Author Topic: death seems to B my answer.....  (Read 413 times)


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death seems to B my answer.....
« on: August 28, 2002, 07:38:45 PM »
heres a piece of my life..........on which I need adived on what to do,

Long ago i fell in love wit a girl,  her name was Ash, now I really loved the girl, to make a long story short, i liked her for 2 yrs, and neva told her, in the end @ it happend that she came up to me and said "Sameer, ur a nice guy, but u kno wot, or too young for"and she was4 yrs older than, my heart cried like an overflooded river of pain....u prollu wud kno my feelings if i made it my answer to this ending was drugz...i turned over to ciggaretes and weed, slowly i got addicted, now when i moved to CHI-TOWN, my cousin showed me a girl, now...ths time...i said..i'm in love, god made her for me, she'z my age, 18...shes a muslim...theres no prob....but....i  talked to her over the NET, she lives in SACRAMENTO, so i gave her my pic. and she said i'm cute and sweet, bla ba, but wht happend, since i got a studio and REC. label i've been actin as a snob...and blade iz in REC. LABL, i told her yesterday that i have this friend named blade, he'll make u laugh so much that either he'll really cheer u up, or either he'll make u laugh sho hard that u'll commit a suicide..lolz..plz..this iz i told blade to maker laugh even if it takes dissn me, which blade really did'nt dissed me and i started dissin laughed, and suddenly i started talking idiotically and said"blade..remember the time i fell in love with  5 girlz."and i said alot more stupid stuff,...she was angry @ me and she said i'm an idiot, and she dont like me.....its like i'm suffered thru another love story, first ash and noe Zahra<thats her name.....i think i shud tell her that I smoke and stuff, i also changed for her, i started wearing decent clotes froma thug, EX. banana republic, etc. so now it feels really bad to be lost twice in love..its like someone stabbed the answer to me iz death..and i;m seriious brotherz..i dont kno what to say and how to tell her i love her and i have a car, my dads MERCEDED BENZ which i got, and if it takes i'll go to SAC. to her...but its all too late...i am noe thinking of goin to TORONTO...where I owe ppl money and stuff that i dont even got...and going bak to TORONTO iz somuch risky for me that ot of 100 i have a 110% chance of death...brotherz..plz...i'm in alot of trouble...death seams the only answer to me kaz I kant suffer this love pain ne more..

plz someone help me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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Re: death seems to B my answer.....
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2002, 08:00:36 PM »
**FORGOT TO and Zahra met a couple timez...afta I saw her pic. we met, than I met her again after 2 or 3 weeks.....and than just talked on phone.


Re: death seems to B my answer.....
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2002, 08:13:36 PM »
Yo man, I've never had my heart broken by a woman, so I can't understand your feelings as well as you. I know you love her,but there's plenty of woman out there.

And don't get yourself killed yourself over a girl man. It will hurt your loved ones and Zahra too.

That's how I see it
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
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Re: death seems to B my answer.....
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2002, 09:24:14 PM »
The answer is sport.. If u do somethin u like, u will slowly forget her, very slowly but IT WILL work. I never tried it but I gave this advice to a plenty of people and it seemed to work, dont think bout ur problems, think bout the good shit and about sports, or else, juss rapor write some rhymes, poems n shit
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

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Re: death seems to B my answer.....
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2002, 10:43:00 PM »
Assalamulakum.... my true brother of Islam.  My brother in faith and worship.  Please accept this guidance from a brother who has also in the past had his heart broken before by a female.

First you must know this.  Your feelings are not imagined nor fathomed.  You do truly love this girl.  You truly feel this pain.  And no matter where you go or how long it takes you feel that you may never recover from this heartache.  

You feel a great deal of guilt because you feel somewhat responsible in the failure of this relationship.  And it is this guilt and shame that can ultimately lead to your destruction.  Do not dress yourself up in giult.  You must stand behind your actions.  You were only trying to get this girl to smile, and to laugh, and she interpreted that in a way that became harmful to you.  In no way should you blame yourself for this.  

You need to continue to move forward in your life spiritually.  Because you have shown by the deep regret you have over this girl that you lack conviction in your life.  Conviction can only come through the knowledge of your creator, and the reinforcement of that knowledge.  So please make a greater effort to implement Islam into your life.  You may have been a wrongdoer in the past, but you were never a rebel of Islam, and even if you had sins as big as the Earth that surrounds us, Allah would forgive.

So please brother, take the giult out of your heart.  Because you did no wrong.  You are not an outlaw or a rebel.  You are a righteous brother of Islam, God loves you very much, and you will continue to prosper in this life.  Contact me anytime, if you need someone to listen.

I leave you with the ancient words of peace...... Assalamulakum.

There will be those that close their eyes, and plug their ears with their forefingers, and later swear upon their Holy Bibles to have seen no evil and heard no evil.  

Eldridge Cleaver

In America, the Jews (in power) sap the very life-blood of the so-called Negroes to maintain the state of Isrea


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Re: death seems to B my answer.....
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2002, 11:58:52 PM »
deaths is not an answer to anybodys problems.  If you start to think for a second that it is then you have been beaten.  Right you liked a girl, she was too old, you liked another girl and you feel like you have screwed things up, I say just leave it.  You dont need a girl to make you happy yet, your young there plently of time for girls and women in the future, right now you should be concentrating on getting a good education, a good job and hang with your friends more.  Believe me when you are like 22 and you are minted because you put in effort in school,you will have women falling at your feet, not because of money but because of things like good clothes good car etc.  I know some of you are gunna say I would rather have a girl who loves me for me and not me for my clothes and car but hey thats life.  With those kind of luxery's you are able to make a good impression.  

You want a girl then have one but I am 17 and  I have never really had a girl, not because I am ugly or I dont want 1 and shit, just that I wud rahter concentrate on college for now.  But if the right girl comes along then who knows.

But always remember the catchphrase "Theres plenty more fish in the sea"

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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Re: death seems to B my answer.....
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2002, 05:42:48 AM »
I think you are just young and confused.  You don't really love her, you have not been around her enough.  How can you really love someone when you have only been around them a handful of times.  Why would you even think death is the only answer.  Death isn't even an answer.  There are billions of women on the earth, and one day you will find one that you really love, and she really loves you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


Re: death seems to B my answer.....
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2002, 06:15:50 AM »
And don't get yourself killed yourself over a girl man. It will hurt your loved ones and Zahra too.

Yeah def, & dead doesn't solve problems, u have to face them, thats the way of life. I know it ain't easy, u sound very down at the moment. But just try to go one & have a good time. If u have a good time u will be alright & thingz can get better. Sports (like Bz_MuthaFuckin_Mak said) could help u, go to a party with some friends,...



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Re: death seems to B my answer.....
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2002, 09:25:37 AM »
stop being a pussy and be a man!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

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Re: death seems to B my answer.....
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2002, 12:19:45 PM »
nah death is not an answer take it from a female..........however the key to winning a females heart is loving her for her,if you do not know her well enough then how baby can you love her for her?You have got to feel every ounce of that woman and that is how you know,see like this,spend quality time with a freind,a female freind,watch tv every night,hold hands,go to movies,take your time,don't rush into sex,let the pleasure build then one night it will be will be feeling her as you never felt her before and you will know what I am talking about.Don't play a woman just for her body for we are more then that we are also mind,and soul.................if you cannot love the soul then you cannot have the body dear.......when you learn to see,the world as a much brighter place then you will see that women are like bright birds made of exquisite jewels of glass.............
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »
don't quote mre boy I ain't said shit "yet"


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Re: death seems to B my answer.....
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2002, 12:49:21 PM »
ok...i dont know u at all...but ur young...death is not the way...U HAVE NOT LIVED YET!...i have never been in love so im not sure how u feel...but i know one thing...why are u going to kill urself over a girl?...u know how many hynas there is out in this world?....theres so many...obviously she wasnt the right sure ur gonna be in pain for a while but dont let this ruin ur life...surround ur self with ur loved ones...friends fam bam whatever...just people who will comfort u...DO NOT ISOLATE UR SELF...ILL REPEAT IT DO NOT ISOLATE URSELF....oh and stay outta relationships for a the field...see whats out there for u....ur too young to be tied down to any, with lack of a better word at the moment, HOE!....hope that helped


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Re: death seems to B my answer.....
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2002, 01:13:42 PM »
ok...i dont know u at all...but ur young...death is not the way...U HAVE NOT LIVED YET!...i have never been in love so im not sure how u feel...but i know one thing...why are u going to kill urself over a girl?...u know how many hynas there is out in this world?....theres so many...obviously she wasnt the right sure ur gonna be in pain for a while but dont let this ruin ur life...surround ur self with ur loved ones...friends fam bam whatever...just people who will comfort u...DO NOT ISOLATE UR SELF...ILL REPEAT IT DO NOT ISOLATE URSELF....oh and stay outta relationships for a the field...see whats out there for u....ur too young to be tied down to any, with lack of a better word at the moment, HOE!....hope that helped

word, much love
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »