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Playstation 2: Socom U.S. Navy Seals...


Big BpG:

This game is gonna be awesome. Let me tell you all a little bit about it. It's definetly for fans of shooting games. What socom is though, is team work at it's finest. You play Navy Seals, who go on various mission, almost like Medal of Honor, but in a whole new sense. What makes Socom so interesting is not the fact that it has a wonderful first person mode, but the possibilities in multi-player mode is endless.  You can play with this CLAN in a first person mode, where you control one character the rest are controlled through computer AI... or, even better. You can play this game online, over the internet when the PS2's network adaptor comes out next week. This game is the launch game for the PS2 online... there are others, but this is the main event. When you play Socom online, you can play up to 16 players at a time... that's 16 different people playing the same game, at the same time. You will have to work as a team... each team filled with 8 players. The object is to defeat the other team... or finish your mission. However, a team's best offensive strategy is communication and SOCOM has added an awesome feature... a Headset... you can talk to all eight of your teammates over this headset. Tell them what to watch out for, what's ahead of them... how to play them game... whatever... each player in this game will be controlled by someone, anyone, or maybe something at one time around the country... now that's awesome.... some may like to call it a "counter strike" rip off, but it's definetly got some unique features to it, to seperate it from the glory of "counter strike" ... the game is due out next week... August 28th....

Check out this video   (quicktime)

-Big BpG

it sounds pretty dope

Big BpG:
Yea, the demo is completely awesome... most ps2 gamers are going to be buying this game and the network adaptor next week... it's gonna be hot

-Big BpG

yea tha launch foe online is on tha 27th rite?

should be a dope day foe ps2 peeps

Big BpG:
Yep, this upcoming Tuesday... dope day

-Big BpG


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