Author Topic: Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker  (Read 412 times)


Re:Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2004, 03:04:41 PM »
lmao he's treated like a dumb foreigner by the sucessors of ppl who wiped his race out and invaded his country...

that's just as sad as it can possibly get.

I treat him like a moron cause he acts like one. Unlike you, I don't think of race as a determining factor in somebody's intelligence.

That's the sad thing about you. You're a racist and you don't even know it. You think that a person is defined by his race. I don't. I accept a person based on their individuality and achievements, not the color of their skin.

Also, Did I "take" his land away from him? No.

Did my parents? No.

Did my grandparents? No.

Did my great grandparents? No.

Did my great great grandparents? No.

Did my great great great grandparents? Nope, they lived in Norway

Why do I owe him anything? Why does anybody owe him anything? I had nothing to do with somebody "Taking" his land.

Man, I hate morons.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2004, 03:09:13 PM by Krayze-Eyez Killah »


Re:Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2004, 03:07:19 PM »

cmon dont disrespect my great post.
if you clown someone who cant spell proper (for the simple reason his parents speak another language and all) it's quite similar to this foreigner situation isnt it
I'm going to disrespect you as much as I want. You're ignorant.

I'm guessing mdogg has lived in the USA all his life. He's attended school here and learned English at that school. Is it my fault that he can't spell? Nope. I'm gonna call them as I see them. If a college level individual can't spell, it's his fault, not mine.


Re:Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2004, 03:59:23 PM »
Well, I meant LITERALLY what I said.  I like reading stories and shit like that, but whenever I come across the word "Proficy" a bunch of times, I literally was reminded of Daffy Duck.  "It's a proficy" with his tongue spitting all over the place through the purse of his orange beak.  


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Re:Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2004, 04:18:15 PM »

ever heard of false prophets???

i mean just because a buncha mexicans are "taking over" california with the mass amounts of immigrants and their massive breeding behavior does not mean they gonna dominate the U.S. They already fall under the belt of discrimination.  Discrimination is a big downfall to any culture, it makes it less easier for them to succeed in America.  African Americans  have had it the worst but things are getting better which is why you see a lot more black people higher up the social ladder nowadays.  But mexicans....they're still highly discriminated against.

The Native Americans (proper term, not indians) have been ruthlessly slaughtered throughout the whole U.S. not just California.  Most history books don't even go that much into detail about it because they're too embarassed.  Colombus was a marcc. Rationalizing cultural genocide as a form of progress is WRONG. . . LoL, even more so as profitable ...pshht... typical for a white guy since the largest contributions they have given to american society is genocide, slavery, and commercialism.   Native americans have had it the worst in terms of getting killed by white americans... I mean u can say KKK this n that but the number is not as large as the slaughtering of the Native Americans population.  Like Chris Rock said "when was the last time u seen two Indians together?"

bla bla watever excuse me sir if this post is too racist for you... i'm just stating information.  Nothing too condescending.  History is history.  whats done is done. learn from how and why it happened as a matter of humanistic behavior.  DAMN THE WHITE MAN. haha.


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Re:Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2004, 04:56:10 PM »
it pisses me off when people call native americans, INDIANS,

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Re:Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2004, 06:52:34 PM »
Many years ago, as we all know in history, whites expanded the United States from sea to shiny sea. Along the way, they had many wars with the Native Americans here. The Natives here were into proficies, and visions and whatnot. When a tribe was about to go to battle with the United States, a battle many warriors knew they'd lose, one medican man said that in fact, they will lose. The tribe will fall, and many Indians will be killed and captured by the white man. BUT, it does not matter, for within 200 hundred years, the Aztecs (Mexicans) from the south will rise to the United States, and takeback the land without firing a single bullet. This was told to me by my father, who's Great Uncle Paul told him, and he was a trader for a Native tribe in San Bernardino. CWalker's post, which the topic I knew of since high school when they did the statistics, reminded me of these, and the fear that many will have at the proficy coming true. It's all part of what's suppose to happen. This is a brown country on what has for thousands of years been brown land. In history, many years from now, this will be documented. We are living through history, for never has a race taken over a country without firing a single bullet. Never, and right now it's happening as we speak. The fear of many is to lose of there great country, a country built on blood soaked land, trading dirty money, and a labor force founded on slavery of black, native, white and asian people. I'm not just bashing whites doing on whites, but whites doing on to themselves. A new day is coming, it was told to the Natives, and my grandkids will live it, and know nothing but it. I will be 60-70 years old when this happens, and I will proudly watch a new America, hopefully a more tolerant America, and a more passionate America. We are living history, fuck Hillary Clinton and what her book is title, we are all living history. Let us celebrat a new day. For we can't stop it, we should imbrace it.

A few points......

#1 How the hell did you get into college without knowing how to spell the word "prophecy"?

#2 You are right, Mexicans are indeed conquering the US without firing shots as you say. However, my point is that it does not have to happen. We Americans are sitting back and letting it happen without doing anything about it. Our government is selling out this country by allowing mass immigration, and the people need to stand up and say enough is enough.

#3 Why are you so excited about white people becoming a minority in the US? Don't you like living in a country with a high standard of living? Don't you understand that the reason everyone is leaving Mexico is because that country is a shit hole. So if half of Mexico's population and other third world immigrants come to the US, doesn't it stand to reason that America will become a shithole too.

4. If Mexicans become a majority in the US, the US will not become more tolerant, it will become less tolerant. The US right now is the most tolerant nation in the world, and Mexico is one of the most intolerant nations in the world. Please educate yourself.


Re:Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2004, 08:29:57 PM »
^ C, your problem is people can't fire any holes in logic like that, so they're just going to personally attack you.  Of course everything you just said is 100% true, and entirely unrefutable.  They have absolutely no argument against that, you just fucked their entire conversation up.  They're probably starting to have doubts about their own intelligence, since you just SHIT on them so bad.  However; none of this will get admitted; you won't even get an "Amen, Brother!" because they convienantly consider you a nazi.  


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Re:Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2004, 10:03:51 PM »
Many years ago, as we all know in history, whites expanded the United States from sea to shiny sea. Along the way, they had many wars with the Native Americans here. The Natives here were into proficies, and visions and whatnot. When a tribe was about to go to battle with the United States, a battle many warriors knew they'd lose, one medican man said that in fact, they will lose. The tribe will fall, and many Indians will be killed and captured by the white man. BUT, it does not matter, for within 200 hundred years, the Aztecs (Mexicans) from the south will rise to the United States, and takeback the land without firing a single bullet. This was told to me by my father, who's Great Uncle Paul told him, and he was a trader for a Native tribe in San Bernardino. CWalker's post, which the topic I knew of since high school when they did the statistics, reminded me of these, and the fear that many will have at the proficy coming true. It's all part of what's suppose to happen. This is a brown country on what has for thousands of years been brown land. In history, many years from now, this will be documented. We are living through history, for never has a race taken over a country without firing a single bullet. Never, and right now it's happening as we speak. The fear of many is to lose of there great country, a country built on blood soaked land, trading dirty money, and a labor force founded on slavery of black, native, white and asian people. I'm not just bashing whites doing on whites, but whites doing on to themselves. A new day is coming, it was told to the Natives, and my grandkids will live it, and know nothing but it. I will be 60-70 years old when this happens, and I will proudly watch a new America, hopefully a more tolerant America, and a more passionate America. We are living history, fuck Hillary Clinton and what her book is title, we are all living history. Let us celebrat a new day. For we can't stop it, we should imbrace it.

A few points......

#1 How the hell did you get into college without knowing how to spell the word "prophecy"?

#2 You are right, Mexicans are indeed conquering the US without firing shots as you say. However, my point is that it does not have to happen. We Americans are sitting back and letting it happen without doing anything about it. Our government is selling out this country by allowing mass immigration, and the people need to stand up and say enough is enough.

#3 Why are you so excited about white people becoming a minority in the US? Don't you like living in a country with a high standard of living? Don't you understand that the reason everyone is leaving Mexico is because that country is a shit hole. So if half of Mexico's population and other third world immigrants come to the US, doesn't it stand to reason that America will become a shithole too.

4. If Mexicans become a majority in the US, the US will not become more tolerant, it will become less tolerant. The US right now is the most tolerant nation in the world, and Mexico is one of the most intolerant nations in the world. Please educate yourself.

umm.... NO asshole Mexico is a beautiful state its diveded up like the US it has its ghettos and it has its rich places like Cancun for instince is where you will find a rich mexican and then Porgueso right next to Tx is where u would find the trashy ghettos...

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Re:Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2004, 09:58:35 PM »
1... my spelling was mainly typos and rushed. I don't sit there and try to remember to spell words. I just type really fast, and if you ever IM with me (something I haven't done in years, but still get on sometimes) you will know this. Also, check the time of most of my post, usually they are after midnight in the central time zone, I check this board late at night, so after work, I'm very tired and make tons of mistakes. I used to do the same with papers, until I quit working afternoons and dedicated that to study time, and nights to work time. I saw my grammer improve greatly. On the board, I really could give a fuck.


#1 How the hell did you get into college without knowing how to spell the word "prophecy"? The word was never used in my paper I wrote explaining my life story. Also I wrote papers all the time in high school with major errors, and still got A's and B's in english. I didn't know my english was bad until I took the SATs... lol. I do work on my english skills, as I have papers and shit, but on a board, why should I get anul if I just do this for fun.

#2 You are right, Mexicans are indeed conquering the US without firing shots as you say. However, my point is that it does not have to happen. We Americans are sitting back and letting it happen without doing anything about it. Our government is selling out this country by allowing mass immigration, and the people need to stand up and say enough is enough. Our country was built on immigrations. Over one hundred years ago, we did the same to the Irish and every other person to enter the United States. And no matter what white people do, nothing can stop fate from happening.

#3 Why are you so excited about white people becoming a minority in the US? Don't you like living in a country with a high standard of living? Don't you understand that the reason everyone is leaving Mexico is because that country is a shit hole. So if half of Mexico's population and other third world immigrants come to the US, doesn't it stand to reason that America will become a shithole too. The people coming over from Mexico are the ones that are fed up with the curruption happening in their country. Most are looking for a new start. They want to be able to support their families, and their government is failing them, but the belief is, like around the world, if you go to the United States, you have a chance to move up, and support your family, own a house, a car, and retire nicely. Who doesn't want that. They don't hurt the nation, they build on it, work hard, and are making an impact on our great country by adding more.

4. If Mexicans become a majority in the US, the US will not become more tolerant, it will become less tolerant. The US right now is the most tolerant nation in the world, and Mexico is one of the most intolerant nations in the world. Please educate yourself. a very tolerant country that has enslaved people, made a movie about killing thousands of Mexicans in Alamo, and basically has singled out a region in the world to act out it's anger. Yes, we are tolerant, but only if you agree with the United States 100%.

"The Native Americans (proper term, not indians)" I know this, I used Indian for hidden reasons. One, to see how many conservatives would catch it, non, and two, it's becoming ok to say indian now, as PC is fading. Even Natives call ourselves indian. I still say Native American.

"It's just hard to take somebody seriously when they sound like Daffy Duck.  On top of this; it's been far more than 200 years, buddy.  Maybe they meant "200 hundred" years like you said." my bad, again, speed typing. Not checking. But anyways, it was foreseen in 1865, so actually, we are ahead of the 200 year mark.

I'm just saying, we are in a time of historical events. What is happening now, will be forever placed in history books. CWalker found it out for himself, and shared it with you, I figured I explain from the other side of the coin, the Latin/Native American side of the coin. My father and mother are both half Native and half Mexican American, so I was raised from the two sides of the boarder. Many fear what is about to take place, but honestly, it suppose to happen. Not just in California, but you can see it in Texas all the way up to Minnesota. We have a huge Mexican population now, and it's growing in the snow. Many see white as the only advance race, but the Mexicans are doing their thing up here, going to college, graduating also. Whites fear of the future in my opinion is unfounded. But hey, it's cool we are on your mind. Trust me, you are on ours, but not in a bad way, trust me. If you really want to know a secret, and this is as true as it gets, many Latinos want to be white, or at least be accepted in white culture, and we look to both white and black achievements to base ourselves off of. It's not that hard to see, even in our music. Our traditional music has a lot of German influence, and we are heavily Catholic, which is not our native religion, but showed to us by the Spanish. You look at us as bad, but why not look at European immigrants as bad, or Asian. In fact, we have higher percentages of Asian immigrants than Latinos. The only difference is that Latinos are in higher numbers, so we will grow faster because our base is larger to grow off of. I still don't see people at the harbors of California trying to stop Asian immigration.

M Dogg starts "Keep Asians out of the United States" You guys are funny to talk to.


Re:Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2004, 10:17:06 PM »
Why are you getting your panties in a bunch over the alamo and shit that went down how many years ago? So they made a movie about it... They made a movie about pearl harbor and you didn't see Japanese Americans getting all touchy-feely.

I'm gonna start getting REAL angry about those fucking Vikings that raped and pillaged my great great great gandfathers village.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2004, 10:19:52 PM by Krayze-Eyez Killah »


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Re:Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker
« Reply #25 on: April 09, 2004, 02:48:19 AM »
The ones that said that we need to stop immigration because it's "hurting the country" are racist. This country's ideology has shifted from racist and segregated to integrated and tolerant, so you're still living in the 20th century, or you listen to your god damn grantparents too much, you fucking hicks. The truth is, it doesnt matter what kind of blood runs in your veins. If you're born in this country and are educated in its' schools, you become American and no longer Mexican, Chinese, Arab, or whatever. Just cuz you look darker than somebody else it doesnt mean you're hurting the country you fuckin idiot (C-Walker187). An about that whole "we americans are sitting back and letting..." shit, Shut the fuck up and keep sitting down, because your fucking great grandparents were in the same position 100, maybe 200 years ago as the current wave of Latino immigrants. And there is such a things as waves of immigration, in case u didnt know. FOr example, in the 1920's, Hundreds of thousands of Eastern Euruopeans moved into the US. Latinos weren't even a small portion of that number. Just 2 let u know, i'm not even latino, so i'm not defending a race here, i'm just saying what's common sense, and i belive i'm a progressive thinkger, unlike you (I'm talking to all the republicans and assholes in this thread)
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Re:Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker
« Reply #26 on: April 10, 2004, 01:01:58 PM »
Why are you getting your panties in a bunch over the alamo and shit that went down how many years ago? So they made a movie about it... They made a movie about pearl harbor and you didn't see Japanese Americans getting all touchy-feely.

I'm gonna start getting REAL angry about those fucking Vikings that raped and pillaged my great great great gandfathers village.

LOL... you really don't see too many Mexicans get mad at Alamo either. It was a very small part of my post, were as most of the post was a lot more important. But then again, to try and make yourself look better, you will point out small shit that I use as an example, and try to blow it up in a big argument, ignoring the bigger picture. But hey, it's your call on how you want to see the world. I'm saying is that no matter how you cut it, we have a Latino majority by 2050, and we are seeing history right now. Never has a great economical power been so drastically changed in terms of a major population change in race, without a single bullet being fired. The militant takeover Euro-America has feared for years is not to take place. The slave rebellion never truly happened, the Native rise and repeats of Custer never happened, but instead we get a very large immigration of Latinos. Hell, like SnoopGogg818 said, it might even just be a wave. Who knows, one day, Mexico could hit a huge economical boom, and many Mexicans will stay in Mexico, and hell, even Mexicans here go to Mexico. You never know. Another truth, most Mexicans born here, speak English, and after a couple of generations, they become Americanized. It happens. Look at Big Jake, his a proof of history, I'm not knocking him, because look at my sister and me. We are both very Americanized Latinos. I think the only true reason I'm liberal as I am is because I grew up poor, and I saw what it is like to live like a suburban white person. So your fear of more M Doggs is unfounded again. Who knows what the future holds, in time will see. But lets see how history plays out.

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Re:Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker
« Reply #27 on: April 10, 2004, 01:20:51 PM »
If you really want to know a secret, and this is as true as it gets, many Latinos want to be white, or at least be accepted in white culture, and we look to both white and black achievements to base ourselves off of.

Now those are the kind of Mexicans that I like.

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Re:Old Native American Proficy... Scary to CWalker
« Reply #28 on: April 10, 2004, 01:56:31 PM »
If you really want to know a secret, and this is as true as it gets, many Latinos want to be white, or at least be accepted in white culture, and we look to both white and black achievements to base ourselves off of.

Now those are the kind of Mexicans that I like.

Hey... I just say what is going on in our culture that no white person knows. It's all good. For the most part we are still liberals, but a more conservative liberal. We are still Catholic and still traditional by the way. Just get to know Latinos better, and don't judge too quick. I can tell you we have much more in common that you could ever think.