Author Topic: Again, a miracle  (Read 135 times)


Again, a miracle
« on: September 30, 2003, 04:03:44 PM »
Toddler Recovering After 2 1/2 Weeks Alone

JACKSONVILLE, Fla.  — A 2-year-old girl survived on ketchup, mustard and dried pasta for nearly three weeks after she was left home alone while her mother served time in jail.
The child was recovering from malnutrition Tuesday and was listed in good condition at Wolfson Children's Hospital.

"She's sitting up in the bed and laughing and playing with the nurses," said hospital spokesman David Foreman.

The child's father, Ogden Lee, who is separated from the child's 22-year-old mother, Dakeysha Telita Lee, said he had been trying to contact the mother for two weeks and did not learn until Sunday that she was in jail.

When a manager let him into the apartment Monday, the girl was lying in a baby's bathtub, covered with a towel and was watching cartoons. She was filthy and covered with dry ketchup, he said.

"She grabbed me and wouldn't let go of me," Lee said. "It is really a miracle how good a shape my daughter is in. I don't know how she did it."

Lee, 33, said the girl had dragged the food, toys and other things into her mother's bedroom, where he found her.

Leaford James, who lives across a breezeway from Dakeysha Lee's apartment, said he had heard crying from the apartment "but nothing to get suspicious about."

The little girl had been left alone since her mother was jailed Sept. 10 for aggravated assault and petty theft. The mother was charged Monday with child abuse, and was being held Tuesday on $20,000 bond.

Dakeysha Lee was represented by the Public Defender's Office on the original charges, but it had not been assigned the child abuse case. Her appointed attorney was not immediately available for comment.

The Department of Children & Families was reviewing the case to determine where the child should be placed.

"The child is safe in our care," said Patricia Mallon, a DCF district manager. "Our every effort is to ensure her safety and well-being."


I'm gonna get soft on you, this kind of stuff makes me cry.  Not because some ASSHOLE left the little girl alone, but because even at 2 years old, the girl had the god given spark of intelligence in her.  Her mom just dissapeared, and fuck, the woman probably hasn't taken care of this girl since she was born, if she didn't even tell somebody the kid was home alone.  Her mom dissapears, and so she's sitting there alone crying for a while, nobody even shows up.  There's nothing to do, so she just lays there and watches cartoons, nobody to play with, so what's she do?  She crawls and grabs a toy, then sits there for a while playing with it.  Then she cries a little while, nobody shows up, and she takes a nap.  She wakes up hungry, and goes looking for food, since nobody brings her any.  She finds some ketchup, doesn't like the way it tastes, but she's so hungry she eats it all anyways.  She pulls a bathtub she plays with in the bedroom, lays down in it and gets a towel to keep her warm.  Sits there chillin watching cartoons.  

Think about this shit.  Imagine being left alone on the floor of an apartment, no lights, no food, no nothing, for two and a half fucking weeks.  That's enough to make somebody go crazy, and she's just a little kid, they need interaction with people a hell of a lot more than we do.  She probably thought nobody was coming to get her, I'll be she'd already resigned herself to the fact that she was never going to see anybody again.  She'd probably been watching the same television channel for 2 and a half weeks now; cartoons every morning at 6, news at 8, soap operas all day, Oprah at 4, Simpsons at 6, News at 8, talk show at night.  She probably watched the race last sunday, caught some golf.  Amazing.  Wouldn't you give anything just to have a glimpse at what that little girl did to keep herself busy?  How long did she wait to look for ketchup?  

The Big Bad Ass

Re:Again, a miracle
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2003, 01:06:45 AM »
Thats just insane. That lady needs to be locked back up for a long ass time. Sounds like she'd be much better off with her dad anyways. I hate people.  >:(


  • Guest
Re:Again, a miracle
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2003, 03:21:31 AM »
damn what a sick bitch...  >:(

Don Seer

Re:Again, a miracle
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2003, 03:29:45 AM »
the shit some ppl do to their kids is unreal... -but- there is no proof here that the mother never tried to do it, not much u can do from jail huh? who else knew she was in jail n didnt think about the kid? grandparents? makes u wonder..


Re:Again, a miracle
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2003, 11:32:29 AM »
^^ They said that she made no attempt to inform anyone of the situation (what social services said) so apparently, she didn't tell anyone at the jail or the arresting officers, or the judge, or any of the other 100 people she came into contact with that she had a kid at home.