Author Topic: Israeli Terror against the U.S.  (Read 204 times)


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Israeli Terror against the U.S.
« on: February 24, 2004, 03:00:41 PM »
*In 1954, Pinhas Lavon, the Israeli defense minister attempted to blow up American installations in two Egyptian cities and blame it on Egyptian nationals. The plan, also known as "The Lavon Affair" failed. He was caught, and he resigned a year later because of the incident.

*In 1967, Israel attacked the U.S.S. Liberty, a vessel near Egypt. The U.S. Secretary of State and the navy chief Admiral said the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel was deliberate, however the all-powerful Zionist Lobby prevented a formal Congressional investigation. The story quickly vanished from the news.

And here's a story from 9/11.

Middle eastern men are witnessed by the public, dancing and cheering after the attacks on WTC. Why? Then the cops get a phone call from someone saying they saw "arab-looking" men making a bomb in a van. So the cops follow the van to the Washington Bridge where they're pulled over. Cops find video footage of the Sears Tower in the van and explosives residue. The story hits the news right away. Investigators later find out the men were Israeli Mossad agents. They're locked up for a few weeks, the story vanishes from the news, and they're flown to Israel to safety.

Here's the story from the New York Times:
Cowan, Alison Leigh.2001.  
“5 Young Israelis, Caught in Net of Suspicion.” New York Times.  October 8.

As their lawyer tells it, when the five young men were picked up by F.B.I. agents in midday on Sept. 11, they had a box cutter with them. One man carried $4,000 in cash, another had two passports.

In short, there probably were good reasons to be suspicious of the men who became the subjects of widespread news coverage.

What those early news accounts missed, however, was that all five of the men were Israeli Jews, and that if they had box cutters, it was because at least four of them and possibly all five worked for Urban Moving Systems, a household moving company in New York and New Jersey.

They are now facing deportation for overstaying their visas and other immigration offenses, but their lawyer says their case is a reminder that though roughly 500 people have now been detained as part of the crackdown on possible terrorists, that does not mean all of them are part of any terror network.

Driving a large van across the George Washington Bridge toward Manhattan hours after the deadly attack on American landmarks, the five men, well built and in their 20's, were speaking in a foreign language. They appeared to be from the Middle East. By some accounts, they seemed to be making light of the tragic situation.

Besides the cash and the passports, one man had fresh pictures of the smoldering wreckage of the trade center in his camera, images he had captured by standing rather conspicuously on the roof of the van.

The men were taken into custody, with news reports leaving the wide impression that the authorities had detained a group of suspicious men taking pictures or rooting for the terrorists from the New Jersey side of the bridge.

They have spent much of the last 27 days inside the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, getting a firsthand glimpse of a side of New York they never dreamed of seeing when they came to the United States as tourists. As much as anything, friends and families say, they came seeking a respite from life in a war zone.

These days, they would be thrilled to return. Shortly after the five Israelis arrived at the detention center, a group of Pakistani Muslims pressured them to join in a hunger strike, according to the Israelis' lawyer, Steven Noah Gordon. That only fortified the impression inside the prison that somehow ''they were all together,'' and invited threats from non-Muslims, he said. For their own safety, he said, they now each have separate cells.

According to Mr. Gordon, his clients were also blindfolded during interrogations, handcuffed in confinement, and forced to take polygraph tests. Though they were technically being held by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Mr. Gordon said, they were told ominously that if they failed to cooperate, they could be charged with violations of obscure ''black-humor statutes'' which, in limited circumstances, allow people to be prosecuted for cracking jokes about security matters like airplane hijackings.

Government officials are refusing to disclose much about the identities or whereabouts of the people who have been detained as part of the manhunt for the suicide hijackers' accomplices. They are divulging even less about the 150 or so who are being held on immigration charges. Some detainees no doubt have useful information about the terrorists' plot. Others seem to have done nothing more than tip off the authorities during questioning that they were living or working here illegally.

''The F.B.I. is vacuuming up everything, good, bad and indifferent,'' said James Oslow, an immigration lawyer in Philadelphia representing two Turkish detainees, whose truck broke down near a military base.

Washington, he said, would ''rather lock everybody up as a means to convince the public they're doing everything appropriate.''

A spokesman for the Justice Department in Washington, Dan Nelson, refused to discuss particulars of the Israelis' case or to confirm that that they were in custody. This reporter, who approached the Metropolitan Detention Center on Friday, was turned away.

Mr. Gordon, who was initially hired by the family of one of the detainees, Oded Ellner, on Sept. 17, agreed to represent the other four pro bono as a favor to the Israeli consulate in New York. ''This is a huge misunderstanding,'' said Yigal Tzarfati, an official with the consulate. The five men in detention, he said, ''have nothing to do with the bombings.''

Mr. Gordon said he did not believe his clients were advised of their rights until he was allowed to visit them on Sept. 25. ''They were beside themselves,'' he said.

Even then, he said, six to eight guards sat in on their meetings and forbade them from speaking any language but English. ''It's the strangest case I've ever seen,'' said Mr. Gordon, who said his clients had ''absolutely nothing'' to do with terrorists.

Inside the prison, mistrust has been running so deep that a visiting rabbi appeared indifferent when asked to help the Israelis get prayer books for the Jewish High Holy Days last month, according to Mr. Gordon.

On Sept. 25, all five signed papers acknowledging violations of United States immigration law. One, Sivan Kurzberg, admitted working illegally on a tourist visa. His brother, Paul Kurzberg, along with Yaron Shmuel and Mr. Ellner, conceded they had overstayed their visas.

The fifth man, Omer Gavriel Marmari, was initially also charged with having overstayed his visa, because he had not left the country by Sept. 19. Since he was in custody when that deadline came, Mr. Gordon said, that charge was dropped, and Mr. Marmari conceded instead that he had failed to notify the government of a change in status.

The five are awaiting deportation back to Israel. Eagerly, friends say.



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Re:Israeli Terror against the U.S.
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2004, 03:01:39 PM »
Nothing has been done against Israel for not obeying the UN resolutions. Why?


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Re:Israeli Terror against the U.S.
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2004, 03:04:33 PM »


"Our purpose was to document the event".

How the fuck did he know about the event before it happened? LOL. What dumbasses.


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Re:Israeli Terror against the U.S.
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2004, 03:48:04 PM »
Great post...interesting read.



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Re:Israeli Terror against the U.S.
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2004, 04:10:05 PM »
Great post...interesting read.

Yea, I thought since CNN isn't going to, I might do the honor.


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Re:Israeli Terror against the U.S.
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2004, 12:46:45 AM »
Anti Israeli propoganda at it's best. nuf said.
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?


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Re:Israeli Terror against the U.S.
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2004, 06:52:13 AM »
Anti Israeli propoganda at it's best. nuf said.

Stfu if you have nothing say.


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Re:Israeli Terror against the U.S.
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2004, 06:22:42 PM »
Anti Israeli propoganda at it's best. nuf said.


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Re:Israeli Terror against the U.S.
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2004, 01:02:02 AM »
Anti Israeli propoganda at it's best. nuf said.

Of course its propaganda if your Jewish  ;)