Author Topic: goapele's back up singer Latoya London on American Idol  (Read 90 times)

We Fly High

goapele's back up singer Latoya London on American Idol
« on: February 26, 2004, 12:38:27 AM »
haha id ont usually watch american idol.. but just watchin it yesterday or the day before, before some other program came on, and then there was a black chick, Latoya London, that was singing, and she straight tore the place up, and got a standing ovation from paula and the black dude.. and then simon was jocking her hardcore like no other..  the chick looked fucking familiar and she repped oakland... and then i look at her name, and shit didnt click in, but then i finally remember seeing her live singing with goapele back in August in frisco... shits crazy. and if u guys aint up on goapele. u guys be trippin...