Author Topic: The Ban List  (Read 1545 times)


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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #45 on: May 28, 2003, 04:20:15 PM »
Where did I say I never deleted anything? I have never deleted anything for no reason.

Try again, whore.


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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #46 on: May 28, 2003, 04:25:09 PM »
You said "Show me where i deleted posts. You cant? Tragic."

Well, I can, and I did. You just try to make it seem like you are right, and try to avoid the fact that you've been SONNED, once again. All you do is try to make it seem like you're not being sonned, and you try your hardest to dig yourself out of this heap of shit you got yourself into. But, you just make it worse on yourself. Everything you bring up, I  SON you on. For your own pride Owen, just stop. Please. Just try, now after so long, to REMOVE THY GAY SELF FROM MY SCROTUM.


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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #47 on: May 28, 2003, 04:28:15 PM »
*sigh* You misquoting fool. You're almost as retarded as when you pretended to be Roccy, but at least that was funny.

"Show me where Doggy and I have locked or deleted posts for no reason. Please show me. Can't? How tragic." exact quote, kiddo

Try again.

Bigg AG

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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #48 on: May 28, 2003, 04:30:12 PM »
Tom, no offence, but when you call other people losers, that's considered hypocrisy at its finest...Lets see, Tom said he would leave WCC because it was wasting his time...He deleted his account, and came back two days later as a valley girl...LMAO...Now he posts just as much as before under a new alias (Joe Dick)...Hmmm, that sounds pretty loserish if you ask me...

and the choice to repeatedly come back to a place ur not wanted have great resemblances to Eli-Whore

LMAO...I guess a lot of people really love you down here...That might explain all the props you have in your karma...*cough* hypocrite *cough*

i hope u get ran over several times and die and sum rats or birds come eat ur remainings for these gay ass comments ur are tha biggest hypocrite on this board and dont even like u sicc son of a bitch. are u gonna get ur "blacc women" that love u so much on me or u gonna call ice cube and dr. dre and put a hit out for me? which one? c'mon im curious. im out!!!


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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #49 on: May 28, 2003, 04:33:33 PM »
*sigh* You misquoting fool. You're almost as retarded as when you pretended to be Roccy, but at least that was funny.

"Show me where Doggy and I have locked or deleted posts for no reason. Please show me. Can't? How tragic." exact quote, kiddo

Try again.

Don't try to divert attention from the real point here Mr. SON-inated..... I proved myself correct, right? Well, since you were disagreeing with me that means that I at the same time proved you wrong. To clarify that, I SONNED YOU....again. 8)


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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #50 on: May 28, 2003, 04:38:03 PM »
You retard. You claimed I said "I have never deleted a post". I didn't say that.

Try again, my child.


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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #51 on: May 28, 2003, 04:43:07 PM »
I don't need to try again. I have succeeded one too many times in SONNING you. I think I should retire now while I'm ahead. Anyways, I've asked you about 20 times to remove yourself from my nutz, but you just can't do it. Owen, as a mod, don't you think that you've taken up a whole lot of space in G-Spot just to get my attention and talk to me? Weren't you the one complaining about me taking up space? Well, faggot, you've totally accomplished to do something that you're so against. Bored people in desperate need of attention will go to any measures to get. You have proved that by constantly making posts in regards to me. I will ask you one last time to stop because you really are boring me.


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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #52 on: May 28, 2003, 04:50:13 PM »
Where did I say you were taking up space? Never said that.

The last refuge of the damned is, I repeat, claiming they don't care. You pretend not to give a shit about me, yet keep replying.

And in this thread, you have suffered your most complete defeat. You claimed I said one thing:

"I have never deleted a thread" I never said that; if I had said it, I'd have been lying.

Instead I said, in effect, "I've never deleted a thread without a good reason". That's the truth.

Now try again, fagmunch. You're not boring me, you're quite entertaining, like those little kids that just don't give up, even after you've made them cry. I admire your persistence. A great quality of Afghans. But you have no strategy, no grounding in basic tactics, and you waste your obvious intelligence.

If you can't bring anything better than the pathetic attempts you've made so far, please insert a gun into your mouth, fully loaded, muzzle pointed upwards, and pull the trigger. NIK said you were a good disser; he was wrong.

Bigg AG

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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #53 on: May 28, 2003, 04:50:24 PM »
I don't need to try again. I have succeeded one too many times in SONNING you. I think I should retire now while I'm ahead. Anyways, I've asked you about 20 times to remove yourself from my nutz, but you just can't do it. Owen, as a mod, don't you think that you've taken up a whole lot of space in G-Spot just to get my attention and talk to me? Weren't you the one complaining about me taking up space? Well, faggot, you've totally accomplished to do something that you're so against. Bored people in desperate need of attention will go to any measures to get. You have proved that by constantly making posts in regards to me. I will ask you one last time to stop because you really are boring me.

Lets sit and think about this pulls a chiar for O and Schizo.
Now first off Schizo nobody is on ur nutz now Inspector O has chosen not to find out who is on ur nuts cuzz its clear nobody is and we would need XXXtra strength magnifing glass to find them! and i have not seen u "Sonned" O once!
*Schizo goes crazy and runs naked out of tha room to a mental hospital where they will put him to sleep*  ;D. im out!!!


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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #54 on: May 28, 2003, 04:54:16 PM »

Lets sit and think about this pulls a chiar for O and Schizo.
Now first off Schizo nobody is on ur nutz now Inspector O has chosen not to find out who is on ur nuts cuzz its clear nobody is and we would need XXXtra strength magnifing glass to find them! and i have not seen u "Sonned" O once!
*Schizo goes crazy and runs naked out of tha room to a mental hospital where they will put him to sleep*  ;D. im out!!!

AG, you've really outdone yourself this time. You illiterate retard need to go back to school. Everytime I think you can't get any stupider, you come back and prove me wrong. Now, you're on my nutz too.

Bigg AG

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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #55 on: May 28, 2003, 05:06:14 PM »

Lets sit and think about this pulls a chiar for O and Schizo.
Now first off Schizo nobody is on ur nutz now Inspector O has chosen not to find out who is on ur nuts cuzz its clear nobody is and we would need XXXtra strength magnifing glass to find them! and i have not seen u "Sonned" O once!
*Schizo goes crazy and runs naked out of tha room to a mental hospital where they will put him to sleep*  ;D. im out!!!

AG, you've really outdone yourself this time. You illiterate retard need to go back to school. Everytime I think you can't get any stupider, you come back and prove me wrong. Now, you're on my nutz too.

oh no i jus got sonned by a fagg.... man im gonan cry... he is tha one who wont get off my nuttz but its ok u know y? cuzz ur still gay! im out!!!


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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #56 on: May 28, 2003, 06:44:44 PM »
I would say something to make you look stupid, but you seem to be way ahead of me and beat me to it. 8)

Bigg AG

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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #57 on: May 28, 2003, 06:46:32 PM »
I would say something to make you look stupid, but you seem to be way ahead of me and beat me to it. 8)

*cough has nuthin to say cough*
im out!!!


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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #58 on: May 28, 2003, 06:52:24 PM »
1. It would have to look something like this:
   *cough* has nothing to say *cough*

2. To be quite honest, arguing with you would be the dumbest thing anyone can do. That's lower than low. At least Owen speaks fluent english, and I don't have to decipher his text. You are just a complete idiot, and an argument with you would be a total waste of time. As far as I know you might be the dumbest person posting on this board. Please refrain from talking to me, please, for your own sake. You don't want to be sonned again, do you my little border-hopping wanna-be muslim?

Bigg AG

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Re:The Ban List
« Reply #59 on: May 28, 2003, 07:03:36 PM »
1. It would have to look something like this:
   *cough* has nothing to say *cough*

2. To be quite honest, arguing with you would be the dumbest thing anyone can do. That's lower than low. At least Owen speaks fluent english, and I don't have to decipher his text. You are just a complete idiot, and an argument with you would be a total waste of time. As far as I know you might be the dumbest person posting on this board. Please refrain from talking to me, please, for your own sake. You don't want to be sonned again, do you my little border-hopping wanna-be muslim?

 ::) ok thats hurts me i Sonned again aaahhhhhhhhhhh  ::). im out bitch!!!