Author Topic: Mark of the beast like technology shown on cartoon stretch armstrong  (Read 382 times)


Revelation 13:
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.


TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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Re: Mark of the beast like technology shown on cartoon stretch armstrong
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2021, 12:49:41 AM »
I never used to pay attention to this stuff because I've been practicing Islam, and even when it came to Islam I never got into the "END OF DAYZ" type of stuff, at least not from the Arab version and Arab perspective of it... but seeing Bill Gates apply for a patent 060606 that they are saying will be used for this did catch my attention... considering he has been behind this Covid hoax that has the masses of sheeple controlled and in a perpetual state of lockdown... And then the Superbowl Satanic worship ritual of the fallen angel descending.... Madonna's Eurovision performance in 2019 --- 6 months before the SCAM-demic went live, was basically like another Satanic ritual... let's just say I got my eyes open now... 3rd eye vision
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)
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Re: Mark of the beast like technology shown on cartoon stretch armstrong
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2021, 08:58:34 AM »
I'm glad you mentioned covid. For years I could never understand the use of the forehead in regards to the mark of the beast. I have seen many reasons why the right hand is chosen as well as technologies centered around the right hand but the forehead was always a puzzle to me.

Then here comes covid. How do they. Check your for it? The do a scan of your forehead.

How it works is that this machine is placed at the entrance of an establishment. When anyone is wanting to enter they are required to walk through this scanner. When they approach the machine they will either place their wrist or forehead approx 5” from one of the infrared scanners. The software will read their body temperature and then display it above. If their body temperature is within the medically approved range then it will verbally say “welcome” and allow that person to walk in. If their body temperature is above the approved range then an alarm will sound and that person will be denied access in.

The same way they deny you if you aren't wearing a mask will happen with the mark. This is training society to let them know either you wear the mask/get the vaccine or you will be shut out.

Based on face recognition, it is added a new built-in thermal imaging temperature measurement module. When a person is performing face recognition, it can measure their forehead and face skin temperature at the same time. In a non-contact, accurate, reliable, efficient, and non-perceiving manner, the terminal will issue an abnormal warning to those whose temperature exceeds a certain threshold and show their temperature.

At the same time, it has the function of AI intelligent detection of human faces, detection whether to wear a mask and refusing to pass or sign in without a mask.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



Re: Mark of the beast like technology shown on cartoon stretch armstrong
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2021, 09:01:29 AM »
Not saying covid has anything to do with the mark but there is a forehead element to it. It could have more to do with facial recognition tech using the forehead.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



Re: Mark of the beast like technology shown on cartoon stretch armstrong
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2021, 05:20:07 PM »
I don’t think they need to implant anyone. I think that existing mobile technology can be adapted effortlessly without the risky resistance a forced bodily modification would likely provide. I mean mobiles can already track your movements, monitor your conversations, allow you to book, pay, bank, and monitor your health (via smart watch connectivity) and through web and social platforms it already knows your likes / dislikes and can profile you, probably save fingerprint and eye retina data too. Give it 5 - 10 years and it’ll be capable of so much more
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Re: Mark of the beast like technology shown on cartoon stretch armstrong
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2021, 04:00:02 PM »
I never used to pay attention to this stuff because I've been practicing Islam, and even when it came to Islam I never got into the "END OF DAYZ" type of stuff, at least not from the Arab version and Arab perspective of it... but seeing Bill Gates apply for a patent 060606 that they are saying will be used for this did catch my attention... considering he has been behind this Covid hoax that has the masses of sheeple controlled and in a perpetual state of lockdown... And then the Superbowl Satanic worship ritual of the fallen angel descending.... Madonna's Eurovision performance in 2019 --- 6 months before the SCAM-demic went live, was basically like another Satanic ritual... let's just say I got my eyes open now... 3rd eye vision

Not saying the vaccine is the mark, because it's not but I found this interesting.

If you look at Revelation chapter sixteen verse two, people who get the mark will be punished bodily.

16 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.

2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



Re: Mark of the beast like technology shown on cartoon stretch armstrong
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2021, 04:13:18 PM »
I don’t think they need to implant anyone. I think that existing mobile technology can be adapted effortlessly without the risky resistance a forced bodily modification would likely provide. I mean mobiles can already track your movements, monitor your conversations, allow you to book, pay, bank, and monitor your health (via smart watch connectivity) and through web and social platforms it already knows your likes / dislikes and can profile you, probably save fingerprint and eye retina data too. Give it 5 - 10 years and it’ll be capable of so much more

That's cool and all but I think you're missing the point here. It's happening as we speak. This prophecy will come to pass. Alot of places are already cashless and people are already using hand implants to pay.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



Re: Mark of the beast like technology shown on cartoon stretch armstrong
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2021, 06:54:37 AM »
I've already seen some discussions, some of which were already talked about by people ridiculed and dismissed as 'tin foil' wacko's back last April 2020 about vaccine passports. Now they're trialling this for events in the UK:

What we'll need the vaccine passport for
Major Sports Stadiums
Concert Venues

What we won't need the vaccine passport for
Non-Essential Stores

Of course, all of this could change for the better or worse, and I definitely agree on the correlation between those and 'chips' and this being potentially used as a prelude to an easier acceptance of future instruments that give someone authorization to do something in society.

BUT..... I think those instigating this and driving this through are grossly mis-underestimating the strength of living human beings. We've all heard the ancient Roman quote on 'bread and circuses' - where you give the people cheap food and entertainment, so that they'll never revolt. Nothing much has changed to where the upper echelon's perception of those beneath them is at. Many of the poor, lower / middle / upper working classes are seen as dumb, lazy, beer drinking buffoons, so the belief is that the prospect of dangling holidays, football, cinemas in front of people that they'll simply bend over for whatever conditions are applied will be easy for higher vaccine uptakes, but these lockdowns and the shutdown of the entertainment industry has only re-asserted my own belief of just how dispensable and unnecessary celebrities actually are, how cinemas and venues really aren't all that important, and how I can live just fine and happy with my family. In fact, working a demanding role, there wasn't and isn't much "free" time anyway, so any was always just enjoying reclusive family time at home, walking dogs so I've had years of practice for lockdowns, but what they didn't bank on, at least for those that haven't succumbed to depression and suicide, was that this has allowed many to find new found passions in an instrument, language, reading, exercise, or due to this being centred around a viral infection - healthier eating, growing their own, seed saving. One of my friends built an entire wooden playhouse for his kids with no prior experience. The will to thrive regardless of circumstance is something many in positions of power would be ignorant of
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TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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Re: Mark of the beast like technology shown on cartoon stretch armstrong
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2021, 09:28:58 PM »
we are most definitely fucced... All I'm hoping for is that his isn't the final phase.. and that it's a slow rollout in phases... for example.  You heard Lord Gates talk about "preparing for the next pandemic".

So in that sense, possibly this isn't the big one they are planning for.  They are just using this as like a test run for all of their technology and control measures—to sort of implement what they can and test the waters.  Then they will go back and regroup and plan for the next one or just do a slow rollout.  In the meantime, Satan Klaus Shwab of the WEF is an octogenarian and Gates is pretty old himself.  In which case they could either die off... or target specific segments or regions of society that are more controlled and compliant (sheep).

In which case this would mean I could get to experience a few more good years of life before I either die or the Armageddon comes.

Basically that's my only hope.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)
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