Elements > Tha Studio

'86 - 2011

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--- Quote from: Infinite Trapped in 1996 on February 15, 2021, 12:12:33 PM ---what's the significance of 86' in all this though..

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immobile constrain chernobal ukraine

dope rhymes .. duno why u won’t battle infinite if u got skill like that

Ebony Bree Caple:

--- Quote from: Sccit on February 20, 2021, 10:43:53 PM ---dope rhymes .. duno why u won’t battle infinite if u got skill like that

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It's kinda like how I have to lower myself to battle you n hoggfather
Some people refuse to

Proc pka KP:

--- Quote from: Infinite Trapped in 1996 on February 15, 2021, 12:14:47 PM ---nice spit wit the "throw you back so hard you time travel, hear your spine crackle" piece of it...

just trying to merge your 2011 shit homie... try to merge where you can, fit it into groups.. this will help organize your mind as well

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He stole that from Jadakiss or his camp.


--- Quote from: Ebz on February 21, 2021, 03:22:27 AM ---It's kinda like how I have to lower myself to battle you n hoggfather
Some people refuse to

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lower yourself?

i don’t think that’s possible tbh


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