Author Topic: Optimism Vs. Pessimism ( A Liberals dilemma)  (Read 173 times)


Optimism Vs. Pessimism ( A Liberals dilemma)
« on: June 10, 2004, 09:42:17 PM »
People like Brian feel guilty because their forefathers and ancestors fucked the Indians out of their land and their lives.

SO THE FUCK WHAT.  I don't even give a shit.  Why? .. because I'm an optimist.  I look towards the future.  I can't do 1 fucking thing about what happened 400 years ago, I thought grown men understood this.  

Instead, these people like him, lament the problems of the past.  Slavery? WHO GIVES A FUCK.  I know I don't.  I COULD GIVE A FUCK that a black man used to be a slave.  Why? Because I had nothing to do with it, and I have no power to make it go away or get any better.  All I can do is live in the moment, and I can't save anybody else's life, it's hard enough making mine good.  

That is optimism.  I don't regret a fucking thing I have EVER done in my life.  I have always made the best decisions I could with what information I had at the time, and while many decisions have been wrong, I didn't know it then, so I can honestly say I wouldn't do anything differently.  I am an optimist, I don't dwell in the past, and I don't regret the past.

Contrast that with the attitude of the more intellectually weak on the board.  They want to time travel and save the fucking indians.  They want to time travel, and help out the civil right movement.  That's pessimism... they're pessimistic about where we're going, because they're still stuck on things that have happened in the past.  Some, like Brian, feel so horrible about things that happened before they were EVEN FUCKING BORN, that they're willing to be traitors in their own country.  I just don't understand it, I LITERALLY cannot understand how someone could be so fucking foolish to expect to change the past.  It blows my mind.  


Re:Optimism Vs. Pessimism ( A Liberals dilemma)
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2004, 10:46:12 PM »
Of course you shouldn't, you had nothing to do with the atrocities of the past. That's why I get angry when some black people want every white person in America to apologize for slavery, that's just ignorant and foolish thinking.

The government which allowed such things to happen, is a whole different issue. They are the same entity governing since the time of slavery, so I believe the government should hold responsibility for past problems.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



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Re:Optimism Vs. Pessimism ( A Liberals dilemma)
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2004, 08:40:28 AM »
History repeats itself.  If you don't learn from your past mistakes your destined to repeat them.  Isreal and the United States are currently in the process of doing the same thing to the Palestinians that was done to the Native American Indians.  

History repeats itself.  If you don't learn from your past your destined to repeat it.  Hitler had concentration camps for Jews and now America is doing similar work in Gautanomo Bay and Abu Graib.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2004, 08:41:54 AM by Hajj Ibrahim Islam »


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Re:Optimism Vs. Pessimism ( A Liberals dilemma)
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2004, 09:02:57 AM »
History repeats itself.  If you don't learn from your past mistakes your destined to repeat them.  Isreal and the United States are currently in the process of doing the same thing to the Palestinians that was done to the Native American Indians.  

History repeats itself.  If you don't learn from your past your destined to repeat it.  Hitler had concentration camps for Jews and now America is doing similar work in Gautanomo Bay and Abu Graib.

thats funny i dont recall gasing 8,000,000 middle easterns/


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Re:Optimism Vs. Pessimism ( A Liberals dilemma)
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2004, 02:22:45 PM »
History repeats itself.  If you don't learn from your past mistakes your destined to repeat them.  Isreal and the United States are currently in the process of doing the same thing to the Palestinians that was done to the Native American Indians.  

History repeats itself.  If you don't learn from your past your destined to repeat it.  Hitler had concentration camps for Jews and now America is doing similar work in Gautanomo Bay and Abu Graib.
How the hell can you relate Hitler and his concentration camps to Abu Graib and Gautanomo Bay in no way are they similar.