Author Topic: European Union Covers Up Racist Attacks on Jews By Muslims.........  (Read 159 times)

Real American

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  • Karma: -448 blaming it on white people. All across Europe, the number of violent attacks against Jewish people has skyrocketed over the past few years. So when a report came out that said Muslims were behind most of the attacks, the EU forced the authors to rewrite the report and blame the attacks on white people. Talk about political correctness gone crazy.

EEU 'covered up' attacks on Jews by young Muslims
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels
(Filed: 01/04/2004)

Jewish leaders accused the European Union yesterday of covering up the true scale of anti-Semitic violence carried out by Muslim youths, reigniting a controversy over Europe's failure to confront Islamic extremism at home.

A study released by the EU's racism and xenophobia monitoring centre astounded experts by concluding that the wave of anti-Jewish persecution over the last two years stemmed from neo-Nazi or other racist groups.

"The largest group of the perpetrators of anti-Semitic activities appears to be young, disaffected white Europeans," said a summary released to the European Parliament . "A further source of anti-Semitism in some countries was young Muslims of North African or Asian extraction.

"Traditionally, anti-Semitic groups on the extreme Right played a part in stirring opinion," it added.

The headline findings contradict the body of the report. This says most of the 193 violent attacks on synagogues, Jewish schools, kosher shops, cemeteries and rabbis in France in 2002 - up from 32 in 2001 - were "ascribed to youth from neighbourhoods sensitive to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, principally of North African descent.

"The percentage attributable to the extreme Right was only nine per cent in 2002," it said.

The report on Belgium said most of the fire-bomb and machine-gun attacks on Jewish targets were the result of a spillover from the Palestinian intifada.

The European Jewish Congress accused the EU watchdog of twisting data from the 15 member states to suit its own ideological bias, describing the report as a catalogue of "enormous contradictions, errors and omissions."

"We cannot let it be said that the majority of anti-Semitic incidents come from young, disaffected white men. This is in complete contradiction with the facts recorded by the police," it said.

The EU suppressed a report last year by German academics concluding that Arab gangs were largely responsible for a sudden surge in the anti-Jewish violence, allegedly because the findings were politically unpalatable.

Victor Weitzel, who wrote a large section of yesterday's far more detailed study, told The Telegraph that the latest findings had been consistently massaged by the EU watchdog to play down the role of North African youth. "The European Union seems incapable of facing up to the truth on this," he said. "Everything is being tilted to ensure nice soft conclusions.

"When I told them that we need to monitor the inflammatory language being used by the Arab press in Europe, this was changed to the 'minority press'.

"Honestly, it's incredible," he said.

Mr Weitzel's 48-page section - compiled with a Polish academic, Magadalena Sroda - is the fruit of months of interviews with Jewish leaders across Europe. While far-Right and traditional "Christian" forms of anti-Semitism still exist, the report homes in on a new form of "anti-Zionist Left" prejudice.

This demonises Israel and subtly leaks into prejudice against all Jews. The study describes Belgium as a country where anti-Semitism has become almost fashionable among the Left-leaning intelligentsia.

But most of the report focuses on Jew-baiting by Muslim youths. It paints an alarming picture of daily life for France's 600,000 Jews, the EU's biggest community.

In schools, Jewish children are beaten with impunity, and teachers dare not talk about the Holocaust for fear of provoking Muslim pupils, it said.

Britain, which saw a 75 per cent rise in incidents last year, was gently rebuked for hesitating to take "politically awkward" measures against Islamic radicals.

"The government is very anxious not to upset the Muslim community," the report said.

U commisioned experts to

Don Rizzle

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Re:European Union Covers Up Racist Attacks on Jews By Muslims.........
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2004, 06:51:38 AM »
there was a thread about this not so long ago i did check back the last few pages but couldn't find it. my opion on it is that just reitterates the point that some people think that racism is only a capability white people

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?

Real American

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Re:European Union Covers Up Racist Attacks on Jews By Muslims.........
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2004, 04:21:38 PM »
Why do you think the EU is blaming the attacks on white people when the statistics clearly show that Muslims are behind them?

This only shows how backwards us white people are...we would rather make ourselves look bad than a minority group. No one group of people would do that to themselves.


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Re:European Union Covers Up Racist Attacks on Jews By Muslims.........
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2004, 08:11:25 PM »
Why do you think the EU is blaming the attacks on white people when the statistics clearly show that Muslims are behind them?

This only shows how backwards us white people are...we would rather make ourselves look bad than a minority group. No one group of people would do that to themselves.
Because the muslims will call the EU racist and corrupt.  White people are certainly taken it in the ass these past 20 years.  Everything is blamed on the white person,  its fucked up.  How can racism be defeated when false information is being presented to the public.  It cant.  It just fuels the hate.  :( :(