Tony Trey

« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2022, 03:38:06 AM »
After watching the Instagram Live hosted by Royce and Joe, where Joell hopped on, and the Instagram Live that Crook hosted, all I can say is this shit is pathetic and due entirely to miscommunication.  So Crook and Joell have their version of events and Joe and Royce have their version and here's what I can put together:

Joe wouldn't do another album on Shady and Shady didn't want to deal with Joe anyway.
Shady said how about a three man album, to which Royce said he didn't want to do it without Joe.
After some legal wrangling, the team got Slaughterhouse off of Shady.
As soon as they were off, Crooked and Joell immediately went looking for a record deal, because Joe kept saying he was open to recording again on a new label.
Crooked brought a verbal offer to the table to Joell, who was immediately down, and Royce, who said he was open to it and he would bring the details to Joe.
Both sides seem to agree there was never a written contract or a written deal memo explaining the terms of the deal.

Now here's where shit gets confused.

Royce and Joe say they passed their questions about the deal on to Crook and he never got them the answers to their questions.
Crook says to he told them to have Joe call him and he would forward Joe's terms.
After months of no communication, Crook and Joell decided to record this album.

So basically, Crook says Joe was supposed to call him and Joe never did.  At the same time, Joe says Crook was supposed to call him and Crook never did.  Now Slaughterhouse is dead now because neither one was willing to pick up the phone.

I don't know who to believe more here.  Joe is known for spinning shit in the best possible light for him, but Crook is known for being a shitty businessman (as a former mod as his former official website, I can confirm).  Either way, what a fucking waste.