Author Topic: yo can all the clever, educated muthafuckers help me in here.....  (Read 278 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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yo i jus been given some wack ass literature review (what the fuck is one of them???) and i gotta answer a question called "marketing to children: ethically correct or not?"....................................................................................since when do niggaz get asked dumb questions like this? anyways im sure some of y'all in here are real clever and shit, can y'all help me in tellin me what to write and shit


Don Seer

Re:yo can all the clever, educated muthafuckers help me in here.....
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2003, 02:23:32 PM »
i saw a prog kinda about this on TV the other day... it was about sunny d, but they also talked about how mcdonalds and other companies market at kids

advertisers be on some shady shit with kids.. coz they know they'll nag


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Re:yo can all the clever, educated muthafuckers help me in here.....
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2003, 03:16:30 PM »
well, I mean you have to decide yourself if it is ethical.  Kids are young and dumb and they believe anything.  Kids easily get brainwashed, and they fall into marketing traps really easily.  Such as fast food restaurants giving out toys w/ the meals- a lot of kids probably don't even care about or like the food, but they just want the toy, so their parents beg them to go there.

or just how popularity is such a huge thing w/ kids.  A lot of kids buy things cause the marketing shows it will make them popular.

NIke is a great example.  Young kids spend hella scrill on nike shoes, becuase the athletes are in the commercials, and the kids think they will play better ball, run faster, jump higher, etc.

I mean I can't tell you whether you think it is ethical or not, because that is your own opinion.  This should be a simple paper to write.  I could argue both sides easily.  Just bullshit it.  Figure out the positive points of it being ethical, and the negative points of it being unethical.  Whichever side you get more points on, you might as well argue that side, because you would have more valid points.  Gyeah!


Re:yo can all the clever, educated muthafuckers help me in here.....
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2003, 09:04:12 PM »
If it's a literature review, shouldn't you be reviewing some kind of literature?

We Fly High

Re:yo can all the clever, educated muthafuckers help me in here.....
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2003, 09:23:03 PM »
depends what ur marketing
if ur marketing an image to the kids, then it becomes quite unethical.
ur marketing the images of skinny models and beauitful women with big breasts and shit.. it'll make young girls desire that image, and at such a young age, it becomes very damaging to their well being. thats when little girls at the age of 9 or 10 start to go on diets and shit, worrying about their bodies at such a young age. totally unnecessary and unethical.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re:yo can all the clever, educated muthafuckers help me in here.....
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2003, 01:49:56 PM »
yeah yeah,props niggaz for yeah i got abit more of a idea, now whats a literature review? like have i gotta get fuckin books and shit and take examples of them n shit???



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Re:yo can all the clever, educated muthafuckers help me in here.....
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2003, 02:07:48 PM »
I would think a literature review is a review about a book u just read.  but I dunno if u didn't read a book.  You probably gonna need examples to back up your argument, but I got no idea where u would find that type of shit in books.  You won't have to have anything from books tho, because this is a straight up opioniated question.  There is no right or wrong answer, that is why it is a question about ethics.  There ain't no real answer when it comes to ethics, so you cannot be wrong.  Its all about what you believe in personnally.

My opinion on how to write a good paper on this subject:  Show both sides of the argument, and give reasons for both sides.  Whichever side you are taking, obviously you should have more valid points.  Once you have showed both sides, write about what side you are taking and then state why you are taking that side and then argue for that side.  You shouldn't need any books to write this paper.  But if you do, and you need a bibliography, just find some books/websites on marketing and then list em, even if you don't use them.


Re:yo can all the clever, educated muthafuckers help me in here.....
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2003, 05:58:25 PM »
ok it is a question for your own view on the topic u can argue both easily but if u need back up I suggest you pick up the book Fast Food Nation there is a chapter in there solely based on children's roles in advertising and marketing.  Sounds like Grundy and justin may have read it too.  anyway I suggest u get that and any book u can find on childrens psyche and/or a marketing bookthat a has a legitimate section on ads and the methods of marketing FFN is a good read too so don't just use it for research but u can also learn some important shit that may turn u off of Fast Food.  ENJOY! ;D



  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Re:yo can all the clever, educated muthafuckers help me in here.....
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2003, 02:40:34 AM »
 8)so what've you decided? ethical or unethical? you can argue both...

if you choose to say its ethical you could talk about how kids can make intelligent judgements too, and though they can be more easily influenced they shouldn't be denied the opportunity to learn to deal with advertising.

if you go say its unethical just talk about how they're abusing trust, casuing lasting harm in the case of eating disorders etc. Try looking up some articles @ or something... Best of luck bro
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  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re:yo can all the clever, educated muthafuckers help me in here.....
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2003, 06:44:25 AM »
appreciate the help y'all, but its don diggy now, i jus basically did what ag said, i wrote about both sides and then said my view on the thang, but then my dawg wrote about some shit about how it plays in the gender thang to, like when y'all get action man toys in shops with weapons n shit and then girls get barbie dolls n shit, so the gender bullshit to, but i didnt write that wack down, though its true, plus who givs a fuck, its done, thats all the matters
