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Muhammad Ali's ex-wife speaks on her own personal relationship with Fard Muhammad which contradicts most beliefs of him.

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96':
When you read about Master Fard he is a fascinating character how he lived around a hundred years ago and yet there are so many different accounts of him, up to the point that they can't even figure out what race, or what color he is.  Like some say he was Pakistani, some say an asian look, some say half white and half black.  There's some instance where he explained to the Hon. Elijah Muhammad that God gave him a look that would allow him to blend in with the devil so that he could learn there secrets, something to that effect.


--- Quote from: TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96' on March 30, 2024, 12:40:24 AM ---When you read about Master Fard he is a fascinating character how he lived around a hundred years ago and yet there are so many different accounts of him, up to the point that they can't even figure out what race, or what color he is.  Like some say he was Pakistani, some say an asian look, some say half white and half black.  There's some instance where he explained to the Hon. Elijah Muhammad that God gave him a look that would allow him to blend in with the devil so that he could learn there secrets, something to that effect.

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One thing no one ever says is that he was racial Black. That's the issue. The NOI have their members praying to a man who according to their teachings, is a devil. It's insane when you really think about it.


--- Quote from: abusive on May 16, 2024, 07:09:59 PM ---One thing no one ever says is that he was racial Black. That's the issue. The NOI have their members praying to a man who according to their teachings, is a devil. It's insane when you really think about it.

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the NOI do a lot of strange things rooted in contradiction

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96':

--- Quote from: abusive on May 16, 2024, 07:09:59 PM ---One thing no one ever says is that he was racial Black. That's the issue. The NOI have their members praying to a man who according to their teachings, is a devil. It's insane when you really think about it.

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You don't like anyone or anything, so you saying that the NOI is bad, or Fard is bad, it all starts to mean jack shit.  Just like if you say you love everyone you essentially love no one.  If you think everything is a conspiracy then eventually nothing is a conspiracy.  And if you hate everyone well essentially you hate no one.

You really need some perspective in your life.  Eventually it comes back to you just being a hateful, distrusting person because maybe some trauma from your past.


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