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TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96':
Mothers and daughters and Diamonds and Flowers
All the lovely ladies were asking about you oh King
and all the angels were gathered and singing your praise
Oh King, you remember we talked before
You remember we spoke, to you it may have seemed in passing
For how many souls upon which you provide sustenance
are depending upon you and seeking you
in every hour and within every minute
But still I kept what was said and I held what was spoken
and all amongst the ladies are satisfied with what has been
giving to us by our teacher Rumi of the mountains of Konya
giving to us by our teacher Shakespeare of the Renassance
and 2pac, and Bentinho, and Robbins, and Browne
Let us be frank in stating that these teachings are irreplaceable
And that they are not only a gain us the adherents
but also a gain for you in making your land a better land
So just tell us, what we can do for them to be our gurus
For you to be our King, for your sun to keep shining and moon to keep rising
and what you need from your saints, from your teachers
To continue to benefit from this Holy interaction
and I hope that you Oh King will decide in our favor as we hope
and hope that there will be no consequences or objections
because all parties adherents and teachers are in agreement
So with your permission oh King, if I have talked at length
and if I have spoken out of turn, know that it is only
because of just how important this topic is to us,
and it is not just a topic that I will raise and will be forgotten
I hope that you will respond oh bestower of the 7 heavens
of whom I am most grateful and most in awe of your mangificence.

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96':
Sent into exile for many years his mind started to clear
And crystalized a thought not wrought with debris
but now sitting by the sea he knew what he had been missing
Many years ago he'd had his heart broken
and he had sworn never ever to love again
he had departed from the woman
and loneliness had became his only friend
And so now it would be the time to begin again
years of jail had told only a tale of the aggressiveness of men
He longed to experience once again the thoughts and softness
of a woman and thought it lost but released he
would have the chance to get to go back to there again
Since childhood he'd wished it away, like the things
that we take for granted, like an enchanted moon
Or the first sign and first time he'd heard Time After Time
The year was 1986, and at the pool the teenage kids kissed
And the girls tried on different styles of sunglasses and tans
The radio played the music but it was as if it came from them
And in a way it did, as they set the trend, and he noticed the way
in which they painted their nails, and lifted their hair
and how their colors matched from bracelet to top
and how they'd take them off to reveal their skin to the sun
when they'd jump in the pool and the smell of the lotion
set off the summer in motion once again and he avoided them splashing
but wished for their attention, all in one motion, they'd look
laugh and play with the 5 year old learning to swim.
And he wanted more than anything to be with them.
But times would change and now he was at the Long Island state pen
Waiting his release and chance to live again.
But how much did he actually remember of them.
He remembered his neighbor invited him in
when she was practicing for a recital,
or as he grew older she confided in him
after days at the pool when older boys her age
made unpleasant remarks, when she was a girl
flawless and without a mark but was very hard
on herself and they never went all the way
because she always feared a day they wouldn't be friends
but it happened anyway, and now how he longed
for those tender moments again, that were lost with the wind
Staring down life at a long island state pen
pushing 40, knowing that 50 was finished and the end
He'd always promised himself he wouldn't grow old
So when he was told he'd gotten paroled, he got himself fit again
and so he entered society and slowly started to remember again

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96':
He passed in the streets and walked in the shop and talked to them
The lady she paused and only acknowledged the lady alongside
two sides presented themselves simultaneously so he could say
my ego is not satisfied for I've been without attention in the state pen
and a life amongst many men so its my devine right now to see how
the light reflects just right upon their skin, to see how they mingle
between them and how they make and choose friends, the girl on the right
was the right fit because she complemented her bag with her watch
with her hair long and hers short and one outgoing and one within
and together they bring out all the qualities of complete and total perfection
but there was another path he could of taken one of jealousy one of ego
but he just saw too much protection to complain that they were not giving
full attention to him so he gazed again and again and just remembered when
he was a boy and the girl that he loved didn't love him, but her best friend Allison
served as the vizier and reported and imparted all the words of the queen
but was she secretly jealous or a true friend, sure she adored and admired
the beauty of her queen, and so he was seeing all of this in the shop
as he watched and soon he spoke and told and joke, and the #2 laughed
and it was like as if he was back within his own past revisited again
Sitting silently at the state pen, at the edge of the island in isolation looking for a friend
he'd spent all this time amongst aggresive men wondering if he'd ever see a woman again

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96':
Standing at the edge of Rikers island pen, he started contemplating all and everything again
Wondering if a woman would ever want him again and would he ever again touch her skin
Wondering if time had passed him by and if he hadn't caught his ship when his ship came in
Orphalese closed his eyes and prayed in the silences of his soul
He missed them, he missed the women.  He hadn't seen them in 12 long years
For 12 long years he had been locked up, and hadn't seen the sun
He knew beyond the distance of the edges of the island
they frolicked and played, in a way more civilized than the savage beasts he'd become
He thought of a girl that was perfection.  He thought,
"Well her clothes will be neat, well her hair will be washed.  She will look cared for
and not like the ragged and stray dogs that lived in the jungle of concrete slab
He thought about what it would be if he, could try to succeed and see
a woman more beautiful than the fiery waves of the sun
that hung at the time of noon.  Noon was usually when he
would be forced into a sour intercourse of words with those men
Those men whose edges were rough and lacked all sophistication
He dreamt of seeing himself on the outside of those walls once again
When one would come and ask questions of him
Like back when he was in need, back when he was in demand
Now he was just a man wrotting away on edge of an island
he stared at his two hands, "I thought they were good strong hands"
and then he knew that he can, do it again, if the would only let him begin
He thought of all the things he would do to dazzle a woman
and leave her dizzy like a magician he knew he could do it again
within him was the charms, but he saw across the see many
women in weaker arms and with weaker men and he started to dream again
He thought how he would lift them up high.  He looked at the grass around him
and saw a few sunflowers that grew, he felt for the softest and lifted it up and blew
he clapped and angels clamored and he remembered that he
would lift up if given a chance, and he was madly in love with any woman
he'd ever had the chance to encounter, it would be right
it would be different the next time.  He would rhyme and recite poetry
to every flower he'd see, have a riddle and puzzle and never get stung by the bee
he'd dwell in that place they call harmony that he'd found many years before
when surrounded by women he radiated their core, it emanated from the hair that they wore
it found its way to his chest and his hand, and he ran his fingers through it
like fine grains in the sand, and it's energy and life was upliftment for the soul

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96':
Orpholese awaited his ship at the edge of Rikers Island a maximum security penitentiary
he remembered his neighborhood in which he grew he remembered the girl next door he knew
He remembered her mother, their family, and the ways in which they were different
divergently magical--not corresponding and boring, he always thought them to perfect
he thought of her as a prude, she thought of his cousin as crass, different families
living out different destinies and realities far away, but existing in that street
they were the same, the same vein, the same air, they even shared the same lawn
But between mother and daughter they shared a bond that was far gone and far beyond
The bond he knew with his mom, for with his mom there was no bond, and in his house
there was not calm, the only calm was behind locked doors and underneath beds
but in her he saw a calm and confidence with her and her mom that made him long
to be a part of it, she asked if he could come over for lunch, for a snack, for a movie
Like Pip and Estella they played a child hood, her mom would come to drop her off
with sunglasses on, the daughter resembled her and the mother said to "take good care"
and there was something about the hair, for hours they would spend, before he could begin
to go out to play waiting for her mother to finish her hair, because who knew her hair
better than her mom, they shared the same hair, and who would care more than her mom
if the hair was rightly parted who would be more proud, but he would admire
and he would appreciate, and it was as if in that he shared, a part of their world
on that day they would play like Pip and Estella.
Must have been Molly (bio mother and not Miss Havisham) because the two were a perfect pair
and she told me that I would soon hopefully see something special in Estella
the same way I'd suggested to have seen something in the others
And surely I did, surely I saw, and it wasn't before long, in fact
it's possible I saw from the start and knew I was lucky to have
her treasury, her daughter, seemed impossible that they would bother with me


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