Author Topic: “EMINEM” WITH THE GAME DISS  (Read 2606 times)


« Reply #45 on: April 28, 2022, 06:57:50 AM »
yo you really believe yourself to be some great superior! wow


this is what i’m talking about.. people who don’t believe in a higher power tend to walk around with a sense of arrogance on some “i’m the greatest thing walking this earth!” shit

you really just claimed that i couldn’t interpret what you’re saying lmao. how delusional are you? your thoughts are pretty damn simple and not hard at all to understand. and again, youre mostly just repeating the same thing over and over.

you lack spirit, so you try to overcompensate for it with your studies. you don’t need to know every chemical compound of dog shit to know it stinks. no, i am not a scientist, youre right. but i have had many spiritual encounters that could never be explained with science. and again, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that matters of the spirit many times are inexplicable and beyond the scope of human understanding. some of the greatest scientists will tell u this.

you also come off as someone who has never experimented with psychedelics. drugs that open up parts of the mind  and spirit that otherwise would’ve never been activated. those who have partaken in them have a vast edge on the outer realms. dimensions beyond our potential perception have indeed been proven. you call it “magic” .. scientists call it the “unknown”. realization that there are things way beyond science that not even the top scientist could explain is not some new phenomenon. for as much as you look up to scientists, they really don’t know not even a 1 trillionth of whats really out there. and despite them knowing more than either of us when it comes to certain things, what i just stated is a fact that is COMMON SENSE. so once you’re able to humble yourself and wrap your mind around THAT, holla at me.

until then, youre better off debating infinite and abusive about flat earth (which, ironically, science at one point believed to be fact lolllll).


So cringe. This is why education is SO important people. I know cats that understand better English than you.

I'd love to see a proper psych eval done on you and the rest of the rat pack (and maybe some criterion and norm-referenced testing just for fun). As for me, I'm about finished playing in the muck. This petting zoo was fun though. I felt like a tourist.


« Reply #46 on: April 28, 2022, 07:39:51 AM »
yo you really believe yourself to be some great superior! wow


this is what i’m talking about.. people who don’t believe in a higher power tend to walk around with a sense of arrogance on some “i’m the greatest thing walking this earth!” shit

you really just claimed that i couldn’t interpret what you’re saying lmao. how delusional are you? your thoughts are pretty damn simple and not hard at all to understand. and again, youre mostly just repeating the same thing over and over.

you lack spirit, so you try to overcompensate for it with your studies. you don’t need to know every chemical compound of dog shit to know it stinks. no, i am not a scientist, youre right. but i have had many spiritual encounters that could never be explained with science. and again, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that matters of the spirit many times are inexplicable and beyond the scope of human understanding. some of the greatest scientists will tell u this.

you also come off as someone who has never experimented with psychedelics. drugs that open up parts of the mind  and spirit that otherwise would’ve never been activated. those who have partaken in them have a vast edge on the outer realms. dimensions beyond our potential perception have indeed been proven. you call it “magic” .. scientists call it the “unknown”. realization that there are things way beyond science that not even the top scientist could explain is not some new phenomenon. for as much as you look up to scientists, they really don’t know not even a 1 trillionth of whats really out there. and despite them knowing more than either of us when it comes to certain things, what i just stated is a fact that is COMMON SENSE. so once you’re able to humble yourself and wrap your mind around THAT, holla at me.

until then, youre better off debating infinite and abusive about flat earth (which, ironically, science at one point believed to be fact lolllll).


let me say a few words then for first and last time on this thread.

sometimes i think that there might be a "higher power". even if i believe i can not prove it. nobody can. at least i'm sure if there's a hight power he didnt talk to any man on earth to tell others "i do exist" )))... thats funny. at the end every religious people say "i believe god"... they don't say "i know...".. even if i'd believe it personally i won't be living my life according to that. i'll be living my life with facts i know. those facts are, we need to be good people, we need to have conscious, we need to treat people, animal and nature good. we need to be helpful to people around us, we need to follow science. but do you know how science began? with doubt. we always need to have doubt, thats how science progressed. if you have doubts about any "well known" facts, where you will follow is science again. You need an hypothesis first, then you need to research and then u need to proove it if u can. gravity and globe world were hypothesis before but not today, its been long time they are proved scientificly. to have doubt about thes facts is not science as long as you are not coming with evidences.

What you believe is only interests yourself, i don't care if you adore god or a cow or non of them. (as long as they are not making my life miserable with what they believe). i only care about if you are a good person or not. but i don't respect any man who doesn't believe in science. it's a waste of living.


« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2022, 07:45:06 AM »
So cringe. This is why education is SO important people. I know cats that understand better English than you.

I'd love to see a proper psych eval done on you and the rest of the rat pack (and maybe some criterion and norm-referenced testing just for fun). As for me, I'm about finished playing in the muck. This petting zoo was fun though. I felt like a tourist.

look at your first post in this thread. you’re the definition of a pompous douchebag bro. you might wana work on that “holier than thou” personality. it’s truly reminiscent of the child who walks around the playground telling the other children “my daddy can beat up yours!”.. there are ways to debate without stooping to that adolescent level of self-importance. if you were truly a “superior”, you would absolutely never use ad-hominem attacks on those who you felt lacked an understanding. in fact, you would be able to to thoroughly explain and educate with your knowledge, which you clearly aren’t capable of. instead, you start getting frustrated like a petulant child and begin hurling insults, attacking others with your condescending bullshit. even if you were right in some of the things you say, that attitude instantly turns people off. this in itself is proof of a lower level of intellect. all the book smarts in the world won’t fix that. it’ll take some true self reflecting on the spiritual side of things for growth in that area. believe that.

“like, so cringe.. i am above all of you! you believe in magic. ha ha ha! so dumb! like a universe that springs up out of nothing and creates itself so isn’t magic at all guys!”

and to be quite frank, since you took it to that level, i am now permitted to match that energy.. and let me tell you, all the research and studies in the world will never save you from the level of idiocy it takes to believe in a creation without a creator.

peace out brodie. we are not worthy.



« Reply #48 on: April 28, 2022, 07:56:03 AM »
let me say a few words then for first and last time on this thread.

sometimes i think that there might be a "higher power". even if i believe i can not prove it. nobody can. at least i'm sure if there's a hight power he didnt talk to any man on earth to tell others "i do exist" )))... thats funny. at the end every religious people say "i believe god"... they don't say "i know...".. even if i'd believe it personally i won't be living my life according to that. i'll be living my life with facts i know. those facts are, we need to be good people, we need to have conscious, we need to treat people, animal and nature good. we need to be helpful to people around us, we need to follow science. but do you know how science began? with doubt. we always need to have doubt, thats how science progressed. if you have doubts about any "well known" facts, where you will follow is science again. You need an hypothesis first, then you need to research and then u need to proove it if u can. gravity and globe world were hypothesis before but not today, its been long time they are proved scientificly. to have doubt about thes facts is not science as long as you are not coming with evidences.

What you believe is only interests yourself, i don't care if you adore god or a cow or non of them. (as long as they are not making my life miserable with what they believe). i only care about if you are a good person or not. but i don't respect any man who doesn't believe in science. it's a waste of living.

at least you are questioning.. that is lightyears above acting like you definitively know you are the greatest thing on earth and that there’s no way the earth was created. that’s why i can respect a man like you, despite the difference in thought. we need to always question and seek to find more.

as for those who totally write off science being dumb, i agree.. science is great. not all science is definitive though. a lot of science is heavily flawed. but science definitely helped humanity with countless advancements. which is why i recommended multiple books to that pretentious asshole about science that literally prove many findings in the divine scriptures.

you say sometimes you believe in a higher power, but no way this higher power ever spoke to people. so you are putting it past a higher power to be able to communicate with us? how does that even make sense?? you know the level of intelligence it would take to create us? to think we know or are capable of more than a creator is flat out ridiculous. look up the scientists who adhered to scripture. some of the greatest of all time.

as the world continues to grow and science continues to advance, the spiritual realm continues to dwindle on this earth. we see it every day, life is becoming more and more mechanical and we clearly don’t have much long left. each generation becomes farther removed from God. so to claim “there’s absolutely no way a higher power ever communicated!” once again, shows a lack of understanding as to what God is capable of. with all due respect, i enjoy debating this with people like you because you’re grounded and don’t walk around as some superior authority ala ol boy who practically thinks he’s God. now that’s the kinda attitude i can’t get down with, but you’re clearly past that adolescent “i know it all!” stage, so salute on that front.

bottom line, the greater the creation, the greater the creator .. there is absolutely nothing the most high isn’t capable of.


« Reply #49 on: April 28, 2022, 05:19:53 PM »
Naw man.. I'm with you on the big issues homie, like Flat Earth and Coward-19--but I can't agree with you about the 80's or 90's golden era of hip-hop; they were still loyal to the hood' and followed the rules of the game, and stayed true to the hood, lived like Gz... either that or they were like KRS-1 and the 80's artists who paved the way and established the standards that hip-hop artists had to subscribe to in the golden age to get respect and gain credibility was key back then.

Now these days an artist doesn't have to have any rep in the game, or any co-sign from the pioneers, the game has changed.  So it's possible now for Dre to sell his soul especially at the level he is at being in the billionaire club. 

What you were talking about above with Eazy E or like let's say Bone Thugs In Harmony for example or Snoop's Murder Was the Case shit--that was all shit that they came up with and that was hood shit, and gang culture, that was organic.  They didn't do that as a result of selling out to the Illuminati, Masonry or no shit like that.

Another example would be Andre 3,000.  Like when that dude was wearing dresses and shit in the golden era of rap 90's--that was because that nicca was sprung off Erykah Badu and that pussy had his ass so enlightened that he was in a state of Nirvana.  On the other hand, in today's rap game when you see someone like Kid Cudi or Kevin Hart or Will Smith suddenly wearing dresses or some shit those are signs of occult/masonry/selling their soul to the elites.

Chappelle was on Oprah talking about this and Oprah is one of the occult so you can see from her expression that she wanted him to shut up--but Chappele exposed they tried to get him to sell out and wear and dress and these higher ups kept coming back around multiple times trying to pressure him till he finally was like "what the fucc is going on here?!?" and saw the agenda and they ended up trying to cut him off cause he didn't sell out.
You don't know what you're talking about bro. The first eazy album had skull n bones, red/black + black/white symbolism. That's just on that album alone. You've never seen this about bone?

That's hood ish to you?

Yeah like g's.

 krs-1? He into the 5%er doctrine which is rooted in freemasonry.

I've already posted a video talking about Snoop selling his soul with murder was the case. The guy he kilt was probably his blood sacrifice.

Stop quoting me and don't ever challenge me again.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



« Reply #50 on: April 28, 2022, 05:22:37 PM »
No definitely not.. as I posted above.  I mean my friends and I fucced around with weiji boards and shit (and no I haven't been inducted into the Illuminati) in jr. high, and Bone was using all that ill imagery, but that was all artistic and ultimately they followed the rules of the hood and the pioneers that had established the rules to hip-hop and you couldn't violate that in the golden era without losing your respect; and respect mattered back then.  So Eazy E's dark imagery or Snoop's Murder Was the Case was just a result of trying to make some hard core gangsta shit--not selling out.

I mean they even had that great movie Tales from The Hood back in the day which was kind of a hip-hop movie.  They had dark imagery but it was still hood it wasn't Satanic or Illuminati or Masonry stuff---but Stanley Kubricks the Shining on the other hand is most definitely of the elitist occult.

If Abusive fails to see the difference between Eagles "Hotel California" and Snoop "Murder Was the Case" then I think he's trippin' (though Abusive is my dawg and righteous on the whole)
nah I'm not your dawg. Your Koran says to kill anyone who insults the "prophet" Muhammad. Be true to what you say you believe.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



« Reply #51 on: April 28, 2022, 06:43:08 PM »
So what’s next for Game’s album rollout now that the Eminem stunt came and went?

Maybe diss Fauci? Jesus? Obama?


« Reply #52 on: April 29, 2022, 06:45:50 AM »
The stream of moronic word vomit continues. Please don't use the word "study" to describe anything you're doing ::).

For the record: After the dinosaurs died out, nearly 65 million years passed before primate evolution on Earth.

The bible is not a history book. Try taking a course in ecology, marine biology, astrophysics, archeology, paleontology, and evolutionary biology. You'd flunk out of all of them but that's where actual information is. Not even a century of Egyptology research or Israeli archeology has produced a shred of evidence for any story in that book (that was sporadically written several hundred years after the person they're talking about died by a group of schizophrenics who never knew him or could confirm his mere existence). Any real theologian understands that the text is not to be taken literally; it's mythology packaged into a metaphor - and unoriginal at that.

The similarities between the stories and characters in the Bible and those from previous mythologies are both undeniable and well-documented. Jesus’s story is an obvious rehashing of numerous previous characters like Asklepios, Hercules, Dionysus, Osiris, Mithra, Krishna, Buddha, and even a contemporary of Jesus, Apollonius of Tyana. These previous narratives existed hundreds to thousands of years before Jesus did. The genesis flood story mirrors the epic of Gilgamesh hundreds of years earlier (and they never tell you that Noah was 500 years old in church because you might think it's bullshit  ;)).

The text is self-defeating in that it attempts to root itself in historical claims and since we have an overwhelming amount of evidence that those claims are false (thanks to basic human progress and modern technology), it creates a lot of problems for christian theology. It has no independent means of verification or discernment. The best they can do is try and alter the theology to fit the facts, which turns out to be quite the mess - we basically get Jesus riding a Velociraptor  ;D

The catholic church held back physics for 2,000 years. Innumerable people were executed and burned at the stake for even asking the simplest of questions. Even Galileo was forced to recount his claims (while secretly admitting through letters to his daughter that his observations were in fact correct - and they were). And we won't even get into the millennia of mass pedophilia, prejudice, rape, tribalism, slavery, murder, homophobia, racism, sexism, and the teaching of self-hatred that inundates this institution to this day. Anyone who asks you to kill your child to prove you love him is a fucking psycho. And anyone who seriously thinks that a ghost who impregnates teenage girls with himself is telling them that is in dire need of medication and a padded room.
Here is some Bible history for you.
Here are some mentions of king Cyrus in the bible.

King Herod:
This article discusses King Herod.

Caesar Augustus -
Biblical references:
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



« Reply #53 on: May 02, 2022, 09:40:24 AM »
500 year old people building boats for a flood higher than Mt. Everest
I wanted to touch on this from a few different angles. One is that you assume everest was around during the flood. It may have formed after. My second point is that no one knows how tall it was during the flood because mountains rise. If it was already there.

However you are correct though.
Genesis chapter eight confirms that the mountains were covered with water.

5 And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.

As do these verses;
Psalm 104:5-9
5 Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever. 6 Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains. 7 At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away. 8 They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them. 9 Thou hast set a bound that they may not pass over; that they turn not again to cover the earth.

They have found marine fossils on Everest which is commonly used as evidence of a global flood or at the very least that waters were once that high. I would like to hear your explanation as to why this is.

Not sure why water that high would be surprising though from a scientific standpoint. If you take the deepest point of the sea and compare ground level to the top of Everest, you will see that Everest could fit into that area and be covered with water.

In the Pacific Ocean, somewhere between Guam and the Philippines, lies the Marianas Trench, also known as the Mariana Trench. At 35,814 feet below sea level, its bottom is called the Challenger Deep — the deepest point known on Earth.Jan 23, 2019

Mount Everest's peak is the highest altitude above mean sea level at 29,029 feet [8,848 meters].Jan 19, 2022

Not sure how the biblical story and science conflict here. I would like to hear some feedback.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



« Reply #54 on: May 02, 2022, 10:20:36 AM »
I wanted to touch on this from a few different angles. One is that you assume everest was around during the flood. It may have formed after. My second point is that no one knows how tall it was during the flood because mountains rise. If it was already there.

However you are correct though.
Genesis chapter eight confirms that the mountains were covered with water.

5 And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.

As do these verses;
Psalm 104:5-9
5 Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever. 6 Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains. 7 At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away. 8 They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them. 9 Thou hast set a bound that they may not pass over; that they turn not again to cover the earth.

They have found marine fossils on Everest which is commonly used as evidence of a global flood or at the very least that waters were once that high. I would like to hear your explanation as to why this is.

Not sure why water that high would be surprising though from a scientific standpoint. If you take the deepest point of the sea and compare ground level to the top of Everest, you will see that Everest could fit into that area and be covered with water.

Not sure how the biblical story and science conflict here. I would like to hear some feedback.

u can let it go now .. dude tucked his tail n ran off, like most limp wrist liberals do when pressed


« Reply #55 on: May 03, 2022, 03:55:41 PM »
u can let it go now .. dude tucked his tail n ran off, like most limp wrist liberals do when pressed

You can literally hear the circus music in this thread.  ;D

But don't worry. You guys can lob your ad hominems, break out your crayons, and evangelize in your superman pajamas in peace.

This is the internet. No one's running or tucking tails or being pressed  ::). How threatening do you think you are?  ;D I just have a life is all. Sparring in forums doesn't count.

[Cue music back in]


« Reply #56 on: May 04, 2022, 02:36:14 AM »
You can literally hear the circus music in this thread.  ;D

But don't worry. You guys can lob your ad hominems, break out your crayons, and evangelize in your superman pajamas in peace.

This is the internet. No one's running or tucking tails or being pressed  ::). How threatening do you think you are?  ;D I just have a life is all. Sparring in forums doesn't count.

[Cue music back in]

damn.. so witty. good job. everybody totally thinks you’re cool and super smart now because of how well spoken you are.


lol @ telling a jew to “evangelize” .. classix

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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« Reply #57 on: May 04, 2022, 05:31:49 AM »
nah I'm not your dawg. Your Koran says to kill anyone who insults the "prophet" Muhammad. Be true to what you say you believe.

I don't know why you are trying so hard to be the enemy of someone who is on the same side of as you.  I really don't understand that, and you have never answered that question.  I've mentioned it many times on here that I don't understand why this dude hates me when we are on the same side politically. 

I do not follow political Islam (Shariah), I am politically a Libertarian/volunteerism in the Harry Browne/Ron Paul/Rand Paul mode of Libertarianism.  I take freedom as the highest principal politically.  Not only that we are both headz at the same forum, musical, cultural influence.  So why would you want to make me your enemy bro?   I have enough enemies, and people who disagree with me, the last thing I'm trying to do is make enemies with anyone who is a flat earther and against the Coward-19 Narrative--you are the good guys in 2022, and on the side of right.  So hate if you want, but I still take you as a homie.

So if you even hate on the people who support your views, and align themselves with you politically, then you ultimately are just a hateful person--no matter the other person's position.  Correct me if I'm wrong. 
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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« Reply #58 on: May 04, 2022, 05:33:38 AM »
let me say a few words then for first and last time on this thread.

sometimes i think that there might be a "higher power". even if i believe i can not prove it. nobody can. at least i'm sure if there's a hight power he didnt talk to any man on earth to tell others "i do exist" )))... thats funny. at the end every religious people say "i believe god"... they don't say "i know...".. even if i'd believe it personally i won't be living my life according to that. i'll be living my life with facts i know. those facts are, we need to be good people, we need to have conscious, we need to treat people, animal and nature good. we need to be helpful to people around us, we need to follow science. but do you know how science began? with doubt. we always need to have doubt, thats how science progressed. if you have doubts about any "well known" facts, where you will follow is science again. You need an hypothesis first, then you need to research and then u need to proove it if u can. gravity and globe world were hypothesis before but not today, its been long time they are proved scientificly. to have doubt about thes facts is not science as long as you are not coming with evidences.

What you believe is only interests yourself, i don't care if you adore god or a cow or non of them. (as long as they are not making my life miserable with what they believe). i only care about if you are a good person or not. but i don't respect any man who doesn't believe in science. it's a waste of living.

yo, you good homie
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)


« Reply #59 on: May 04, 2022, 06:17:43 AM »
I don't know why you are trying so hard to be the enemy of someone who is on the same side of as you.  I really don't understand that, and you have never answered that question.  I've mentioned it many times on here that I don't understand why this dude hates me when we are on the same side politically. 

I do not follow political Islam (Shariah), I am politically a Libertarian/volunteerism in the Harry Browne/Ron Paul/Rand Paul mode of Libertarianism.  I take freedom as the highest principal politically.  Not only that we are both headz at the same forum, musical, cultural influence.  So why would you want to make me your enemy bro?   I have enough enemies, and people who disagree with me, the last thing I'm trying to do is make enemies with anyone who is a flat earther and against the Coward-19 Narrative--you are the good guys in 2022, and on the side of right.  So hate if you want, but I still take you as a homie.

So if you even hate on the people who support your views, and align themselves with you politically, then you ultimately are just a hateful person--no matter the other person's position.  Correct me if I'm wrong.
Your religion is anti-christ.

 We are not the same. You're low key stalking me at this point. You addressed me yet again but not what I posted. Go download you a dating app, this is a message board.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.