Author Topic: Tech breaks down some concepts used by the US govt to fool its people Vol. 1  (Read 590 times)

King Tech Quadafi

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example one

"iraq has not accounted for its weapons"

Bush speak: This leads one to believe Saddam has his finger on the big red button.

Tech responds: This means that the weapons have not been accounted for, on paper, by international experts. This fact on its own can be twisted very easily, basically think of it as circumstantial evidence. What does this statement really mean.

Any one with knowledge of Saddams weapons programs knows several things as facts:

1. Saddam was close to a nuke, until the Israeli missle strike in 1981.
2. Saddam in the 80s had weapons (no nukes, he never had nukes) of chemical and bioligical substances (lets ignore where the funds and technology came from guys....wink wink)

However, if one utilizes the common sense which God has blessed some individuals with, one will look at the events of the 90s.

1. The Gulf War. After this war, Iraq went from the most developed country in the Middle East to one of its poorest. Its armed forces went from 5th strongest in the world to a rag tag army of conscripts surrendering to Britsh camera crews. Saddam essentially was the "Mayor of Baghdad" (love the quote, got it from some dude on

2. 10 Years of air sorties enforcing the no fly zones. As well as the missle strikes launched by Clinton in 98 (?).

3. US/UN sanctions impoverished this country Iraq. WMD do not cost a couple of dollars you know.

So lets add this shit up

Major conflict + 10 years of military strikes + years of Inspection + air strikes campaign= nothing left but kababs and desert dust boys.

No matter what kind of information is put forward, logically and rationally speaking, there was no realistic and serious pursuit of weapons post Guilf War because the country was in no position to arm and develop them. SO the question is thenn did Saddam still have the weapons US helped him develop in the 80s. Add the fact that chemical/biological weaponry has a shelf life of 3-5 years, and what do you have? A couple bins of old mustard gas gathering rust in some dink hole in Baghdad.

"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll


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if iraq was so poor why did the raid that caught sadaam also net $750,000 all in $100 dollar bills?

just because the people of iraq are poor doesn't mean the dictator of iraq was poor...

move bill gates to ethiopia...the country will still be in poverty but does that mean bill gates couldn't buy chemical weapons?

like you said...common sense

Don Jacob

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there was a headline on my homepage when i got online yesturday, troops find  millions of saddam's dollars.

iraq poor-yes
saddam poor-no

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


So let me get this straight.  I totally fuck up your entire argument, by breaking it down to quotes and your own hypocricy, and you abandon that thread and move on.  It's actually a good idea, but you can't expect me to read this shit before I reply this post to it :)  

King Tech Quadafi

  • His Royal Highness
  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • i think you betta recognize...
So let me get this straight.  I totally fuck up your entire argument, by breaking it down to quotes and your own hypocricy, and you abandon that thread and move on.  It's actually a good idea, but you can't expect me to read this shit before I reply this post to it :)  

How did you fuck up my argument? Good God, my IQ has dropped 20 points just talkin to you. Do me a favour ok, go into that last thread, and identify what the extent of my post was, what my main argument was, then post it here. Thank you. You have no fuckin clue what youre talkin about. Your quotes were completely irrelevent, it served no purpose, and proved me right.

back to the trasfer and the funding of arnaments is not a simple matter of withdrawing from an ATM, you need money for the planning, material, building, if these things existed they would have been found.
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll


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well what is your major complaint..your first arguement is that iraq is so poor it can't have weapons and we say you're wrong and now your arguement the planning, materials and places these things can be manufactured aren't found...

well they did find those trucks that could be/were once used for chemical weapons so there goes your don't have to manufacture them if you have enough

we have the capital, we have the place it would be stored and used from....

all we don't have is the chemical or biological weapons themselves and like you said, iraq even has some from when the states gave it to them and we can't find those someone did a good dissappearing trick


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Tech broke it down in terms people should be able to understand.

And that Bush statement.. "Iraq has not accounted for it's weapons".  MAYBE THAT'S BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE ANY!!

What more does the American public need.  Months of Weapons inspections last year weren't enough.  America had to maim and pillage 10's of thousands of innocent Iraqi's to once again find out.. there's no weapons!

But really the Bush administation knew there was no weapons.  There was no miscalculation.  They just used this whole imminent threat thing to fool the American people into going to war.

Scott Ritter (a former United States weapons inspector) was on every major television station predicting exactly what has happened.  Average people knew it to.  The government knew it.  Sadaam wanted an end to sanctions in return for letting weapons inspectors into the country.  But America wouldn't allow that.  So he hesitated to let them in for a few years.

Anyway.... Weapons of Mass Destruction is a joke anyway.  If WMD make a country evil, then Russia and the United States are Satan's headquarters.  


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well they did find those trucks that could be/were once used for chemical weapons so there goes your don't have to manufacture them if you have enough

Oh yea, those trucks we saw on TV. I mean if a truck is on a road in Iraq, it must contain weapons. There is absolutely no way that anything else could be in there.
And even with your STUPID comment, you show that you still have doubts. "well they did find those trucks that COULD BE..." Yes, and the U.S. COULD BE in Iraq just for the oil. If you have doubts on one side, then logically there is also doubt on the contrary, which correlates to you not having a fuckin clue about anything and just yapping your mouth for no reason.


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well they did find those trucks that could be/were once used for chemical weapons so there goes your don't have to manufacture them if you have enough

Oh yea, those trucks we saw on TV. I mean if a truck is on a road in Iraq, it must contain weapons. There is absolutely no way that anything else could be in there.
And even with your STUPID comment, you show that you still have doubts. "well they did find those trucks that COULD BE..." Yes, and the U.S. COULD BE in Iraq just for the oil. If you have doubts on one side, then logically there is also doubt on the contrary, which correlates to you not having a fuckin clue about anything and just yapping your mouth for no reason.

well actually if you want to nit pick everything i say like the little bitch you are....they did say those trucks contained chemical weapons at one point so you can go fuck yourself


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well they did find those trucks that could be/were once used for chemical weapons so there goes your don't have to manufacture them if you have enough

Oh yea, those trucks we saw on TV. I mean if a truck is on a road in Iraq, it must contain weapons. There is absolutely no way that anything else could be in there.
And even with your STUPID comment, you show that you still have doubts. "well they did find those trucks that COULD BE..." Yes, and the U.S. COULD BE in Iraq just for the oil. If you have doubts on one side, then logically there is also doubt on the contrary, which correlates to you not having a fuckin clue about anything and just yapping your mouth for no reason.

well actually if you want to nit pick everything i say like the little bitch you are....they did say those trucks contained chemical weapons at one point so you can go fuck yourself

HOLY SHIT! THEY SAID IT? DAMN, IT MUST BE TRUE THEN. Thanks for clearing that up for me man. You were completely right. If they said the trucks contained chemical weapons, then OF COURSE they did. How could I be so dumb for not believing what they say. ::)



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Re:Tech breaks down some concepts used by the US govt to fool its people Vol. 1
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2004, 12:59:47 AM »

well they did find those trucks that could be/were once used for chemical weapons so there goes your don't have to manufacture them if you have enough

Oh yea, those trucks we saw on TV. I mean if a truck is on a road in Iraq, it must contain weapons. There is absolutely no way that anything else could be in there.
And even with your STUPID comment, you show that you still have doubts. "well they did find those trucks that COULD BE..." Yes, and the U.S. COULD BE in Iraq just for the oil. If you have doubts on one side, then logically there is also doubt on the contrary, which correlates to you not having a fuckin clue about anything and just yapping your mouth for no reason.

well actually if you want to nit pick everything i say like the little bitch you are....they did say those trucks contained chemical weapons at one point so you can go fuck yourself

HOLY SHIT! THEY SAID IT? DAMN, IT MUST BE TRUE THEN. Thanks for clearing that up for me man. You were completely right. If they said the trucks contained chemical weapons, then OF COURSE they did. How could I be so dumb for not believing what they say. ::)

HOLY SHIT! THEY SAID IT? DAMN, IT MUST BE TRUE THEN. Thanks for clearing that up for me man. You were completely right. If they have no proof that chemical weapons didn't exist then i guess they never existed in iraq's history. How could I be so dumb for not believing what they say. ::)

works both ways bitch



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Re:Tech breaks down some concepts used by the US govt to fool its people Vol. 1
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2004, 01:45:01 AM »
LMAO... the only difference is mine logically makes sense, yours doesn't. Are you implying that if something cannot be found, then it must exist? (Another mastermind on the board said the same thing... LOL... check out that thread for the feedback left for him). You're right I guess. So I could walk into court and tell the judge "Sir, we couldn't find a weapon, therefore it must exist"

LMAO. Stupid people like you make me feel so much smarter than I already know I am.



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Re:Tech breaks down some concepts used by the US govt to fool its people Vol. 1
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2004, 01:52:25 AM »
look at your genious logic.....if we can't see it it doesn't we should all live by that

let's not find a cure for cancer, aids or anything because we haven't found it must not exist

once again, works both ways bitch


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Re:Tech breaks down some concepts used by the US govt to fool its people Vol. 1
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2004, 01:50:19 PM »
Wow, you're a bigger idiot than I thought, and that's saying a lot. How can you compare invading a nation with no credible reason to finding a cure for AIDS? Are you that much of a moron? Let me break it down for you.

We invaded Iraq on the reason that there are WMDs. Now we find out there never were any, and if there are we never found them, hence there not being any proof for our reason to invade. The administration told us they know exactly where they are. My point is that we had no PROOF. When it comes down to the law, someone being tried in court, the judge can't send the person to jail, unless there is PROOF he's guilty. He can't just assume it. That's what we did.
Now you're comparing that to us finding a cure for AIDS. There might be one, there might not. So, we should spend our money and try to find one. Nothing wrong with that. But that's completely different from attacking a nation, killing its citizens, spending $85 billion of our tax dollars, and not having any proof. If you can't see the difference, then again, I feel sorry for you.


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Re:Tech breaks down some concepts used by the US govt to fool its people Vol. 1
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2004, 07:34:36 PM »
Wow, you're a bigger idiot than I thought, and that's saying a lot. How can you compare invading a nation with no credible reason to finding a cure for AIDS? Are you that much of a moron? Let me break it down for you.

We invaded Iraq on the reason that there are WMDs. Now we find out there never were any, and if there are we never found them, hence there not being any proof for our reason to invade. The administration told us they know exactly where they are. My point is that we had no PROOF. When it comes down to the law, someone being tried in court, the judge can't send the person to jail, unless there is PROOF he's guilty. He can't just assume it. That's what we did.
Now you're comparing that to us finding a cure for AIDS. There might be one, there might not. So, we should spend our money and try to find one. Nothing wrong with that. But that's completely different from attacking a nation, killing its citizens, spending $85 billion of our tax dollars, and not having any proof. If you can't see the difference, then again, I feel sorry for you.

and you're pretty smart saying that invading a nation and going to war is kinda like you taking me to court....yeah i can see how those two fit together.....if i win in court, people die and missles blow up buildings and.....wait, we're talking about regular court right?

declaring war is nothing like regular law, invading a country isn't like any court system.

if this war was like anything it's like suspecting somebody of have guns...asking repeatedly to search thier house and they say no...getting a search warrant and fucking up thier place and then finding 100,000 bodies in thier back yard the ends justified the means but you're still stuck on that WMD horseshit that no one believed in the first place