Author Topic: Assigned To A Breed.  (Read 120 times)


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Assigned To A Breed.
« on: July 16, 2004, 03:58:26 AM »
This is just a little something i did one night. Nothing special. I believe we're all assigned to an animal like a birth stone and a star sign. After all we came from an animal species. Anyways.. check.

My sights so sharp, i'll tear through your limbs.
I sense your fear, i can hear every single quim.
Me i range from vicious to being placid at times.
A touch of elegance to a mind so divine are my ryhmes.
I walk as a shadow, and i remain over your shoulder.
Told ya, i stand alone im not ruled as gods servant soldier.
I'll keep myself to myself, i learn from all my mistakes.
Survivor of all, from losing all but my own mental state.

-- Wolf.


So deceiving your methods of a seductive ego.
Keeping ur victims keen, nimble and feeble.
Sly on the eyes, but forward on the outcome.
Your victim had a chance, suddenly he has none.
Close shave for close quarters, skimming a rareity.
Never make the same move twice, your a step aheada me.
Stealthy apon approach, but swurving in and out of decisions.
You follow ur own beliefs and walkways, u dont acknoledge religion.

-- Cheetah.


So forward on a thought, it crosses a point of consequence.
Knowing that a move so risky, will either be relevant or nonsense.
As god sends, a distinctive attitude, so agreesive but unpredictable.
Eyes of a tiger, bite of a snake, the risk of a hyena being visible.
Daring, caring, with a love of sharing but with pleasureable comeback.
Birthing a couple full of imagination, slyness, which not one of them lacks.

-- Bull


I could go on forever.. But i just took a loada mates, and studied them i came up with these animals to what their characteristics are like. Peace 1