Author Topic: REAL AND ONLY BIO of Louis Farrakhan Muhammad  (Read 485 times)


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REAL AND ONLY BIO of Louis Farrakhan Muhammad
« on: September 09, 2002, 01:58:55 PM »
I don't know why Farrakhan is on a westcoast hip-hop site, but since you have some white dude who can never be down with the nation and don't know anything about them except from what he reads from outsiders and what other disgruntled former members said. Here's HIS real bio. All that other shit that that white dude is talkin' is some crazy shit.

The Nation of Islam under the leadership of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is the catalyst for the growth and development of Islam in America. Founded in 1930 by Master Fard Muhammad and led to prominence from 1934 to 1975 by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Nation of Islam continues to positively impact the quality of life in America.

Minister Louis Farrakhan, born Louis Eugene Walcott on May 11, 1933, in Roxbury, Massachusetts was reared in a highly disciplined and spiritual household. Raised by his mother, a native of St. Kitts, Louis and his brother Alvin learned early the value of work, responsibility and intellectual development. Having a strong sensitivity to the plight of black people, his mother engaged her sons in conversations about the struggle for freedom, justice and equality. She also exposed them to progressive material such as the Crisis Magazine, published by the NAACP.

Recognizing her son's artistic talent, young Louis was given a violin before his sixth birthday and began years of formal training financed by his mother's hard work as both seamstress and housekeeper. By age 13, he had played with the Boston College Orchestra and the Boston Civic Symphony. The talent of young Louis was given national exposure at age 14 when he won the Ted Mack Amateur Hour. He was also one of the first blacks to appear on the popular show.

Graduating from high school at age 16, he earned an athletic scholarship for his prowess as a track sprinter and attended Winston-Salem Teachers' College in North Carolina, excelling in the study of English.

During his senior year in September 1953, he married his childhood sweetheart. Shortly thereafter, he left college to begin a family, making a living by using his talent as a performing artist.

Popularly known as "The Charmer," he achieved fame in Boston as a vocalist, calypso singer, dancer, and violinist. However, February 1955 marked a turning point in the life of Louis Walcott. While headlining a show in Chicago entitled "Calypso Follies" the young virtuoso received rave reviews. During this engagement one of his friends from Boston invited him to attend the Nation of Islam's Saviours' Day Convention, to be held at the newly purchased Muhammad's Temple No. 2 at 4335 S. Greenwood Avenue.

Minister Malcolm X was informed that the popular musician would attend the convention. While listening to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad from his balcony seat, Louis thought to himself, "This man can't speak," referring to Mr. Muhammad's grammar. As these thoughts crossed the future leader's mind, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad looked up in the balcony and said, "Don't pay no 'attention to how I say it. Pay attention to what I say, then take it and put it into that fine language that you know."

Although music had been his first love, within three months after joining the Nation of Islam in 1955, Minister Malcolm X told the New York Mosque and the new convert Louis X that Elijah Muhammad had said that all Muslims would have to get out of show business or get out of the Temple. Most of the musicians left Temple No. 7 but Louis X, later renamed Louis Farrakhan, chose to dedicate his life to the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

After moving to Boston at the request of Malcolm X, Louis X proved himself a capable, disciplined, and a well-mannered soldier and eventually rose to the rank of Minister. He worked faithfully from 1956 as the Minister of Muhammad Temple No. 11 in Boston, Massachusetts, building it to become one of the strongest Temples in the Nation.

In May of 1965, three months after the death of Malcolm X, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad appointed Minister Farrakhan to Temple No. 7 in New York City. When he arrived in New York the atmosphere was very hostile because of allegations of Muslim involvement in the assassination of Malcolm X.

Minister Farrakhan worked night and day in the Harlem community and around New York restoring respect for the Nation.

The departure of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in 1975 and the assumption of leadership by Wallace D. Muhammad (now known as Imam Warrithuddin Mohammed) brought drastic changes to the Nation. After approximately 3 years of wrestling with the changes to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Minister Farrakhan, after a re-appraisal of the condition of black people and the program of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, decided to return to the teachings and program with a proven ability to uplift and reform blacks.

His tremendous success is evidenced by mosques and study groups in over 80 cities in America, Great Britain and a mission in Ghana devoted to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Minister Farrakhan has renewed respect for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, his teachings and program, in rebuilding the Nation.

Literally millions of listeners have attended his lectures and he has been welcomed in church after church, sharing pulpits with Christian ministers from a variety of denominations showing the power of the unity of those who believe in the One God.

The father of 9, with 23 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren, Minister Farrakhan still maintains a grueling work schedule.

He has addressed diverse organizations, been received in many Muslim countries as a leading Muslim thinker and teacher, and been welcomed throughout Africa, the Caribbean and Asia as a champion in the struggle for freedom, justice and equality.

In 1985, Minister Farrakhan introduced the POWER concept and in 1986 introduced a line of personal care products and a program for black economic development. In 1979, he developed The Final Call, an internationally circulated newspaper that follows in the line of The Muhammad Speaks.

In 1988, the resurgent Nation of Islam repurchased its former flagship Mosque in Chicago and dedicated it as Mosque Maryam, the National Center for Re-training and Re-education of the Black Man and Woman of America and the World. The National Center includes a preschool and K-12 University of Islam.

Also in 1991, Minister Farrakhan re-introduced the Three Year Economic Program to establish an economic base for the development of blacks through business ventures. In 1992, Minister Farrakhan drew 60,000 people to the Atlanta Dome for the Nation's annual Saviours' Day celebration.

In May 1993, Minister Farrakhan traveled to Libreville, Gabon, to attend the Second African-African American Summit where he addressed African heads of state and delegates from America. In October of 1994, Minister Farrakhan led 2,000 blacks from America to Accra, Ghana for the Nation's first International Savior's Day. Ghanaian President Jerry Rawlings officially opened and closed the five-day convention.

The popular leader and the Nation have repurchased farmland in Dawson, Georgia, and enjoyed a banner year in 1995 with opening of the $5 million Salaam Restaurant in Chicago and the successful Million Man March on Washington. Minister Farrakhan continued his quest for unity and progress by going on a World Friendship Tour of Africa and the Middle East in early 1996. He was received by heads of states in several countries, among them South African President Nelson Mandela and Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi.

As part of the major thrust for true political empowerment for the black community, Minister Farrakhan re-registered to vote in June 1996 and has formed a coalition of religious, civic and political organizations to represent the voice of the disenfranchised on the political landscape.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »