Lifestyle > Train of Thought

St. Bernadette of Lourdes


I am The Immaculate Conception

* Saint Bernadette Soubirous *


Canonized 1925

Our Lady spoke to the young Bernadette Soubirous on February 11, 1858 in Lourdes. At first, Bernadette did not  know who the Lady was.  Our Lady did not speak to her on the first occasion but blessed the child with Her Most Holy Presence eighteen times.  Our Lady told Bernadette

"I do not promise to make you happy in this world but in the next"

As news of the Most Holy Presence of Our Lady spread,  the town officials began  harassing her and her family trying to stop them from visiting the Grotto but Bernadette was determined to go there. Our Lady asked for prayers for sinners and for sacrifices

During one of the Blessings Our Lady pointed towards a part of the Grotto and told Bernadette to drink from it. She could see no water but after digging a little, a spring began to appear. This spring has from that moment on, been the source for many miraculous healings

On the eleventh visit, Our Lady  told Bernadette that she desired that a chapel be built at the Grotto. Bernadette conveyed this message to the parish priest  but he would have nothing to do with it. Up to this moment, Our Lady had not told Bernadette who she was and the pastor asked her to find out the Lady's name. Was she a vision from heaven? On March 25th, Bernadette pleaded with Our Lady three times to tell her who She was. Our Lady told her

"I am the Immaculate Conception"

Four years before,  Pope Pius IX had declared the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, the belief that Mary was conceived without sin.

Our Lady then left and Bernadette ran to the parish priest to tell him what Our Lady told her.  Bernadette did not understand the phrase

Our Lady Blessed Bernadette  on a further two occasions.

Bernadette  enrolled at the Lourdes hospice and school and later joined the Sisters of Nevers.

Saint Bernadette died in 1879 from tuberculosis and  was Canonised on December 8, 1933.

That would explain why Madonna named her child Lourdes.  LOL.  Good story, keep 'em comin, this stuff is interesting.  How many saints are there, like dozens, or hundreds, or thousands?  I'd guess, hundreds....

yep.... hundreds!!!  :D

very intresting...i learned something new today  ;)


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