Author Topic: Interview with AG!!! Must read!!!  (Read 203 times)


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Interview with AG!!! Must read!!!
« on: July 23, 2003, 01:47:22 AM »
PimpinAFGstyle: So why exactly did you stop posting at WCC?
AHustla482:  i needed a break from all tha haters like kain and TJ and Quake... Kain added more stress to my life when he did that shit and im already going through sum tough times i dont need ppl over tha interenet thats ppl i dont even know doing that shit
AHustla482:  and no i didnt cry when he did that Quake was on sum crack....
PimpinAFGstyle:  How did he add stress? I mean it's just some bullshit on the internet
PimpinAFGstyle:  Why did you take it to the heart?
AHustla482:  cuzz if like someone i knew saw that shit it would make me look gay and shit and plus fuccing i dont want a bunch of fuccing queers seeing me and shit
PimpinAFGstyle:  You don't want a bunch of queers seeing you, yet you upload a shirtless pic of yourself on a board where people like Mauzip post?
AHustla482:  well i mean its different... they know im not gay and i jus wanted to show um.... how quake gots a lil skinny sticc body compared to mine
PimpinAFGstyle:  Well, you're not really Arnold Schwarzenegger yourself
PimpinAFGstyle:  Anyways, so what now?
PimpinAFGstyle:  How do you spend your time now?
AHustla482:  i jus get on and chill now u know i mean im berly on now today i was kiccing it with my boys thats sumthing i havent done in a while  
AHustla482:  i tmade me more happy it brang up old times
AHustla482:  like when i was yunger and shit
PimpinAFGstyle:  oh younger than 12?
AHustla482:  well i mean yeah i guess when i was yunger we jus use to play football or basket ball we were too yung to bang bacc then
PimpinAFGstyle:  LOL
PimpinAFGstyle:  Do you still check out the board once in a while?
AHustla482:  yeah  
PimpinAFGstyle:  so since you're there to check, why don't you just post?
AHustla482:  well i jus browse really tha news section mostly and TOT but i do see tha haters at G-spot
AHustla482:  and there all biyches man
AHustla482:  i mean look at quake for an instance
AHustla482:  that fuccing nerd cant kicc no ones ass
AHustla482:  he jus acts like it
PimpinAFGstyle:  Yes, he's a pussy alright  PimpinAFGstyle:  Nothing can get him to fight someone 1 on 1
AHustla482:  he is more than that
PimpinAFGstyle:  I dissed his ugly family only so he would fight me, but not even that gave him the anger and courage
AHustla482:  i got a hindu friend
AHustla482:  i should kicc his ass
AHustla482:  jus for tha hell of it
PimpinAFGstyle:  you should
PimpinAFGstyle:  just to make a point that you're tougher than a hindu pussy
PimpinAFGstyle:  and take pictures to show Quake
PimpinAFGstyle:  So when exactly are you gonna make your comeback?
AHustla482:  whawt do u mean my comebacc?
PimpinAFGstyle:  When are you gonna come back to WCC, and release all hell on the haters
AHustla482:  in a month
AHustla482:  i need a break right now
AHustla482:  lol i feel like bez didnt he leave cuzz they were clowning him kinda bad?
AHustla482:  lol no dissrespect to Bez tho he is cool
PimpinAFGstyle:  I don't know
PimpinAFGstyle:  Bez is a pretty dorky guy  PimpinAFGstyle:  So 100% that you wont come back before that? Cuz a lot of people have bets on it. Some say that you could never stay away from the board
PimpinAFGstyle:  and put money on that
AHustla482:  lol i mean WCC aint my damn life i have a life unlike sum of them fuccing losers i mean come on beting to see when imma come bacc LMAO
AHustla482:  i mean Quake left tha board same reason as i did  
PimpinAFGstyle:  What do you think about HaterPlayer?
AHustla482:  he is a funny guy jus needs to calm down on tha racist jokes
AHustla482:  but he does make me laugh
PimpinAFGstyle:  Racist? Don't you always say that you hate Jews and Blacks?
AHustla482:  well i dont really hate blaccs and jews now are ok as long as Sccit keeps his deal...
PimpinAFGstyle:  So you never really hated Jews, and just said you did so you could bug Sccit? and impress Sub-Z?
AHustla482:  naw too bug Sccit for a while
AHustla482:  then i really started hateing them after i found out sumthing but i cant share that iwth u
PimpinAFGstyle:  why not?
AHustla482:  and i have always made fun of jews but i never hated them
AHustla482:  and Sub Z is not even a real nazi lmao
PimpinAFGstyle:  This is an interview. It's against the law to with-hold information in interviews
PimpinAFGstyle:  The 5th amendment doesn't apply here
AHustla482:  what?
PimpinAFGstyle:  YOU HAVE TO TELL THE WHOLE TRUTH AND CANT GIVE US HALF THE INFO  PimpinAFGstyle:  What happened that made you dislike Jews? You should share, maybe ppl on the board will understand u better and not go so hard on u
AHustla482:  my teachers were jews
AHustla482:  and i hate them
AHustla482:  thats it
AHustla482:  i dont hate jews that much anymore
PimpinAFGstyle:  oh so its ur teachers LMAO
AHustla482:  yeppers
PimpinAFGstyle:  Who do you think is HaterPlayer?
AHustla482:  he could be alot of ppl
PimpinAFGstyle:  I think he could only be 1 person, not a lot of people. You think it's a ring of people trying to take over the board?
AHustla482:  no lmao
AHustla482:  well i use to think it was NIK but now.. it really doenst bother me
PimpinAFGstyle:  Well you do know that HaterPlayer wants to battle you when he comes back?
AHustla482:  lmao he can battle my dicc cuzz idk wtf he is talking about lol
AHustla482:  ebough with haterplayer
AHustla482:  enough*
PimpinAFGstyle:  Battle your dick? Dude you really shouldn't say things like this at a time when the board thinks you're gay
AHustla482:  fucc them im not gay
PimpinAFGstyle:  What if new people come to the board and see that pic?
AHustla482:  whoever thinks that is a bitch stpid kain did that shit
AHustla482:  fucc them
AHustla482:  i dont really give a shit anymore its tha fuccing internet
PimpinAFGstyle:  Or, gay people that post at that site see it and find out your AIM sn...
PimpinAFGstyle:  and then track you down
PimpinAFGstyle:  Would you be scared if one of them pulled out a dick on u ?
AHustla482:  lmao no faggot will ever even look at me
AHustla482:  i ahte them all
AHustla482:  look at when i use to be known as DPG4lyfe iuse to make posts about my uncles punking queers and shit
AHustla482:  i cant stand any faggot
PimpinAFGstyle:  Isn't that a bit arrogant of you? Are you saying you're too good for them and they dont have a chance with you?
AHustla482:  bitch im not gay
AHustla482:  lol
PimpinAFGstyle:  I didn't say you were
PimpinAFGstyle:  lol
PimpinAFGstyle:  But the people at GayUniverse sure think you are
AHustla482:  ok lets move on...
PimpinAFGstyle:  So, you said you dont give a shit no more? So why not come to the board now?
AHustla482:  cuzz not at this moment
PimpinAFGstyle:  Still depressed?
AHustla482:  i dont need extra stress i dont need
AHustla482:  yep
AHustla482:  i have been sleeping non stop too
AHustla482:  but today i was up kiccing it with my family and homeboys from tha old hood
AHustla482:  shit tha obard needs me they aint shit without me
AHustla482:  lol jk
PimpinAFGstyle:  You keep contradicting yourself. First you say you don't give a shit about what's said on the internet, then you say you're stressed out  because of what people say, then you say fuck them, then you say you cant come back because you're depressed
AHustla482:  what does cntradiccin mean?
PimpinAFGstyle:  nevermind
PimpinAFGstyle:  Well, a lot of people have been IMing me telling me to tell u to come back
AHustla482:  like who name sum names
AHustla482:  then ill believe u
PimpinAFGstyle:  NIK
AHustla482:  lol.... thats it?
PimpinAFGstyle:  StillDre
PimpinAFGstyle:  DonBreezio
PimpinAFGstyle:  Mauzip (after he saw that pic he was so sad about u leaving)
PimpinAFGstyle:  lol
AHustla482:  lol
PimpinAFGstyle:  Trauma even wants you back
PimpinAFGstyle:  Doggy, Rodzilla, Tech
PimpinAFGstyle:  every1 man  
AHustla482:  i dont think mauzip is gay  
AHustla482:  how do u know this?
PimpinAFGstyle: Did you try making a move on him and he rejected you? Or vice versa?
PimpinAFGstyle:  They PMed me
PimpinAFGstyle:  cuz they know i talk 2 u
PimpinAFGstyle:  They said "yo get that foo back"
AHustla482:  next question?
PimpinAFGstyle:  Last one......
PimpinAFGstyle:  So, you're really not gay?
AHustla482:  no never was i hate faggots and i wish they all burn and go to hell
PimpinAFGstyle:  Cuz sum people changed your name to Gay-G
AHustla482:  fucc them
AHustla482:  thats why i aint gonna come bacc for a while
PimpinAFGstyle: BTW Overseer says you'll be back in 10 days
PimpinAFGstyle:  Jome says 5
PimpinAFGstyle:  NIK says 3
AHustla482:  overseer and jome are dumb
PimpinAFGstyle:  Quake says you already posted under an alias
AHustla482:  its already been past 3 days lol
AHustla482:  fucc that lol
AHustla482:  Wuake is afuccing nerd he needs a life
AHustla482:  and needs to stop talking shit to a fuccing 14 year old and he is like 50 something lol
AHustla482:  idk how old that retarded hindu is
PimpinAFGstyle:  he looks 34
PimpinAFGstyle:  in that family pic
AHustla482:  LMAO
PimpinAFGstyle:  and in the pic he took on doggy's cam he looks like 1 of those nerds stuck in their room all day  
AHustla482:  LMAO
AHustla482:  i couldnt agree with u more
AHustla482:  doggy is cool tho
PimpinAFGstyle:  and lets not get into that pic in front of the plants
AHustla482:  what ever happen to that monkey pic of him?
AHustla482:  is nik on i need to ask him sumthing about soundclick?
AHustla482:  lol
PimpinAFGstyle:  Oh and I tried submitting Quake's pic to before,,,, but they said "Sorry, but we do not intend to scare our viewers, only humor them"
PimpinAFGstyle:  No NIK is not on
AHustla482:  lmao
PimpinAFGstyle:  But Ghandu might be. ask him.
AHustla482:  hahaha
AHustla482:  wtf is ghandu?
PimpinAFGstyle:  a hindu cuss word
AHustla482:  lmao
PimpinAFGstyle:  Aite time's up
PimpinAFGstyle:  Thanx for your time
AHustla482:  aight tehn
AHustla482:  no problem
AHustla482:  laterz
PimpinAFGstyle:  PEACE  IM OUT!!!!
AHustla482:  im GAY!!!  JK.... im out!!!
PimpinAFGstyle: LOL


Re:Interview with AG!!! Must read!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2003, 01:52:57 AM »

AHustla482:  overseer and jome are dumb

LoL, this coming 1 day after this:

but i gota give props too Jamal, Krimson, NIK, M-Dogg, Trauma, Tom, seer, Jome, Blade, Infinite, Sub Z


Don Seer

Re:Interview with AG!!! Must read!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2003, 02:00:44 AM »


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Re:Interview with AG!!! Must read!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2003, 02:02:29 AM »
stupid ass kid...hey and Jamal U pussy ass bitch, dont put words in my mouth, I cant believe this crackhead still believes u after bitchmoves u keep pullin. Peace.

40oz GRApHire

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Re:Interview with AG!!! Must read!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2003, 03:33:50 AM »
I guess its funny... :) I think he takes the internet to personal & yeah maybe its because hes younger then the avarage posters here but that doesnt mean he's like that in real life because there is a big difference I'm sure so let him be  8) ;)

40oz Graphire


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Re:Interview with AG!!! Must read!!!
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2003, 09:35:58 AM »
PimpinAFGstyle:  You keep contradicting yourself. First you say you don't give a shit about what's said on the internet, then you say you're stressed out  because of what people say, then you say fuck them, then you say you cant come back because you're depressed
AHustla482:  what does cntradiccin mean?
PimpinAFGstyle:  nevermind
classic AG

I'll leave you alone so you won't commit suicide.


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Re:Interview with AG!!! Must read!!!
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2003, 11:28:26 AM »
lol,his only diss to me ever is youre not a real nazi lmfao,can someone tell me i fhe has a fully functional brain?


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Re:Interview with AG!!! Must read!!!
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2003, 11:49:36 AM »
stupid ass kid...hey and Jamal U pussy ass bitch, dont put words in my mouth, I cant believe this crackhead still believes u after bitchmoves u keep pullin. Peace.

The reason he believes me is because I showed him proof of you pussying out, and he too now knows that you're a coward ass biiiiaaaatch.

Z the laidback Virus

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Re:Interview with AG!!! Must read!!!
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2003, 02:16:48 PM »
I can't believe how stupid this guy is....He doesn't even know what contradicting means and didn't have a clue what you were talking about considering the 5th amendment.He really seems to think the board is all about him while it definately isn't.

Why didn't I get mentioned by him by the way?We collided several times during his last days here at WCC. ;D 8)
Z knows about ALL your inner conflicts..


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Re:Interview with AG!!! Must read!!!
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2003, 03:45:12 PM »
Maybe AG is 13 and a half ;D