Author Topic: totally new and different nintendo handheld  (Read 289 times)


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Re:totally new and different nintendo handheld
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2004, 11:40:54 PM »
so what's the next step trauma? hit the diss button and be like your ace bush, ignore the facts and be a "MAN"?

and thanks for the "player pass" you can have it back cause you need it more
« Last Edit: January 21, 2004, 11:43:24 PM by smerlus »


Re:totally new and different nintendo handheld
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2004, 07:02:20 AM »
^ What the FUCK are you talking about? LOL... Didn't I just say that Nintendo decided against the SNES CD system, and didn't you just post the same fucking thing?  I know all about Phillip's involvement, their SNES CD system went on to become the Phillips CD-i.  Calm the fuck down when you talk to your superior, son, I OWN all these systems, you were still in Diapers when half of them came out.  


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Re:totally new and different nintendo handheld
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2004, 07:14:19 AM »
^ What the FUCK are you talking about? LOL... Didn't I just say that Nintendo decided against the SNES CD system, and didn't you just post the same fucking thing?  I know all about Phillip's involvement, their SNES CD system went on to become the Phillips CD-i.  Calm the fuck down when you talk to your superior, son, I OWN all these systems, you were still in Diapers when half of them came out.  

holy shit you're ignorant and need to stay off the medication!

you said the playstation was supposed to be the snes add on when it says that the playstation was supposed to be it's own console that was backwards compatable with the snes..... thats two entirely different things....phillips is the one that was supposed to make the add on, and that got scrapped because nintendo realized add ons don't work....

i guess you are an inbred moron and will stand by whatever you say even though you are wrong as hell

and if nintendo is so smart, why did itr elease the n64 DD add on when the n64 was well on it's way out?

you need to give it up. nintendo has had it's fair share of botched equipment and like i said, nintendo can come out with a machine with 5 different screens, doesn't mean the developers are going to have anything to do with it...


Re:totally new and different nintendo handheld
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2004, 02:32:53 PM »
Dude, Give it up...Personal attacks make you look like a moron.

The 64dd was released in Japan Only.

Nintendo OWNS the handheld market. It can do whatever the fuck it wants. Name one other company that has had even CLOSE to the success Nintendo has had with it's gameboy.

It's clear that you are a biased individual. You don't know shit about this new console except that it's got 2 screens. Nintendo hasn't even released a screenshot, specs, or developer list. Why not wait untill you know more instead of passing judgment on something? Thats like me hearing the title of Xzibit's next album and saying it sucks. You don't have any facts to back up your statements.

Do you really think you're smarter than a multi-billion dollar company? You aren't.

Do you think they haven't done their research? They have.

Do you think you could do better? Why haven't you?

Nintendo is a Smart company. They've made their mistakes in the past, but I promise you they've learned from them. Quit hating and making an ass out of yourself.



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Re:totally new and different nintendo handheld
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2004, 09:15:47 PM »
Dude, Give it up...Personal attacks make you look like a moron.

The 64dd was released in Japan Only.

Nintendo OWNS the handheld market. It can do whatever the fuck it wants. Name one other company that has had even CLOSE to the success Nintendo has had with it's gameboy.

It's clear that you are a biased individual. You don't know shit about this new console except that it's got 2 screens. Nintendo hasn't even released a screenshot, specs, or developer list. Why not wait untill you know more instead of passing judgment on something? Thats like me hearing the title of Xzibit's next album and saying it sucks. You don't have any facts to back up your statements.

Do you really think you're smarter than a multi-billion dollar company? You aren't.

Do you think they haven't done their research? They have.

Do you think you could do better? Why haven't you?

Nintendo is a Smart company. They've made their mistakes in the past, but I promise you they've learned from them. Quit hating and making an ass out of yourself.

ok 1. i didn't start the name calling but i will defend myself

2. if it flopped in japan, why would they ever make it else where? you don't see mcdonalds coming out with shit that flops here and then selling them over seas

3. never said that nintendo's handheld sucks....but why do you think the gameboy does so good? alot of developers, cheap system, large selection of games...why does every other handheld fail? no choice of games, more expensive and not that many developers.....a hand held with 2 screens, 2 processors and doesn't play any gameboy games....means more moeny, no games, and not that many developers because developers don't make use of the gameboy/gamecube connectivity...see a pattern here?

4. how am i biased when i've own every system since nintendo except for the saturn and the phillips thingy? if i was nintendo hating, i wouldn't have a nintendo, snes, n64 in my closet along with a game cube hooked up to my tv and a gameboy advance in my drawer.... so that was a nice try but do your homework before you make an educated guess

for lines 5,7and 8....take that same advice you just gave me and apply it to yourself first and maybe i'll follow it.... don't talk shit about rappers that you don't like cause for one, you're not a millionaire, two you're not succesful in the business and three you're just hating (see how that works there?)

and lastly here's a poll that has been on for only 2 days

In light of the Nintendo DS, how many screens would you ideally like to have on a portable gaming system?
Zero    2226 (34%)  
1    2413 (37%)  
2    620 (9%)  
3    214 (3%)  
4    150 (2%)  
5    784 (12%)  

a whopping 9% likes the 2 screen idea out of 5,000, and i picked 5 just because the idea of two screens is a joke.... so there's research facts right there for you....enjoy



Re:totally new and different nintendo handheld
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2004, 09:34:49 PM »
^ Yeah, and that's a great poll, a third of the geniuses don't need a screen to play the game.  I wouldn't trust their opinion on shit, lol backwards misunderstanding motherfuckers.  


Re:totally new and different nintendo handheld
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2004, 09:54:25 PM »
holy shit you're ignorant and need to stay off the medication!

you said the playstation was supposed to be the snes add on when it says that the playstation was supposed to be it's own console that was backwards compatable with the snes..... thats two entirely different things....phillips is the one that was supposed to make the add on, and that got scrapped because nintendo realized add ons don't work....

A Picture's worth a thousand words, motherfucker!

Again, you're too young and ignorant to know what the fuck you're talking about.  Let me blow your entire argument the hell out of the water, and openly embarass you in front of the entire board.  I do it frequently, but *sigh, I guess it's time to educate the retarded again.


It's common knowledge that the Sony SNES CD Rom system was originally going to be an addon, attached via the bottom port on the SNES.  Later, (I guess when you were old enough to comprehend english), they switched the idea to a standalone system that played both, and then changed it into the playstation as we know it.  The original Playstation sat beneath a Super Nintendo, and didn't play super nintendo games on it's own, it only played discs using the SNES hardware above it!  EVERYONE knows this!  You think you 'Schooled' me, but you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

They mention it here.

They mention it here.

They mention it here.

They mention it here.

I could go on, but I think I've embarassed you enough for now...


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Re:totally new and different nintendo handheld
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2004, 11:35:42 PM »
^^^^^^^ HOLY SHIT LMFAO^^^^^^dope dope u showed him ,fucking moron, lol yeah i was trying to look for that pic but couldent find it but yeah great job man.....LONG LIVE NINTENDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

end gigaganon
« Last Edit: January 22, 2004, 11:36:14 PM by gildedganon187 »

There Is Nothing I Can't Do, That I Can Try To Get Done.....


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Re:totally new and different nintendo handheld
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2004, 06:22:41 AM »
first i'd like to say thanks for the pic of the system.......i also have pics of britney spears they actually exist? maybe, but i can tell yours is a computer drawing so therefor doesn't mean shit... grown folks often make computer mock ups of things before the actual product comes out to see which design they like better.....anyways on to your post

bombarding me with articles that are from a person's own perspective and contridict one another hardly wins you an arguement

1st is supposed to design an add on but doesn't because cd's are too slow, so nintendo makes the fx chip

2nd article...what's this? the fx chip comes first? oh and remember nintendo scrapped plans to make the add on after realizing sony's cds were too slow.....hmm but here they went on to make deals with phillips.... doesn't make much sense so far

3rd article....same site as the second one. nintendo starts to look for a cd market to compete with rivals (SONY?!?!, sega, and nec) strange.....why would sony be a rival if they don't have a system out? oh then they work with sony (a rival) to develope an add on THEN work with phillips.....wait, back there they said sony came first then.......of forget it....then it goes on to say that sony worder thier agreement to use snes games (this is key for my article and the 4th one)

4th article..... is closest to the truth while sony WAS making an add on for the snes for part of thier deal, they were also designing thier own system...the add on wasn't the playstation part

which goes back to my article thier main deal was that they would gain control of snes games to use on thier own system called the playstation. sony then backed out of the deal when they saw what sony planned on doing and in turn faced the legal ramifications....

once again nintendo is a great judge of the market, they know how to sign botched deals and then back out of them and lose money anyways

so thanks for all the articles that stumbled over each other....were 3rd person accounts of the situation...and totally contradicted each other. while my article gives dates and any chance, are you a writer for these sites?

oh and the see, there's this thing called satire, it's when you don't agree with something you make sarcastic remarks about it....hense me voting for 5 screens and people voting for 0.....and the lack of votes for 2 screens. i know, it's hard to understand but you should read political cartoons or watch south park sometimes

oh and gildedganon....just a word of advice.....Japanime isn't cool