Author Topic: I wouldnt be so negative towards homos, if they didnt act like homos  (Read 1011 times)


Re: I wouldnt be so negative towards homos, if they didnt act like homos
« Reply #30 on: January 19, 2022, 03:49:20 AM »
I think the force feeding of the LGBTQ movement aiming to lumber everyone together, inadvertently makes gay people as a whole look less significant and stifles the progress made for the past few decades.

Gay people are gay, but transgenders are entirely different so gay people aren’t really being properly supported in this movement when they try to tie everyone in. Many transgenders have mental health issues, and high suicidal tendencies, even after surgery because these mental health issues are rarely ever addressed, let alone corrected through things like surgery, yet society now tells us not to point out any of these discrepancies and to not just be tolerable but accept having this movement continue with the rainbows and parades circulating around us constantly. The mere mention of even suggesting that there should be additional funding for mental health support made available to transgenders can instantly have you labelled a transphobe, and have your career ruined, as being a transgender is not a mental illness, even though that wouldn’t be what we’re necessarily saying.

There’s a deliberate attempt to sexualise and confuse children at an early age. They cross the line of ‘awareness’ by actively promoting before an age of sexual curiosity would even begin, so it’s definitely rife within the education systems now. It’s also the hypocritical stance of the messaging that I can’t stand. Equality doesn’t always work in all aspects of life. It just doesn’t. Women for example have better parental abilities than men. Not always, but for the most part they do. Obviously, rights for gay people is a given, but what I mean by hypocritical is that it’s unacceptable for a male to be seen to adore a female on TV. A man cannot see women in a sexual manner because that’s objectifying women, so they now must be equal to men, so they have to have equal sitting in sports panels during half time, suited up and dressed like men. It’s a far wider issue than what the original poster has put up, but there’s a societal drive to favour one group, a minority over another larger majority, in a self-righteous, almost ‘smug’ like manner. 

For example, I watched the New Year count down on the BBC, and for an entire hour, we were force fed this LGBTQ nonsense. The performing singer ‘Olly Alexander’ as you can imagine was gay. No problem, as I’m a fan of George Michael, him being gay wasn’t the problem. He himself wasn’t even really the problem. The problem was more of the state network provider showcasing this on Hogmanay, watched by millions of people, including children too that stay up particularly on a Friday evening. The singer would come out for different songs donned in a new attire as feminine as the last, and in one segment even had 4 male strippers oiled up with Olly Alexander feeling them in a seductive manner like it was some gay orgy. I know in recent years there have been things like that (The Justin Timberlake / Janet Jackson boob slip, Madonna etc) but these have been getting phased out. I just thought ‘what if that had been a heterosexual male singer and it was 4 scantily dressed females he was feeling up’. Just imagine the outrage of it all. But because it fits into the LGBTQ window, it’s acceptable. That’s not equality at all. We were then treated to a drag queen dance session. The entire segment was pretty awful and not really a ‘variety’ to cater for all as one would expect from a major national broadcaster on new year eve night

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