Author Topic: DAMN IT !!!Goodbye Ukraine basketball camp  (Read 144 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Double OG
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DAMN IT !!!Goodbye Ukraine basketball camp
« on: July 17, 2003, 10:59:38 AM »

ok here's the thing sum of u know i live in is the only good sport we have here an i'm a decent player(only short coming is well i'm short ...15 years old ...5.5 feet tall,that's normal height but in basketball..i'm a midget but i'm a play maker so that doesn't really affect my game)

so my cousin he's in a team called sagesse (he's 12 years old .5.5 feet tall) told me that the camp is open for any1 to i got all excited cause it's 13 days ,890$ for food ,transport,the hotel,an basketball equipment..shit i can pay like 500$(been saving since i was 8) momz said yes u can go (god bless her) but my dad is basically the moutain that stands in my way......

now i kinda have my doubts (kinda affraid of flying...not a phobia ...just the kind of butterflies u get b4 sumthin important)but GOD DAMN ...there goes my career...there goes my career.....been playin basketball all day everyday for a long time ...DO U KNOW HOW HOT IT IS AT 10 o CLOCK IN THE MORNIN IN THE MIDDLE EAST?????????

anyway "damn sorry man" here...or give me sum inspirational words to get me motivated not to give up hope an try out for sum team next year...remember i might have ADD so a 9 to 5 job may not happen......