Author Topic: US Foreign Policy: SPEECH BY CIA CHIEF  (Read 117 times)


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« on: April 09, 2004, 06:01:07 PM »

"My expertise, as you know, is CIA, Marine Corp, three CIA Secret Wars.  I had a position in the National Security Council in 1975 as the Chief of the Angola Task Force running the Secret War in Angola.  It was the third CIA Secret War I was part of"

 "The National Security law creating the National Security Council and the CIA, as you know, was passed in 1947.  The CIA was given its charter to perform such other duties and functions as might be necessary to national security interests and given a vague authority to protect its sources and methods.  I think it was in the mid -80s that I coined this phrase the "Third World War" because in my research I realized that we were not attacking the Soviet Union in the CIA's activities, we were attacking people in the Third World.  And I am going to just quickly, in the interest of time, just give you a little sense of what that means, this Third World War."

"Basically, it's the third, I believe in terms of loss of life and human destruction, the third bloodiest war in all of history.  They undertake to run operations in every corner of the globe.  They also undertook the license of operating just totally above and beyond U.S. laws.  They had a license, if you will, to kill, but also they took that to a license to smuggle drugs, a license to do all kinds of things to other people and other societies in violation of international law, our law, and every principle of nations working together for a healthier and more peaceful world."

"Meanwhile, again, they battled to convert the U.S. legal system in such a way that it would give them control of our society.  Now we have massive documentation of what they call the secret wars of the CIA.  We don't have to guess or speculate. We had the Church committee investigate them in 1975 which gave us our first really in-depth powerful look inside this structure."


"Senator Church said in the 14 years before he did his investigation that he found that they had run 900 major operations and 3000 minor operations.  And if you extrapolate that over the whole period of the 40 odd years that we've had a CIA, you come up with 3000 major operations and over 10,000 minor operations.  Every one of them illegal. Every one of them disruptive of the lives and societies of other peoples and many of them bloody and gory beyond comprehension, almost."


"Extensively, we manipulated and organized the overthrow of functioning constitutional democracies in other countries.  We organized secret armies and directed them to fight in just about every continent in the world.  We encouraged ethnic minorities to rise up and fight.  People like the Mosquito Indians in Nicaragua, the Kurds in the Middle East, the Hmongs in Southeast Asia."


"And of course, we have organized, and still do, fund death squads in countries around the world.  Like the Treasury Police in El Salvador which are responsible for most of the killing of the 50,000 people just in the 80s and there was 70,000 before that.  An orchestration of CIA secret teams and propaganda led us directly into the Korean War.  We were attacking China from the islands of Quemoy and Matsu, Thailand, Tibet, (a lot of drug trafficking involved in this by the way) until eventually we convinced ourselves to fight the Chinese in Korea and we had the Korean War and a million people were killed.  Same thing for the Vietnam War and we have extensive documentation of how the CIA was involved at every level of the national security complex because it's a very cooperative thing into manipulating the nation into the Vietnam War.  And we wound up creating the Golden Triangle in which the CIA Air America airplanes were flying in arms to our allies and flying back out with the heroin."


"We launched the largest; this is something that Jimmy Carter did, Admiral Turner brags about it, the operation in Afghanistan. The biggest single operation I am told in the history of CIA secret wars and sure enough very quickly we produced the Golden Crescent which is still the largest source of heroin perhaps in the world today."

"Trying to summarize this Third World War that the CIA, the U.S. National Security Complex with the military all interwoven in it in many different ways, has been waging, let me just put it this way, the best heads that I coordinate with studying this thing, we count at least minimum figure six million people who've been killed in this long 40-year war that we have waged against the people of the Third World."
"These are not Soviets, we have not been parachuting teams into the Soviet Union to kill and hurt and maim people, especially not since 1954 when they developed actually the capability of dropping atomic weapons on the United States.  They aren’t British, French, Swedes, Swiss, Belgians, we don't do bloody gory operations in the countries of Europe.  These are all people of the Third World.  They are people of countries like the Congo, Vietnam, Kampuchea, Indonesia, Nicaragua, where conspicuously, they nor their governments, do not have the capability of doing any physical hurt to the United States.  They don't have ICBM's, they don't have armies or navies.  They could not hurt us if they wanted to.  There has rarely been any evidence that they really wanted to.  And that, in fact is perhaps the whole point. If they had had ICBMs we probably wouldn't have done the things to them for fear of retaliation."

"Cheap shots, if you will, killing people of other countries of the world who cannot defend themselves under the guise of secrecy and under the rubric of national security"




  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2004, 07:58:15 PM »
Good read.

Most hip-hop is now keyboard driven, because the majority of hip-hop workstations have loops and patches that enable somebody with marginal skills to put tracks together,...

Unfortunately, most hip-hop artists gravitated towards the path of least resistance by relying on these pre-set patches. As a result, electric guitar and real musicians became devalued, and a lot of hip-hop now sounds the same.


Don Rizzle

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« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2004, 09:22:53 AM »
yea in bill bonano's (either that or joes) he touched on this a bit he was walking about american governement being involved in drugs n that and they (the mafia) ust to skim the diplomatic crates of cash which was sent into the airports

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?