Author Topic: Identity Crisis // Ancient Hebrews ?? / A Brief History Of The Terms For "Jew"  (Read 416 times)


Mike states what I have stated previously just in a different way. There is no connection between those who call themselves Jewish and biblical Jews. That idea is simply a belief of the Jewish people. Not a fact rooted but n history.

The first man speaking is in error but you can't blame him considering his source.

Here is Paul first stating he is a Jew then stating he is of the tribe of Benjamin and not of Judah.

Acts 22:3
“I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, as ye all are this day.”

Philippians 3:5
Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;

So the claim the video makes that states you have to be from Judah in order to be a Jew is incorrect. However, his overall point still stands.

Another thing I believe is an error is that someone could convert to become jewish. A Jew is a specific type of people sperate from Gentiles, who had their own religion. They were not permitted to engage with others so how could someone convert to their religion? Especially to become "jewish".
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



retarded tinfoil hat jibber jabber that’s been thoroughly debunked


Debunked where?
it’s not on me to prove common sense

you can’t make outlandish claims witout backin it up if u want people to take it serious
You were asked to prove it before and couldn't. Just like the guy in the video says, it's a myth you guys hold on to. If you want to believe it that's cool but don't try to force your beliefs on others or call them names and crazy to deflect.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



Debunked where?You were asked to prove it before and couldn't. Just like the guy in the video says, it's a myth you guys hold on to. If you want to believe it that's cool but don't try to force your beliefs on others or call them names and crazy to deflect.

i proved it in multiple threads where u stumbled vigorously with try hard talking points that got shot down wit ease

go back n re-read

that quote you pulled was about the suffix ish. which you tried to claim was some sort of reason to doubt the validity of jews. but when i showed you the englISH definition for ish which proclaims it a suffix for a group of people (ala british, irish, turkish, scottish etc.), you asked me to prove it further, which just made u look funnystyle. like asking to prove that money means currency. LOL. U CAN DO BETTER FOLKS.



i proved it in multiple threads where u stumbled vigorously with try hard talking points that got shot down wit ease

go back n re-read

that quote you pulled was about the suffix ish. which you tried to claim was some sort of reason to doubt the validity of jews. but when i showed you the englISH definition for ish which proclaims it a suffix for a group of people (ala british, irish, turkish, scottish etc.), you asked me to prove it further, which just made u look funnystyle. like asking to prove that money means currency. LOL. U CAN DO BETTER FOLKS.
Simply adding ish to something doesn't prove a correlation. Me saying I'm dogish doesn't mean that I'm a descendant of a dog.

read this book if you would like to discuss further
This discussion has nothing to do with black Hebrew israelites. O ce again you don't even know what you're arguing against.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



Simply adding ish to something doesn't prove a correlation. Me saying I'm dogish doesn't mean that I'm a descendant of a dog.
This discussion has nothing to do with black Hebrew israelites. O ce again you don't even know what you're arguing against.

what does saying you’re stylish indicate? how about turkish?

you fail basic english and want me to take you serious.


what does saying you’re stylish indicate? how about turkish?

you fail basic english and want me to take you serious.
Just say you can't prove you have any relation to scriptural jews instead of putting up red herring arguments.

red her·ring
/ˈˌred ˈheriNG/
a dried smoked herring, which is turned red by the smoke.
something, especially a clue, that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting.

 I'll repeat myself though. Calling yourself jewish doesn't mean that you're a jew. I'm thankful that Miko said what needed to be said. The entire world has bought into and accepted a massive deception and it's about time people asked the "jewish" community to put up the evidence. When they can't, the true jews need to be given their identity back.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



Just say you can't prove you have any relation to scriptural jews instead of putting up red herring arguments.

red her·ring
/ˈˌred ˈheriNG/
a dried smoked herring, which is turned red by the smoke.
something, especially a clue, that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting.

 I'll repeat myself though. Calling yourself jewish doesn't mean that you're a jew. I'm thankful that Miko said what needed to be said. The entire world has bought into and accepted a massive deception and it's about time people asked the "jewish" community to put up the evidence. When they can't, the true jews need to be given their identity back.

but you’re the one who brought up the “ish” talking point, which, once again, has been thoroughly debunked .. and now you’re claiming it to be red herring, when you yourself brought it up. that’s a self ether.

i’ve proven to you in numerous threads how outrageous claiming anyone other than mizrahi jews as the originals is not only absolutely ludicrous, but has been extensively debunked through gene testing as well …..

you simply aren’t willing to accept it, because you’re stuck in your nutty ideology .. just like black folks who claim
to be the original moors, the original native americans, and even the original chinese. it’s all based on black americans losing their african ancestry via slavery and latching onto other cultures to overcompensate.

with all of which i’ve put up, you continue to point to insanely inaccurate notions that have zero evidence to support it.


but you’re the one who brought up the “ish” talking point, which, once again, has been thoroughly debunked .. and now you’re claiming it to be red herring, when you yourself brought it up. that’s a self ether.

i’ve proven to you in numerous threads how outrageous claiming anyone other than mizrahi jews as the originals is not only absolutely ludicrous, but has been extensively debunked through gene testing as well …..

you simply aren’t willing to accept it, because you’re stuck in your nutty ideology .. just like black folks who claim
to be the original moors, the original native americans, and even the original chinese. it’s all based on black americans losing their african ancestry via slavery and latching onto other cultures to overcompensate.

with all of which i’ve put up, you continue to point to insanely inaccurate notions that have zero evidence to support it.
I brought up the ish thing in another context. you're trying to use it as proof you're a jew.

 the premise of this thread stands. Anyone can see that you can't prove you have any relationship to biblical jews.  :ohwell:
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



I brought up the ish thing in another context. you're trying to use it as proof you're a jew.

 the premise of this thread stands. Anyone can see that you can't prove you have any relationship to biblical jews.  :ohwell:

then why did you bring up the ish thing to begin with? and then when it’s proven false, all of a sudden it “has no barring” .. what it does prove is that you have no idea what you’re talking about and simply echo every weak talking point u hear wit zero context.

asking me to prove i’m a jew is like asking michael jordan to prove he’s black. there is zero evidence against it, which is why u decide to bring up funnystyle tidbits like “b-b-b-but you call yourself jewish!”.. anything you’ve used to try to discredit my lineage, i have ripped apart to shreds. you can try it again in here if u please.


Here's the full interview if anyone wants to see it.

Miko Peled was born in Jersusalem into a famous and influential Israeli Zionist family. His father was a famous General in the Israeli Army, of which Miko also served his time. When Miko's niece was killed by Palestinian suicide bombers, you may have expected the family to put Palestinians at fault, but surprisingly they blamed the state of Israel, and their violent torturing and persecution for driving people to such sadness that they would take their own lives.

It is a true eye-opener for anyone who has for too long been blinded by the fake misinformation given by the mainstream media, and the truths come straight from the heartland where he has spent many years documenting the real story.
No man born of woman tho. Dead homies.



Here's the full interview if anyone wants to see it.

Miko Peled was born in Jersusalem into a famous and influential Israeli Zionist family. His father was a famous General in the Israeli Army, of which Miko also served his time. When Miko's niece was killed by Palestinian suicide bombers, you may have expected the family to put Palestinians at fault, but surprisingly they blamed the state of Israel, and their violent torturing and persecution for driving people to such sadness that they would take their own lives.

It is a true eye-opener for anyone who has for too long been blinded by the fake misinformation given by the mainstream media, and the truths come straight from the heartland where he has spent many years documenting the real story.

true sellout in every sense of the word

possibly a palestinian agent