Author Topic: FUNNY GAMES  (Read 91 times)


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« on: April 01, 2004, 03:54:44 PM »
WOW! What a film.

I doubt many of you have seen this but this film is sick, tiwsted and of course because of this its amazing.  Its an Austrain film so you gotta watch it in subtitles but that doesn't take anything away from the actual film itself.

As most of you don't know what this film is about I'll explain.  Two weird young men get into a familys home and take them hostage.  They basically play games with them for there lives and shit but the direction and complex storytelling involved in this film just makes it more of an experience than a normal film.

All through the film 1 of the 2 young me will look at the camera and ask us if we think they have had enough yet.  Its so good, in one scene the lady who a hostage along with her husband and little kid gets the upper hand and manages to shoot one of the young men, but we find out it ain't what it seems and shit and she ends up back to square 1.  

Its a really good film, I suggest everyone tries to download it or rent it or sumit because its dope.  You gotta be in a good state of mind to watch it tho because some scenes are really long and without dialogue and shit but its really worth a peep.


« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2004, 10:08:56 PM »
Sounds Interesting.