Author Topic: How to Start a Mafia Family  (Read 95 times)


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How to Start a Mafia Family
« on: July 11, 2003, 09:08:09 PM »
copy/paste from

How to Start a Mafia Family
by Matthew "Lenny the Bookie" Lorenzo

1-Get a crew together, friends from back in the day, some boys you can trust. Get 3-5, and you can start, if you don't know any local Dons or don't live near anybody. You'll have to pick a Don out of your crew.

2-With the Don, He must appoint a UnderBoss,or Capo Bastone - the one he trusts most shouls fill this position.

3-Now the Don should pick a Consigliere, a verteran criminal is required here, better yet a real made man.

4-The rest will be caporegime, and they'll need to recruit 3-10 men for soldiers in a crew. The capo runs that crew, though he is run by the UnderBoss who is run by the Don.

5-If you meet another family Don who started up like you did from this text file, then unite your familys and elect a Godfather, or Padrone, to look over the Dons.

If your the Godfather over 200 men or more, you could be making millions of dollars a month.

Rules to live by;

1-Respect the Omerta, the vow a Mafioso takes, he musn't tell anyone about his ill dealings, or he should be put to rest.

2-NO DRUGS, Drugs kill ambition, kill men, and kill organizations, not to mention-Drug Dealers get harsh penalties in prison.

3-RESPECT THOSE WHO HAVE CAME BEFORE YOU-Respecting those who came before you is important in two ways. you must hand a cut of the take to your capo, or whomever is directly above you on the Mafia org. Chart. Then, this rules goes hand in hand with the first, by breaking the omerta, you dishonor men who never broke the Omerta, possibly dieing because of it.

4-RESPECT THE LORD YOUR GOD, though he frowns on your ill dealings, he still loves you, and you should love him, Theres only one way out, but what you do now helps God decide where you go after your killed. Ok, those are the basics, now I'll give you a little list of How-to's.


A-Blackmail an important person, local politicians, prominent buisness man, entertainment star, one with much to lose as depends on the public eye. Don't Blackmail average people , they are far more willing to go to the cops.

B-Extortion, pretty simple-make them an offer they can't refuse, or an offer they can refuse but with sever penalties. Sever penalties are only restricted by imagination.

2-Loan Sharking: Lend someone money who needs some, with a ludicrous vig{Intrest rate}, like 20 points{percent} a month or in a small amount, a week.

3-Protection: If someone needs Mafia protection, the person is often willing to pay alot of money to do so. Lok for someone like a gang member or bullied kid to turn a real profit.

4-Gambling: Give people free food, drinks, and maybe even broads, so they will come and gamble against each other, make sure the table{you; the mini casino;the pot} takes 10 points of whats bet, and you'll turn a real profit.

5-Gambling2: Have people bet on Sports games and write their bet down in your books, people may bet the same way or for the other team, but make your profit from taking points from peoples profit and making odds in the favor of underdogs.

If you're lucky you can lie cheat and steal enough for a comfortable lifestyle.


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Re:How to Start a Mafia Family
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2003, 09:13:12 PM »
lol I'm gonna shakedown Taco Shops ;D j/k fbi agent monitoring this website