Author Topic: Scientists attempt to clone woolly mammoth  (Read 446 times)


  • Lil Geezy
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  • The Enigmatic One
Re:Scientists attempt to clone woolly mammoth
« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2003, 06:43:41 AM »
^^ Yeah, but I think there are religious and scientific reasons they won't be able to do it.  I think god won't allow full on cloning,

How do u know this? Surely he "allowed" Dolly to be cloned? If you are to be a consistent christian then you surely believe the bible as the inerrant word of God. In the bible I recall it saying something in Genesis about Man being giving dominion over all the animals in the world by God. Thus it would be alright for Man to perform experiments on animals and thus clone them. However cloning humans is another matter, as he was not given direct dominion over other humans.

and also, I think the way it'll be 'explained' is it'll just be one of those things we never figure out.  For instance; why does the body need sleep? Nothing rests, your muscles still move, brain still works, autonomic systems still function, it's unnecessary... but it's NECESSARY.  We just have no friekin' idea why.  I believe it's one of god's secrets, for some reason, he's stepped in and made sleep necessary, even though it's unnecessary... get me?  I think they same thing will occur with cloning.  We won't be able to figure something about it out, and we'll never be able to quite get there.  

Doesn't the body grow 'better' once u have a reasonable amount of sleeping hours? I think it's just simply resting to combat the effects of living in a fallen world. I doubt Adam and Eve truly slept until after they sinned. Adam slept though due to God so that he could create Eve. Maybe it's kinda special in that way.

I doubt that we'll clone any mammoths or dinosaurs though. I doubt there is alot of intact DNA to use for cloning left after such a long time.


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Re:Scientists attempt to clone woolly mammoth
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2003, 08:34:58 AM »
if this would work out, it would be a great step in science. like seer said: its not like they're gonna breed with elephants in the wild and upset the balance.. they'd probably be kept in a special zoo somewhere

also, archeolochists would get to know a lot more about the time era.

i support the idea 8)