Author Topic: what do mormons believe?  (Read 790 times)


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what do mormons believe?
« on: November 22, 2003, 11:51:57 PM »

p.s. i was watching south park and i wanna know what they believe or are!

Don Breezio

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Re:what do mormons believe?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2003, 12:00:57 AM »
mormons are a denomination of christianity. they believe in only marrying other mormons. generally in some sort of temple. (didnt get all the last girlfriend was mormon)

i myself have no religion...i beleive in god, i dont believe in organized religion.


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Re:what do mormons believe?
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2003, 12:06:37 AM »
i myself am  a christian but i love to study islam but whoat else do they believe?

Don Breezio

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Re:what do mormons believe?
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2003, 12:18:23 AM »
i myself am  a christian but i love to study islam but whoat else do they believe?

yeah actually its not that i dont believe in organized religion...i just havent found one that works for me...i am really interested in islam, buddhism, and a few others...but i havent studied much of them.


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Re:what do mormons believe?
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2003, 02:51:25 AM »
It's a great religion if you have a lot of brothers; you get to fuck all their wives.


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Re:what do mormons believe?
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2003, 09:53:10 AM »
Not too familiar with them, but my American History teacher told me they have a racist past. They killed Indians a lot in the past.

Most hip-hop is now keyboard driven, because the majority of hip-hop workstations have loops and patches that enable somebody with marginal skills to put tracks together,...

Unfortunately, most hip-hop artists gravitated towards the path of least resistance by relying on these pre-set patches. As a result, electric guitar and real musicians became devalued, and a lot of hip-hop now sounds the same.



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Re:what do mormons believe?
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2003, 10:09:40 AM »
i knew a mormon once and he i asked him some questions about it before....they believe that stuff on south park (i don't know about that retranslation thing) they can't have caffiene cause they believe it's a when we'd go to this guys house....all he'd have is juice and milk

polygamy was practiced before, but was only allowed by thier most holy was believed that he could have more than one wife so he could have many children and his children would be as holy as him....

and the last thing i found out was...there is no hell for them, just three levels of heaven....the highest level, you get to see and talk to god every day....the 2nd level god only visits once in while and the third level (which is supposed to be terrible) is you never see god, but hey it's still heaven

oh and i think he told me some shit on how when the religion first started, they were treated sort of like witches for thier beliefs and many of them were killed, that's why they all moved west, into utah


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Re:what do mormons believe?
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2003, 10:23:56 AM »
Most of us know that this country’s prison system is a bit flawed, to say the least. Recently, in Salt Lake City, polygamist David Ortell Kingston was released early from prison, having served only four years of his 10-year sentence, after committing incest with his underage niece. She was also his 15th wife.

In 1999, Kingston was sentenced to two consecutive terms of up to five years in prison for unlawful sexual contact with a minor. His niece was only 16, and evidence indicated he forced himself upon her. Kingston’s niece was the daughter of his brother John Daniel Kingston who was jailed for 28 weeks after beating one of his other daughters for attempting to flee an arranged marriage. Just one big happy family, I guess! The Kingston clan is said to have about $150 million in business assets, which makes us all wonder if his money has anything to do with his apparent status above the law.

Instead of being granted parole, the State Board of Pardons and Parole in Utah ended Kingston’s sentence completely — indicating a formidable disregard for holding child molesters accountable for their despicable crimes. Now the prison has no responsibility to monitor Kingston’s next predatory move. His niece is now 20 and of legal age. So if he is so inclined — which is highly likely — he may go off and try to marry her again.

When prisons start releasing people who have slept with minors they were related to by blood and married to in a spiritual service, that’s when we really need to reassess and loath the system.

People who sleep with minors should never be released early from prison — I don’t care how good they are during their detention. And Kingston was good, tutoring inmates who were trying to complete high school and working as a teaching assistant WITH PAY in the prison’s college program.

Isn’t it great that sex offenders can earn their keep in prison and by doing so they get out early so they can possibly strike again? So what if he was a model prisoner? The 10 years of his sentence that was supposed to punish and take from his life is nothing compared to the pain and suffering inflicted upon his youthful niece who has lost her innocence and womanhood to a dirty old man.

First of all, how can a man think it’s okay to marry his 16-year-old niece? I don’t care if your religion tells you it’s okay — incest is not cool. But, I guess if you’re a member of the Latter Day Church of Christ, as Kingston was, incest is best. This polygamous sect is said to have about 1,000 members where marriages with half-sisters, first cousins, nieces and aunts are accepted in their religious beliefs.
This sect is not representative of all Mormons in Utah. Needless to say, Utah is big on the church and family values. The Mormon Church and the state banned polygamy in 1890, but 20,000 to 30,000 polygamists still exist in Utah. With such disregard for the law, it seems as though the state has been largely tolerant of polygamy, but at least they are tough on incest.

So, if perverted men can get away with practicing polygamy — which I think is abominable — at least they should refrain from marrying their blood relatives. Fundamentalist Mormons and Muslims are two religious groups that practice polygamy today.

Frankly, as a woman, it’s a little degrading to think that in today’s almost egalitarian society, a man can have his way with 15 or more wives because his religious beliefs grant him limitless sexual license. But I guess a woman’s opinion in a man’s world doesn’t hold much clout anyway.


Read the bold parts, and you'll have a good understanding of what the religion is about.

Don Breezio

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Re:what do mormons believe?
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2003, 11:33:09 AM »
another interesting thing i didnt know...mormons were the ones that brought weed to utah first...(and now they think its some horrible sin), but supposedly they brought it in....i dont remember the whole story again lol...but yeah that shit made me laugh. and smerlus is right...they wont drink caffiene (or atleast not most of them).


Re:what do mormons believe?
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2003, 01:18:25 PM »
Lot of ignorance here.

Mormons believe that shortly after Jesus died, the church of Jesus Christ on the earth became corrupt, and lost it's priesthood authority (which was passed down from Adam all the way to John the Baptist, and then given to Jesus Christ by the laying on of hands).  That's why the Catholic church, which Christ actually founded through Peter as the Church of Jesus Christ, became so corrupt in the dark ages, etc.  They had no preisthood authority, which is the power to act in the name of god as a priest of his church.

In 1830 a young boy named Joseph Smith claimed he saw God & Jesus, and they appeared to him and told him where a book was buried.  He claimed he dug up the book, and translated it into what has become the book of mormon, a book compiled by an ancient american writer named, ironically, mormon.  It tells of a lost tribe of Israel that moved to the Americas around 600 B.C., apparently with God's intent being to preserve a copy of the bible in America without the corruption that would take place in Christ's church after his death (the book would be buried in America, to be reopened later).  

Smith claimed he was visited not only by God, and Christ, but by several ressurrected beings, Peter, James, and John, John the Baptist, and the priest who hid the book, Moroni.  

Joseph Smith was hated for his views, and the members of his church (which he tought was the restored church of Christ on the earth) were driven from Ohio, New York, and other states.  Smith was eventually killed by a mob while in Prison, but never once denied his story, even after his family was threatened, the harsh winter weather on the move killed one of his children, etc. etc.  

The Mormons moved west, and settled in Utah, where they probably killed a ton of Indians who had the land before them, I don't know, that's what Native American's apparently believe.  Since generally, this is how we aquired all of America, I imagine it's correct.  I don't know about the idea that they brought weed to Utah, but Mormons were counseled before they even left for Utah by Joseph Smith that God had told him Wine, Tobacco, and Caffiene were damaging to the body, and that it was a 'word of wisdom' from God not to take any of those products into their body, of course since then time has basically proven he was correct on all 3.  Mormons can drink tea or caffiene or Wine or Coffee if they want, but most choose not to.

Mormons do believe in Hell, they just believe you have to be a pretty bad person to go there.  They believe in 3 heavens, because it's mentioned by Paul in 1st Corinthians, in the new Testament (I think several christian religions believe in Levels of Heaven).  

The book of Mormon tells the story of the history of the Americas (from a mormon belief), and early on in the book, there's a story of a king telling the Jewish people in America that it's against God's will to marry more than 1 woman.... When the Mormons moved to Utah, many, many Mormons died on the trip, because they left Ohio late in the fall, and travelled through the winter.  Since Mormons believe it's a sin to live with a woman who's not your wife, many of the single women who had no husband or who's husband died on the trip opted to marry a man who was already married.  Although I'm sure there were exceptions, most instances of Mormon Polygamy were out of necessity, not because they were trying to get their rocks off with 2 or 3 different women.  The president of the church at the time, Brigham Young was married to several women, mainly because he was a fairly rich man.
   In the years to come, Mormons repeatedly tried to build a temple in Salt Lake city (where they settled) only to have problem after problem arise, the U.S. government even sent the U.S. army to Utah to destroy the temple, which Brigham Young had buried under the Utah sand to save it.  
   The main purpose of the Mormon temples around the world is to marry two mormons found worthy of a temple or celestial marriage by the church Priesthood.  The secondary purpose of the temple is to perform baptisms in proxy for all the people of the world who have died without hearing Christ's message, or having joined Christ's church.  Mormons believe that if you baptise in proxy someone who died 200 years or so, their spirit which has been in a spiritual world can be freed to enter the church of Christ, and go on to join him in Heaven.  They also believe the spirit has the choice not to accept the baptism into Christ's church, but they feel that any spirit who has passed on would jump at the opportunity.

  Mormons really aren't that weird.  If you talk to any, they're just really spiritual christians.  They're basically hated by other christians though, most christians don't feel that Mormons respect the sacrifice of Christ, since mormons feel that you aren't saved by Christ's grace alone, you have to work and do good deeds in order to be saved by Christ's grace (as it says in John chapters 3 and 4).

  Ask any christian about Mormons, and most will tell you they're polygamists, They don't believe in the 'christian' christ, they made up the book of mormon, added to the bible, etc. etc. etc.  They're very persecuted, and it's a shame, really, because you'll never hear a mormon say a negative word about anybody.  As a matter of fact, most mormons believe that almost anyone can enter heaven, no matter what religion you are.  


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Re:what do mormons believe?
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2003, 01:30:27 PM »

p.s. i was watching south park and i wanna know what they believe or are!

i watched that shit too...fukin comedy! lol "Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb...."  ;D

Maestro Minded

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Re:what do mormons believe?
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2003, 05:04:54 PM »
bla bla bla bla.... bla bla........//....... and it's a shame, really, because you'll never hear a mormon say a negative word about anybody. As a matter of fact, most mormons believe that almost anyone can enter heaven, no matter what religion you are.  

arent you a mormon?

Maestro Minded

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Re:what do mormons believe?
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2003, 05:08:44 PM »
the whole mormon belief is pretty funny i think… they started accepting black members only 20-30 years ago when the critics became to loud..  
« Last Edit: November 23, 2003, 05:10:03 PM by Maestro »


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Re:what do mormons believe?
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2003, 05:14:06 PM »
Lot of ignorance here.

Mormons believe that shortly after Jesus died, the church of Jesus Christ on the earth became corrupt, and lost it's priesthood authority (which was passed down from Adam all the way to John the Baptist, and then given to Jesus Christ by the laying on of hands).  That's why the Catholic church, which Christ actually founded through Peter as the Church of Jesus Christ, became so corrupt in the dark ages, etc.  They had no preisthood authority, which is the power to act in the name of god as a priest of his church.

In 1830 a young boy named Joseph Smith claimed he saw God & Jesus, and they appeared to him and told him where a book was buried.  He claimed he dug up the book, and translated it into what has become the book of mormon, a book compiled by an ancient american writer named, ironically, mormon.  It tells of a lost tribe of Israel that moved to the Americas around 600 B.C., apparently with God's intent being to preserve a copy of the bible in America without the corruption that would take place in Christ's church after his death (the book would be buried in America, to be reopened later).  

Smith claimed he was visited not only by God, and Christ, but by several ressurrected beings, Peter, James, and John, John the Baptist, and the priest who hid the book, Moroni.  

Joseph Smith was hated for his views, and the members of his church (which he tought was the restored church of Christ on the earth) were driven from Ohio, New York, and other states.  Smith was eventually killed by a mob while in Prison, but never once denied his story, even after his family was threatened, the harsh winter weather on the move killed one of his children, etc. etc.  

The Mormons moved west, and settled in Utah, where they probably killed a ton of Indians who had the land before them, I don't know, that's what Native American's apparently believe.  Since generally, this is how we aquired all of America, I imagine it's correct.  I don't know about the idea that they brought weed to Utah, but Mormons were counseled before they even left for Utah by Joseph Smith that God had told him Wine, Tobacco, and Caffiene were damaging to the body, and that it was a 'word of wisdom' from God not to take any of those products into their body, of course since then time has basically proven he was correct on all 3.  Mormons can drink tea or caffiene or Wine or Coffee if they want, but most choose not to.

Mormons do believe in Hell, they just believe you have to be a pretty bad person to go there.  They believe in 3 heavens, because it's mentioned by Paul in 1st Corinthians, in the new Testament (I think several christian religions believe in Levels of Heaven).  

The book of Mormon tells the story of the history of the Americas (from a mormon belief), and early on in the book, there's a story of a king telling the Jewish people in America that it's against God's will to marry more than 1 woman.... When the Mormons moved to Utah, many, many Mormons died on the trip, because they left Ohio late in the fall, and travelled through the winter.  Since Mormons believe it's a sin to live with a woman who's not your wife, many of the single women who had no husband or who's husband died on the trip opted to marry a man who was already married.  Although I'm sure there were exceptions, most instances of Mormon Polygamy were out of necessity, not because they were trying to get their rocks off with 2 or 3 different women.  The president of the church at the time, Brigham Young was married to several women, mainly because he was a fairly rich man.
   In the years to come, Mormons repeatedly tried to build a temple in Salt Lake city (where they settled) only to have problem after problem arise, the U.S. government even sent the U.S. army to Utah to destroy the temple, which Brigham Young had buried under the Utah sand to save it.  
   The main purpose of the Mormon temples around the world is to marry two mormons found worthy of a temple or celestial marriage by the church Priesthood.  The secondary purpose of the temple is to perform baptisms in proxy for all the people of the world who have died without hearing Christ's message, or having joined Christ's church.  Mormons believe that if you baptise in proxy someone who died 200 years or so, their spirit which has been in a spiritual world can be freed to enter the church of Christ, and go on to join him in Heaven.  They also believe the spirit has the choice not to accept the baptism into Christ's church, but they feel that any spirit who has passed on would jump at the opportunity.

  Mormons really aren't that weird.  If you talk to any, they're just really spiritual christians.  They're basically hated by other christians though, most christians don't feel that Mormons respect the sacrifice of Christ, since mormons feel that you aren't saved by Christ's grace alone, you have to work and do good deeds in order to be saved by Christ's grace (as it says in John chapters 3 and 4).


and you actually believe all that? lol


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Re:what do mormons believe?
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2003, 05:20:14 PM »
And the beating of girls because they don't want to be forced to marry their uncles?... you know you'd be a hypocrit for criticizing even extremist Islamic shit.

Trauma what about the high rate of incest?