Author Topic: Guns  (Read 195 times)

Don Breezio

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« on: January 30, 2004, 08:20:20 PM »
the g-spot has a topic now about who owns a gun...i want to know seriously when any of you has ever had to use a gun to protect yourself. and not because you pissed somebody off...thats fucking stupid.

so called "gangsta's"...thats your everyday life and as dumb as it is i know what all the answers out of you will be. to all the people on this board who lead normal lives. have you ever shot somebody who broke into your house? or your car? because really thats the only reason you would need a gun for protection and even then the chances of actually shooting the person doing it are slim. i read somewhere that most of the gun deaths in the united states are caused by some stupid mf who thinks they need a gun accidentally shooting themselves or a friend.

so i repeat...why in the fuck do we need guns?


« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2004, 08:32:19 PM »
It's called the intimidation factor.  Sure, I'll probaby never shoot somebody.  However, everybody knows that in North Carolina, about, oh, 90 percent of the houses have guns, and probably 20 percent of those are owned by crazy motherfuckers who MAY or MAY NOT be sitting up in the living room cleaning it.  So... I'm probably NOT going to rob somebody's house, because there's a slightly elevated chance that I'm not the only one who'll be in there with a gun.  Come on man, you know this, it's simple theory, it's not that hard to understand.  


« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2004, 08:33:32 PM »
Oh, and even though I'm not going to shoot anybody or anything... I have been around when shit got robbed in stores and things.  My brother carries a concealed pistol... so if that went down with him around, somebody's getting fucked up.  That's another theif deterrant.  


« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2004, 08:35:44 PM »
And finally, because Plug One says 3 is a magic number,... the reason we have guns, is because we're allowed to have guns.  The reason we're allowed to have guns is because when the constitution was written, it was necessary for every citizen to be able to defend himself from attacking countries and armies, and indians who wanted their land back.  Worst case scenario, the United States will be one of the last countries to get destroyed, because we all have guns.  Of course that doesn't really hold water since everybody's got nuclear weapons now, but the principle in theory is correct.  

Don Breezio

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« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2004, 08:36:32 PM »
dude thats not just north carolina, thats the US...most homes in the us have guns in them. especially the town i live in. and that doesnt stop shit...if you're going to rob somebody's house you're gonna realize that there is a huge chance the owners have a gun in the house. you break into a house you're risking getting caught and risking getting shot. still doesnt stop people.


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« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2004, 12:31:34 AM »
Whats wrong with owwning a gun cause they are fun to shoot, and/or for hunting.

I don't own a gun right now because I cannot afford it for sporting purposes, and I don't need it for protection.

and I grew up in northern cali where lots of weed is grown.  many people made their living off of a year's crop of weed.  A lot of these people had guns.  and these are not some fucking gangsters.  Some people have gardens worths a hundred thousand dollars and up.  I'd say if I were in a situation like that I would definately have a gun.  I wouldn't want to shoot anybody, but I hope I would never have to be in a situation like that.  

But also, shit, if your smart about it, a gun could only make situations better.  For example, if your house got broken into, how would not haveing a gun make the situation any better or even equal as to having a gun.  Man I can think of lots of reasons why a gun is useful.  also where I grew up I lived out where there was lots of wild animals such as mountain lions, bears, skunks, foxes, cyote's, raccoons.  shit weed had to shoot a few of those animals, and other people in the neighborhood had to shoot wild animals too.  Just recently a bear broke into my parents yard and my dad had to shoot off the gun to scare it away.  U don't even always have to shoot anybody, sometimes u can just scare them with it.  and you don't have to shoot to kill, you could shoot someone in the leg if you had to.

Don Breezio

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« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2004, 01:52:29 AM »
if someone breaks into my house and they've got a gun...they can have whatever the hell they want man. im not fuckin with somebody who's got a gun first. and if the person who breaks into your house doesnt have a gun then fuckin take em out like a man, dont bring that pussy pistol shit out.

yes justin i agree...some instances (if your life has been threatened) call for a need for protection, but i'd be willing to bet that half the people on this board who say they have guns only own them because it makes them feel like more of a man.

what i'm sayin is unless you're defending yourself against another gun, then a gun is a pussy way of taking care of problems. if a dude comes tryin to hit you and you pistol whip his're a fuckin pussy. simple as that.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2004, 03:35:18 AM »
Why you need guns?

Because the American Government puts your population into big fear.

Where does it lead? You have like 35 times more gun-involved murderers than we. And that are only the registerd ones.

Does this suck? Yes.

Can I blame you? No.

Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2004, 12:12:34 PM »
LMAO @ sayin someone is pussy for using a gun on a burglar, whether u shoot him, pistol whip, or just scare him with it.  LOL, its not like you asked the burglar to come rob you.  What if the burglar could kick your ass no problem, or had a crowbar?  You just gonna sit back and let him rob yo ass Luke?  hahah.  Or if you saw a bear in your yard, I bet u would wrestle it down, right Luke ::)

white Boy

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« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2004, 05:41:28 AM »
as a huge fan of the movie "bowling for columbine", it made me realize that guns are unecesary, i know that most crime happens with ILLEgal guns, but accidents happen, i am also against hunting, so i think there is almost no use for guns, exept the exeptions of home protection, but ACCIDENT HAPPEN, and thats why its so sad