Author Topic: Infinite responds likewise to Trauma's thread.  (Read 342 times)


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Infinite responds likewise to Trauma's thread.
« on: August 14, 2002, 10:48:38 PM »
Since Trauma likes to try to trick everyone into believing that I became a Muslim because I'm anti-everything.  I will respond likewise by telling you all that Trauma became a Latter Day Saint, because a girl that he liked called him up and invited him to the church so he thought it was fate.  He entered the religion because of a girl, and he always tells me about girls he likes at his church.  Religion should be done because it's something we have done for ourselves, and for God, not over a female.


Don Seer

Re: Infinite responds likewise to Trauma's thread.
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2002, 11:13:35 PM »
still hatin on other peoples beliefs?

mmmm femaalesssss...... if he's happy, and the girl just 'showed him the way' and the way is right for him, then more power to him.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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Re: Infinite responds likewise to Trauma's thread.
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2002, 06:46:16 AM »
still hatin on other peoples beliefs?

mmmm femaalesssss...... if he's happy, and the girl just 'showed him the way' and the way is right for him, then more power to him.

It's funny how this isn't your attitude when Trauma says again and again that I became a Muslim because I'm negetive and anti-everything.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »

The Big Bad Ass

Re: Infinite responds likewise to Trauma's thread.
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2002, 07:45:26 AM »
Yo man, god works in mysterious ways. Who cares if it was a girl that led Truama to the right place? He's happy in his faith, and for the most part brings good knowledge, and positive remarks to others, and I must say in most instances is a good witness for God..... however, I am kind of sad that he chose to call you out in the fashion he did. Bit harsh if you ask me. But look man, you found Islam because you were ready to die, and it changed you. However, 1 in a million people find faith because of that. The other million all find thier faith in other ways. Whether it be a girl, a friend, a place of shelter, a place to clear their heads,  whatever.


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Re: Infinite responds likewise to Trauma's thread.
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2002, 08:54:59 AM »
Yo man, god works in mysterious ways. Who cares if it was a girl that led Truama to the right place? He's happy in his faith, and for the most part brings good knowledge, and positive remarks to others, and I must say in most instances is a good witness for God..... however, I am kind of sad that he chose to call you out in the fashion he did. Bit harsh if you ask me. But look man, you found Islam because you were ready to die, and it changed you. However, 1 in a million people find faith because of that. The other million all find thier faith in other ways. Whether it be a girl, a friend, a place of shelter, a place to clear their heads,  whatever.

Word, I agree, he shouldn't of called me out the way he did in the first place, and I never would have had to lower myself to his level and call him out in a similar but less disgusting manner.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


Re: Infinite responds likewise to Trauma's thread.
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2002, 04:01:58 PM »
Boo - hoo.  :)

A girl invited me to chutch.  I went.  I enjoyed it, looked into it, liked it, and joined.  I'd been looking for a church anyways, and she was the only one who seemed interested in talking to me about it.  Through that, I've met tons of people, and yes, tons of them are girls.  Lemme throw a lil' knowledge at cha you wouldn't know nothin' about, from King Solomon:

Prov. 18:22

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.


I believe one of the greatest things you can do on earth is get married, and raise a family.  I also feel women are our equals in every way, and are to be loved and respected... so I have no problem having girls as friends.  One of those friendsd invited me to chutch.

As for "I talk about women at church all the time" yeah, I do. LOL.  DUH.  Why not? What is wrong with that?  Here's another bit a knowledge for ya:

Luke 2:52

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

^^^ This is the scripture in Luke that describes Jesus's life from child, to the time he began his ministry.  It says he grew in Wisdom (Knowledge, Intelligence)... Stature (Strength, Physical Attributes), and in Favour with god and man (He grew Spiritually with God, and Socially with Man).

There's nothing wrong with being social.  If the ONLY reason I was going to church was women, sure maybe something would be wrong there.  But ask anybody on the board who's not a bigot, and a self professed 'christian hater', and they'll assure you I'm not going for the women.  They're just a pleasant by-product, LOL.  Don't hate me just because I get women, and you don't.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »