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E. J. Rizo:
angels win!!! ;D

Prop's to those who stayed down from the jump!!!
Congrat's to The Angels.

The City of Angles defeat's the City of Rat'

Sent Ny back home to cool off N' chill wit' the rodent's over the rest of the season.

Hatesrats 2oo2

HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!! As a Yankee HATER this is great, but as a Dodger/Angel fan, it's so SWEET to see the Angels fuck them up with some of their own medicine!! ;D


--- Quote ---angels win!!! ;D
--- End quote ---

Its about time those Devils got an asswhoopin

I have disliked the yankees since they started buying their championships. Every year it was the Yankees who were suppose to win it all but it is now falling apart for them. As far as their players go, they got some great talent. Williams,Jeter,Mondesi, Giambi and in the past with Oneil,Knowblaugh etc....  but pitching wise they are getting old. Pitching is the key in post season.

Iam a dodger fan but Iam more than happy to see our crosstown homies make the postseason and bring respect to southern cali

Props to the Angels and I hope they go even further now ;D


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