Author Topic: The CIA Never Trained or Financed Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan  (Read 455 times)


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Re:The CIA Never Trained or Financed Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2003, 06:41:13 AM »
Thanks to CWalker for exposing this myth.  The title of this thread appears to be true.  Why would Usama accept money from the US, when one of his cheif objectives was to repel the US from any involvement in the region?  

You guys want to call me bias.  Yes, I am bias in the fact that I believe that the truth is not relative.  Allah is the eternal, absolute truth.  Islam is the religion of all the prophets from Adam, to Moses, to Jesus, to Muhammad. (peace be unto all of them, and any non-Muslims should be protected in their right to denounce Allah and the religion of Islam)

Still however, I will be totally objective in admitting that alot of the arguments that the anti-war advocates use are emersed in fallacy.  Pro-war advocates have also told their share of obvious lies and half-truths...

I watched the movie "Bowling For Columbine".  The theme of the documentary, as I gathered it to be, was benificial, in justafiably making the necassary connection between violence in the streets and in schools, and the United States governments historical practice of exercising it's own tyrranical muscles at home and abroad.  But the Usama Bin Laden/US connection thing is an exaggeration and probably untrue.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2003, 06:48:36 AM by Ibrahim Islam »