Author Topic: Boy Sprinkles Ganja On Lasagna  (Read 123 times)


Boy Sprinkles Ganja On Lasagna
« on: March 23, 2004, 12:52:49 PM »
MIAMI -- Police say a 5-year-old boy brought a bag of marijuana to school and was sprinkling it over a friend's lasagna at the school cafeteria before a monitor intervened.

Police say it is unclear whether the kindergartner at Gratigny Elementary School even knew he was carrying the drugs on Monday.

The lasagna was confiscated before the other boy had a chance to eat it.

Initially, the boy, who had tried to hide the bag with his feet when the monitor approached him, "may have said it was oregano," said Mayco Villafana, spokesman for Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

"The boy is not going to be charged," Villafana said. "The focus is on the child's environment and what issues could have led to a child having a bag of marijuana in school."

The family of the kindergartner who had the marijuana is under the scrutiny of school police and state child-welfare authorities.

School police took the matter to the state attorney's office and in addition to speaking with the boy's family, police are looking into whether an older friend asked the boy to hold the plastic bag. The case was also referred to Florida's Department of Children and Families, Villafana said.

After speaking with police, the boys were allowed to return to their kindergarten class. Both sets of parents were contacted about the police inquiry. No names were released



Re:Boy Sprinkles Ganja On Lasagna
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2004, 01:24:17 PM »
LMAO  @ the new "Ganja Lasagna" recipe... ;D