Author Topic: Goldberg Chat Results From AOL. He does have a high opinion of himself.  (Read 180 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • "When you come to a fork in the road...Take it"
Bill Gldbrg Live: Hello again.  It has been a long time and we have a lot to talk about! It is a tribute to a lot of the hard work of you all and myself to see so many people in here. It is a testament to you all for sticking by me.

Question: What made you unhappy with your character in WWE?

Bill Gldbrg Live: We start off with a good one.  A lot of promises were not fulfilled and there were twists and turns for everybody that were counterproductive.

Question: First off I just wanted to say I'm a big fan and my old lady is love with you. My first question is will you be coming back to RAW anytime soon (hopefully to kick HHHs butt again LOL)?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I would love to go anywhere and kick HHH's butt, but there are no immediate plans to go back to RAW as of right now. If they need me, we can talk.

Question: How was filming your movie?

Bill Gldbrg Live: It was great filming my movie. The people in Edmonton were terrific, and being able to kill people without being put in jail is great!

Question: How did you become a wrestler?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I got presented an opportunity by ex-wrestlers and made a business decision, and here I am. I never can get out here enough for the people, and I need to do this many times.

Question: Describe what you anticipated your run in WWE to be like, and then how it actually turned out to be?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I didn't envision it to be counter productive and having the belt throughout my time there.

Question: Bill, how long did you train at the WCW Powerplant, and what was the training like?

Bill Gldbrg Live: It was hell if I hadn't gone through Football two a days, with spring and summer practices, but they couldn't break me. I trained about five or six months.

Question: I was in Hershey, PA to witness your first and only WWE Championship win over HHH at Unforgiven, what did it feel like the second time around, compared to winning WCW's Championship back in '98?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Winning the WCW Championship was an honor as was winning it in your hometown in front of your fans and 40,000, beating Hulk Hogan. Nothing can compare to that.

Question: Since you have beaten everyone there is to beat. When are you going to fight Austin after all he called you out on the Tonight Show?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Anywhere, Anytime, ANYPLACE!!!!!!!!!!!! Although, I hate to beat up my best friend at the company.

Question: I know this is a bit odd but who was the best superstar to work with in WWE and who was it in WCW?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I had the most fun working with Sting and Austin. Again, I can't thank you all enough for showing up here.  It is a testament to you and my career!

Question: What made you so upset at Armageddon?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Nothing necessarily at Armageddon. It just came to a head and they were stupid to take the belt off of me.

Question: Did you enjoy Wrestlemania XX?

Bill Gldbrg Live: No, I didn't. Sad to say I didn't for a number of reasons.  It was an honor to be there, an honor to be on the stage, but not a very honorable night.

Question: Hello Bill, just a quick question. If you do decide to return to the WWE on a short term basis, can we expect to see you jump ship to SmackDown?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I'll do what it takes to make the PRODUCT BETTER!

Question: Bill, if NWA/TNA were to offer you a contract, would you accept?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I don't really don't know the product so I can't really answer that.  I would like to kill a couple of guys over there so yes, that would be an option.

Question: Goldberg, can you tell us what your movie Santa's Slay is about?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I am Santa Claus. I am the son of Satan, and I lost a bet and I have to be good for a 1000 years and the bet expires on Christmas Eve. People think Billy Bob Thornton is a BAD Santa and they haven't seen #(*$#(#(* yet.

Question: Bill, I am still sticking with you through thick and thin even though you have left the WWE after Wrestlemania XX, is there any plans in the near future for you to return to the WWE and if you do, will you consider wrestling Stone Cold Steve Austin at one of the premier WWE Events, perhaps Wrestlemania 21?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I would love nothing more then to wrestle Austin at Wrestlemania XXI. As I said before, I would consider going back if the circumstances were a lot different. I only left for those circumstances. My knee is also not good, and I want to take some time to get it operated on and get it taken care of. If I do another movie, that is what a stunt man is for.

Question: Bill, what was your favorite match that you ever wrestled in?

Bill Gldbrg Live: The matches I had with Sting. Not only do they make sense, but they were fun and realistic and that is what they are all about. It is always an honor to be in there with the Rock, an honor to be at Wrestlemania, and an honor to wrestle in front of 40,000 fans. A lot of special moments I've had.

Question What do you think of the Rock?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I think he is great. I think he is making the right decision for damn sure. More power to him and I hope he succeeds, beyond leaps and bounds. He is lucky and talented and doing what he is born to do. I guess I owe him a rematch. That is another match I would love to have. I won't rest until I can wrestle him and Austin.

Question: What dose he have to say to someone like me who has dreams of becoming a pro wrestler but people keep crushing that dream.

Bill Gldbrg Live: You need to question yourself and look at yourself in the mirror.  If you have the potential and drive then nothing can stand in your way. Be careful and be original.

Question: What are your Future Plans?

Bill Gldbrg Live: No question that I will do more acting. I am considering it. I am re-signing a Japanese contract to wrestle overseas. I want to be out there for my fans one way or another! Again, I appreciate you all being here. This is great to see the fans like this. It is a testament to you all!

Question: Happy Passover and which did you like better WCW or WWE? Why?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Happy Passover to you and everyone out there, Thank you. I like WCW better, it was a whirlwind. I was in the right place at the right time. I was the luckiest guy in Pro Wrestling, it is really hard to compare against that.

Question: Bill out of all your opponents who was your favorite to wrestle?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Thanks for the question. I enjoyed wrestling many more then just one person.

Question: Bill, what are your next projects where we can see you on TV or maybe even live?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I wrestle in Japan. I may be at Kevin Nash's movie premiere to support my buddy. I am not sure. I will be on the Best Damn Sports show. I will be on the DuPont Celebrity Car issue coming out next week.

Question: Bill, do you agree with Brock Lesnar's decision to pursue an NFL career?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Absolutely! I believe if anybody has a dream, before they die they should have the option to pursue it. He is entitled to that decision. More power to him to make himself happy.

Question: Would you like to have a triple threat match with the Rock and Austin

Bill Gldbrg Live: Again, I thank you all for being here. I appreciate it!!!  I think that would be very exciting, but I'd rather wrestle them one on one.

Question: What do you think of the talent in the WWE?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I think it is very young, very talented and good luck to them! I will say no more on that.

Question: Would you ever consider becoming the GM of RAW or SmackDown

Bill Gldbrg Live: The situation would have to be right for me to take any position. I would love to be there, I miss the guys. But most of all I miss the fans!! That was the hardest decision of my career. People stand by me and I stand up for myself and I won't take any crap. If it isn't for the betterment of the company, I will refuse it. First and foremost I need to take care of my knee.

Question: Goldberg, you are one of the greatest wrestlers. What is going to happen next in your career?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Take care of my knee, as I said. That will dictate the path I take. I would love to prosper in the movie field. Look at what the Rock is getting paid. I would love to wrestle, especially for the fans. I am grateful for the pedestal that the fans have put me on! Again, I can't thank you all enough for coming out tonight!

Question: Bill, Would you consider making a movie with The Rock?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Absolutely, I would love to! I would love to make a movie with any of my buddies.

Question: What do you think of Scott Hall?

Bill Gldbrg Live: He is a troubled soul. I wish him all the best!

Question: My question to Goldberg is, Why do you and Chris Jericho dislike each other?

Bill Gldbrg Live: We don't see eye to forehead.

Question: Would you ever do a match with Shawn Michaels?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I would love to. Shawn is a terrific wrestler and a legend.  I would love to get in the ring and bounce him around a little bit.

Question: Bill, does the abdominal tear you suffered a few years ago still give you problems?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Knock on wood, no it hasn't given me problems in a bit.  Thank God!

Question: Thank you, Goldberg for coming here tonight. If you could wrestler anyone, living or dead, wrestler or non-wrestler, who would it be?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I would love to get in the ring with Bruiser Brody! It would also be nice to see if I could jackhammer Andre the Giant. Although he probably wouldn't let me.

Question: Goldberg, who were your influences growing up?

Bill Gldbrg Live: My father and my two brothers, in football John Matusiak, Howie Long and Dick Butkus.

Question: Hi Bill what was it like to wrestle Brock Lesnar at WrestlemaniaXX

Bill Gldbrg Live: It could have been a wonderful match in history but the fans in the arena wouldn't let that happen. They just wanted to heckle us both for leaving. We didn't want to be there at that time, but give me a break. I wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for the fans.

Question: Bill, how did you feel when you wrestled your first match in the WWE at Backlash?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Rushed, very rushed. I didn't think the match had the proper preparation, nor the did the angle have the proper preparation. Although it was an honor to be there and an honor to wrestle the Rock, it could have gone better.

Quesiton: I want to ask Bill since he does so much charity work with animals if he has ever done anything with the Greyhound rescue and adoption groups?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Yes, I believe I have, with one group down in Florida.  If I haven't, then I will in the future - you can bet on it!

Question: Goldberg, At what age did you realize that you wanted to be a wrestler?

Bill Gldbrg Live: It wasn't a reality until I was 27 years old.  I always dreamed of being a professional football player and nothing else.

Question: Will your Japanese matches ever be compiled into a collection for US fans?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Absolutely YES! I am trying to get them to do PPV on the website. If not, we will do compilations on DVD. Also, so everybody knows, I've got a new clothing line coming out, and I hope you all enjoy it. I also have a gym in Florida and look for its website to be adjacent to mine. I am very excited about it.

Question: Goldberg, about your new clothing line, will it be T-shirts only?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Absolutely not. It will be T-shirts, sweat shirts, pants, fight trunks and jerseys.

Question: Bill what do you think sets you apart from the other great talents in the WWE?

Bill Gldbrg Live: My intensity and my willingness to come up with moves that people haven't done before.

Question: Goldberg, who was the easiest or hardest person to work with in the WWE?

Bill Gldbrg Live: The hardest person to work with was Mark Henry because he was heavy, and I couldn't pick him up. The easiest was Shawn Michaels.

Question: What moves are the worst to take or you won't take?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I won't take a piledriver, or a belly to back suplex. Only because of my neck. I am not afraid of much but I am afraid of being paralyzed.

Question: Goldberg when will you return to the WWE?

Bill Gldbrg Live: When things are set right, as I said in the beginning.

Question: Hey do you think you could beat Hulk Hogan back in his prime days?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Yes, no question, I have the confidence. It would be an honor to wrestle any of these people in their prime! Especially Japanese Style! Could Hulk Hogan beat me in my prime, obviously not.

Question: Goldberg what WWE Diva would you like to see in Playboy next?

Bill Gldbrg Live: It really doesn't matter to me.

Question: What's the difference between Japanese wrestling and US wrestling?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Japanese Wrestling is a lot stiffer, I know a lot of wrestlers who couldn't take it over in Japan. Not to say it is more entertaining, but to each his own.  I enjoy it more.

Question: Bill how hard is it to get into the WWE or another program of pro wrestling at say WWA4 (wrestling school)?

Bill Gldbrg Live: The fact is, it is very difficult to get in the WWE, as it is the only show in town. They can be very selective.

Question: Bill, If you were to choose one diva as your manager who would it be and why?

Bill Gldbrg Live: It would be none of them, because Goldberg doesn't have a manager. That is one of the things that makes me, me. That is no offense to any of the divas. That is like me coming out with a wig.

Question: Hi! Which city is your favorite to wrestle in and which has the best/loudest fans? Thanks!

Bill Gldbrg Live: That is an impossible question to answer. There were so many places that were so good. Too many places that were terrific. Chicago, Miami, Minnesota, Dallas, Atlanta, Oklahoma, OKC, etc. There were so many places that were so good to us. Australia and Japan were so good to us as well.   Each one has their own deal.

Question: Do you ever feel a sense of being left out since there aren't that many Jewish wrestlers?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I feel like that from time to time. It is an extremely exclusive club. I feel extremely proud to carry the torch and having the pressure on me. I welcome it with open arms.

Bill Gldbrg Live: We have 15 more minutes left, and now that I am not wrestling on Monday nights, I will have more time to interact with you all. Check out my website to see where I am going to be and see when I am going to be doing more chats. Keep posting on the site. I am going to keep my schedule posted there as well. I will be doing a lot more chats.

Question: Goldberg do you have children and how do you balance a career and your personal life?

Bill Gldbrg Live: No children. It is tough to balance a career and my personal life. With wrestling, you're always gone and stressed out. It is hard to spend time with special people. It is the same thing with the Hollywood career I am pursuing. It is very demanding.

Question: What happened at Starrcade?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I lost, where have you been?

Question: Did you actually have any creative control during your stint in the WWE and, if so, was it YOUR idea to change your entrance music, or any of the other changes you underwent

Bill Gldbrg Live: I think people know me much better than to think I had control over any of that. I wouldn't change my entrance, my music, any of that. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. Believe me, if I had creative control things would have been A LOT Different. If they paid me to be creative what you saw is what I wouldn't have created. That's a fact, jack!

Question: Hey what is your favorite moment in WWE or WCW?

Bill Gldbrg Live: That was defeating Hogan and being in front of my fans when I did it.

Question: Do you hope to win the heavyweight title?

Bill Gldbrg Live: If I don't hope to win the Heavyweight title, I'll hang up my boots tomorrow, as that is what people fight for. We all know that you don't have to have the belt to be the man!

Question: I heard you got told to stop using the Jackhammer is this truth or just speculation?

Bill Gldbrg Live: That is true, how asinine is that? That was one of the last straws that helped in breaking the camel's back.

Question: Hey Bill I was just wondering did it feel great getting a Stone Cold Stunner?

Bill Gldbrg Live: Well, it felt great, now that I am justified when I kick his ass the next time. I won't be the bad guy.

Question: How did you like Eric Bischoff in terms of him being the head guy in WCW? Do you feel that he did a good job in WCW, and did you like his booking style?

Bill Gldbrg Live: He did a good job until the company was ran by the inmates. I think we've all seen what a great job he did, it was even beating the WWE at one point.

Question: What do you think about the cruiserweight division of wrestling?

Bill Gldbrg Live: I think it is a very exciting division, every wrestling show needs one of those. I think the true excitement lies in the big men. It doesn't take anything away in any shape or form from the middleweights. They can do a lot we can't do. Guys like Mysterio, I take my hat off to them.

Bill Gldbrg Live: Thank you everybody for attending tonight! This is the first of many, I promise to be out there again soon and I look forward to the next time.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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cool, props, peace.
Our music video which was featured in the motion picture Scary Movie 5 :



  • Guest
dope read man, thanks.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
  • *****
  • Posts: 1609
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  • "When you come to a fork in the road...Take it"
What Goldberg says pretty much is bullshit.