Author Topic: my theory on life....  (Read 680 times)


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Re: my theory on life....
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2002, 09:52:58 PM »
To doggy: No diss, but you cant go around telling Apoc he aint a good sikh, when he never claimed to be so religous and a "good" Sikh.  Plus theres noting wrong in believing in other things, for e.g i belive in Jesus, Moses, Prophet Mohhamed [p.b.u.h] ETC....How would u feel if someone ignorent comes to u and says u aint a good muslim [i.e "PinkTowelGirl"]

Reincarnation......I think the hindus and Buddists belive in it as well, an example of what the buddists belive in, is that theres a "wheel of life" or something, your stuck in it, you die, and get reincarnated into the appropriate form depending on your "last lifes" if u do good, and die, you reincarnate as a rich, happy man etc....BUT to break out of the cycle, you must pray and meditate, constantly and reach a state of "Nirvana" which allows you to break out of the cycle and be ONE with GOD....and same with the sikhs [im 85% sure]

About the evil/hell thing, i think this is what Sikhism preaches about [Im a Sikh btw]:
Now in say christianity, all humans, are born sinners and, therefore, we all will go to Hell. However, if we believe in Christ as the only Son of God (according to Christianity) or in Mohammed as the last messenger of God (according to Islam) and follow their instructions we will be saved. On the Judgment Day, these believers will be taken to everlasting Heaven. Non-believers will go to Hell, where they will suffer forever....blah blah
According to the Sikh faith, there is no particular place which is Heaven or Hell This earth is our play ground and while living on it, we have to play the part assigned to us. Sikhsism says, a person is in Hell if he forgets God and is in Heaven if he loves, rememebers, belives and prays to God. Satan or evil have no existence.
See, its kinda like, heat exists but its counterpart cold does not exist. It is merely the deficiency or scarcity of heat. Also, darkness does not exist; it is the light which exists. Absence or deficiency of light is called darkness.  So in Sikhism, Evil does not exist, only goodness exists. It is simply the deficiency or the absence of goodness which we have named evil.....

Some happenings which we do not like (we therefore consider them to be "evil") are actually not evil.  Its kinda like, a father, telling his little kid not to eat too much chocolates.  Now, the kid, who absolutely dislikes the fathers request, and does not give up the candys.  So, the father forcefully takes away the sweets, and the child @ the moment, hates his father and thinks of him as "bad" or "evil.   But, we however, KNOW, that too much of candys could have been bad for the childs health, but the kid does not understand, and still thinks of his father as being "mean" or "evil.  Eventualy, the child grows up and realizes how his father loved him and cared for his health, thats why he used to stop the kid from eating too many candys.  So then the grown child gets married, and has kids, now, what happens here is funny because the child  stops his kids from eating too many candys, tells them to brush regularly, study....etc....
Like that, 'Waheguru' [Sikh term for 'God'] is a Father, is OUR father. He forces many things on us to keep us healthy and right. He is a great teacher and has His own ways of teaching us. Waheguru created fire, so that we can keep ourselves warm and cook our food. The fire, when it is out of our control or when we mishandle it, burns us. It may look to be an evil act but it teaches us a lesson about how to use fire with caution. Just like that, our feelings of self-respect, when misused, can become ego to hurt us. We can become possessive, greedy, or miserly, thereby taking the rights of other people and forcing many people to go hungry; this is an evil act.....
Evil is only when we disregard the job assigned to us or if we do something which we are not supposed to do, i.e. practice lust, ego, anger, hatred, greed, jealousy, etc. Killing or hurting under the influence of these vicious thoughts is an evil act....
Sometimes, what is "evil" and "good" can be misinterpreted by the ignorent....For example....The eating of the weaker by the stronger[examples in the animal kingdom] It may not be evil, but may be the way of Waheguru to keep the cycle of living beings continuous......the cycle of life, nature....

According to the Sikh faith, the question of evolution, birth of man etc.... is of little significance and of no religious importance. The real and urgent issue before us is not when and how we humans were created, but what is the goal of this life, and how is that goal to be achieved.

Peace, one love, one god, one nation....


Yo that was one of the illest posts I've read.  Much props.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


Re: my theory on life....
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2002, 10:05:36 PM »
Blade, alotta your points are good.  The darkness thing latter day saints believe too, we call it 'outer darkness' it's like the final, most cursed level of hell.  The evil as we see it thing is true too, some things appear evil, but we don't know the whole story, we don't see that they are actually good.  

Good post, peace~
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »


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Re: my theory on life....
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2002, 10:19:04 PM »
Blade that was 1 of the illest posts ive seen on this board. Nice n fairly explained. I agree with u definately.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by 1034398800 »