughout the entire nation
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations

Would I be able to focus
if I was just approached with a multiple sclerosis diagnosis?
or some other hypothesis presented by a neurologist?
No, I would dismiss it as incompetence
then go and seek the expertise of a prophetess
If her revelation was for me to seek medication
just as previous patients
I would undergo neurologic disorder treatment without any hesitation
placed in a control group at my leisure
given placebos being tested for epileptic seizures
then onto the treatment group
next comes the actual surgical procedures
there could be side effects, behold
they could damage my cognitive processing if they probe the frontal lobe
turning me into Neo or Jobe
my brain could continuously scroll numbers and letters of jumbled code
what if I were diagnosed with ALS, Autism, or Cerebral Palsy
or even all three?
mentally it would be like viewing a small plant and seeing a tall tree
taking dopamine makes me thinner and I experience Parkinson's tremors
I shake like a gust of wind blows on me during the cold of winter
I'm concerned about my mental capacity and my memory centers
as I write this university researchers have just entered
to start, i'll be studied for smell and taste disorders by neuroscientist
they are trying to reschedule but I won't, I told them today only, I insist
based on stimulation my brain will form new connections
they say brain fitness programs helps plasticity in people tested
go and read Alumni Archives of Neurology if you're interested

my two fat hands do cat scans, breast exams and adjust lap bands
these rhymes provide coverage for rap fans using medigap plans
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations

my two fat hands do cat scans, breast exams and adjust lap bands
these rhymes provide coverage for rap fans using medigap plans
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations

all of my rival fans listen
my mission when i'm spittin' is to emulate viral transmission
these indifferent emissions only enriches the symptoms
I don't hesitate, I waste no time to regulate
once I have you I get busy and begin to degragate
I use CD4 T-cells to replicate
then devastate to bring your count down to less than 8
you develop a phobia
you're biologically vulnerable to my oral microbial that has a hold on you
I stick to wherever you dwell like glue gel
then swell the epicenter of outbreak clusters in your immune cells
the government and I are in collusion, we meet in seclusion
my verses they use them
they're considered a needed pollution, imma CDC strategic solution
as a nuisance i'm simply reducin' wack emcees out of my pure amusement

prophetic phd dissertations
I can foresee my patients in sedated situations
medicating on my medications
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations

prophetic phd dissertations
I can foresee my patients in sedated situations
medicating on my medications
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations
prophetic phd dissertations, prophetic phd dissertations

one day I was alone sitting at my desk and I began to feel depressed
then I thought that maybe I was just overstressed and needed a rest?
since I was unsure I wanted to take some test and check nevertheless
globally i'm known as a mental health expert
with volumes written on the subject
however, you can read the excerpts it's less work
but I wanted to speak with a psychiatrist
then a psychologist, perhaps even a neurologist
and other behavioral research scientist under the name anonymous
I began hacking into institutions of mental health around the nation
some information I wanted was the locations of previous patients
data gathered was the foundation for the Alumni Psychiatry Association
Next I researched drugs such as Valium and Ritalin
in addition to differences in other anti-depressant stimulants
I was unaware that psychiatric care for the mentally ill
was heavily reliant on many chemical balancer pills
We hold the position that being told by someone that they have a chemical imbalance
is actually nothing more than the age old practice of malpractice malice
I have spoken on this subject at length during a recent dissertation in Dallas
the Alumni is also opposed to stimulus responses received with the aide of electrodes
abnormalities in neurotransmitters can occur if the brain is exposed to probes
at this point I, myself, Sinclair would like to close
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.