Elements > Album Review

Welcome to Album Review


Here are just some general things to consider:

*Everyone is encouraged to give feedback and opinions on album reviews.

*Two people can rate the same album in two totally separate ways.  Don't be afraid to voice your opinions -- so also, respect other opinions and disagree respectfully.

*If you see a thread made for an album you are going to review, then review it there.  Don't make another thread.

....My personal ratings are a bit strict.  I don't pass 5's and 10's out easily, however, everybody's rating systems are different.  I use a scale of 1-10 to rate the overall album, and a scale of 1-5 to rate individual songs (5 and 10 being the best).  So overall, respect everybody's views.  Everybody has an opinion.


fuk u....lol j.ks


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