Author Topic: Enter Brian Wilson's World for 12 Minutes...  (Read 485 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Enter Brian Wilson's World for 12 Minutes...
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2004, 08:21:39 PM »
Wow you mean to tell me that Brian Wilson had absolutely no knowledge of reading or writing music and he could still write compositions on paper. You said he was a genius, he’s way more than that, he’s a fucking messiah. Why have I been wasting my time with Jesus all these years? Well no more of that, because I’ve found Brian Wilson.

It isn’t that hard to teach yourself music (at least it wasn’t for the pop stars of the century). I don’t think any of the major song writers of the past 50 years had any formal training with music. I know for a fact that Bob Dylan taught himself.

But let’s forget about all this shit, alright. Did you read my entire post? Because if you did then you’re an idiot. I clearly stated that music is completely subjective and that one thing absolutely cannot be “better” than another. It’s all a matter of taste and opinion.

I took a while to reply to your absurd post because I was listening to Pet Sounds all week, and to tell you the truth I wasn’t even going to reply, because your post didn’t deserve a reply. But I’m not replying to you and I don’t even care if you read this. This post here is for anyone out there who may have been persuaded by your propaganda. SO ANYONE THAT DOESN’T ALREADY GET IT, LISTEN TO THESE WORDS; ART CANNOT BE MEASURED OBJECTIVELY. BRIAN WILSON IS NOT A GENIUS; HE’S JUST A MUSICAIN THAT SMILE HAPPENS TO LIKE A LOT.

Artists aren’t geniuses just because they move you emotionally. Isaac Newton was a genius, and Mozart was one because his high level of mind capacity, not because his ability to speak from the heavens. Speaking of Mozart, you actually think that Wilson will be regarded as one of his peers? You really are stupid. 40 years later and Wilson is predominantly remembered for making surf music popular. How the fuck do you figure that he’ll be seen as Mozart quality in 200 years? I’m not even comparing the two. I’m just being logical and determining that the public historical view of Wilson will never rival that of Mozart’s. You call my opinion of music fucked because I like Bruce, when you think like this.

You can promote Pet Sounds all you want. I listened to it for a God damned week and I just don’t feel what you feel. Does that make the album bad? No. But for you to call it the absolute greatest is ridiculous. You can very well say that it is your favorite, but you don’t do that. You think you can somehow prove that it is better, when it cannot be proven.

I’m not denying it’s a classic, because in my opinion it is, but so are a lot of albums. “It does well in Europe”, so what? Robbie Williams is an international superstar, is he a genius? Look at Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon”; it stayed in the world wide billboard top ten for like 14 years, it’s regarded by publications everywhere in the world as a masterpiece, it’s considered by most as the greatest produced album ever. What by your merits makes it any worse than Pet Sounds? I’ll tell you. You like Pet Sounds better. Others like Dark Side better. It’s no big deal, it’s only music and it’s just an opinion.

But let’s get back to Brian Wilson for a second; because you not only speak of his album, you speak of his personal genius. Rolling Stone did a recent list of the top 50 artists of all time. This list was not picked by the magazine. It was compiled by various voters. The voters consisted of artists, producers, and critics from all over the world. The Beatles were number one and Bob Dylan was number two, followed by Elvis. John Lennon was 38. Brian Wilson did not make the list, and the Beach Boys were number 12. So right there you have the industry pick 11 artists before Wilson’s group. The way you talk about him you’d think they’d be at the very least number two, but they weren’t. I personally don’t care much for the list or lists in general, but you said that the professionals consider Wilson as this great genius that can only be matched by the Beatles, and then you went so far as to put down Bob Dylan. Well the industry disagrees with you. And for the record Springsteen was number 23 and Michael Jackson was 35, sorry had to get that in there.

All I wanted to get across with this post was that music has no definite merit to which it can be judged. You seemed to think otherwise, and claimed that the industry is the absolute judge. Well my previous paragraph shows that Wilson isn’t top 5 on everyone’s list. Is he your personal favorite? Obviously he is, and that’s fine. The problem is when you try and prove that he is one of the best and persuade these poor young west coast rap fans to agree with you. I don’t know how many, if any, people read your posts and fall victim to your ballyhoo, but even if it’s only one person it is my duty as a human being to show him, or her, the truth. And the truth is that we are all entitled to our opinions of art, and no one opinion is better than another.

Just admit you’re wrong. You don’t have to do it on the forum. You don’t have to private message me. Just look in the mirror and tell yourself “I am wrong, and I have no right to think that my opinions of subjective entities are any better than the opinions of others”. I hope you’ve read and learned from this, because I have. Now, repent and sin no more.

yo man i'm gonna agree with you. i wish i had the patience to sit down and write exactly what you said cuz that's stuff that i wish people would realize in general. instead of me having the patience, i've just stopped posting as much and have really stopped listening to people's opinions all of a sudden because everyone seems to want everyone else to like what they like. they want to call people like 'damizza' a genius. what the fuck has any of these people done to be considered a genius? i don't get what makes cds 'incredible' and 'amazing' and 'genius' and 'classic.' you want genius? how about a deaf child composing symphonies? how about a kid that plays chess better than old men who've played it all their lives. that's genius

i respect your post cuz you got your mind right. i used to have a lot of respect for trauma, but now i feel like he's just self righteous and thinks everything he says is fact. hes starting to remind me of a religious fanatic. people that are so preoccupied with being 'right' that they have no room to even attempt to think that people are different and can have different opinions and can make their own decisions.



Re: Enter Brian Wilson's World for 12 Minutes...
« Reply #31 on: June 28, 2004, 09:30:59 PM »
^ Well, if that's what you want to think of me, that's a convienant label.  How bout I keep living my life not knowing who the fuck you are, and you do the same, and we'll both grow old and be just a.o.k. anyways; deal?


Re: Enter Brian Wilson's World for 12 Minutes...
« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2004, 09:33:11 PM »
And this one always cracks me up

"i used to have a lot of respect for trauma"

Why? What did I ever do to make you respect me?  Cuss on and say that Ice Cube was tight?  Tell you some slight sliver about my life that made me sound deep or intelligent?  I dont' deserve your respect, because you've never met me, you've never known a fucking thing about me, and in the end, the character I have put across on here is undeserving of respect from anybody.  My friends & family respect me.  People online have nothing to respect.